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Author:( Navas NATALIA)

1.Study and ICH validation of a reverse-phase liquid chromatographic method for the quantification of the intact monoclonal antibody cetuximab$

Martínezortega ANTONIO ; Herrera AGUSTíN ; Salmeróngarcía ANTONIO ; Cabeza JOSé ; Cuadrosrodríguez LUIS ; Navas NATALIA

Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 2016;6(2):117-124

2.Comparing different domains of analysis for the characterisation of N-glycans on monoclonal antibodies

Carillo SARA ; Pérez-Robles RAQUEL ; Jakes CRAIG ; Meire Ribeiro da Silva ; Martín Millán SILVIA ; Farrell AMY ; Navas NATALIA ; Bones JONATHAN

Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 2020;10(1):23-34

3.Use of subcutaneous tocilizumab to prepare intravenous solutions for COVID-19 emergency shortage: Comparative analytical study of physicochemical quality attributes

Navas NATALIA ; Hermosilla JESÚS ; Torrente-L(o)pez ANABEL ; Hern(a)ndez-Jim(e)nez JOS(E) ; Cabeza JOSE ; P(e)rez-Robles RAQUEL ; Salmer(o)n-García ANTONIO

Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 2020;10(6):532-545

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