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MeSH:( Natural Disasters)

1.Airport disaster preparedness program: A lesson learned from recent Indonesia’s earthquake in 2018

Herqutanto ; Trevino A. Pakasi ; Albert Wijaya ; Garry Anthony

Acta Medica Philippina 2022;56(1):53-58

2.Adequacy of Food Aid Packs Provided during Natural Disasters: A Provincial Case Study

Katrina G. Gomez ; Ma. Socorro E. Ignacio

Acta Medica Philippina 2020;54(5):472-478

3.Military and civilian health systems joining to meet the natural disasters

Trung The Le

Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2001;(11):3-3

4.Disaster medicine and health response to it

Trung The Le

Journal of Preventive Medicine 2000;10(4):13-17

5.Posttraumatic symptomatology of a rural Filipino population in Merida, Leyte in the wake of Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan)

Rodelen C. Paccial ; Mark Philip R. Rivera ; Bernard B. Argamosa

The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 2019;41(2):3-9

6.Blue Digit Syndrome: Treatment with Endarterectomy and Intra-Arterial Stent Placement: 2 Cases Report.

Jeong Nam KWON ; Dong Eun PARK ; Kwon Mook CHAE ; Byung Suk ROH ; Byung Jun SO

Journal of the Korean Society for Vascular Surgery 2003;19(1):94-99

7.Climate Change and Human Health.

Yun Chul HONG

Journal of the Korean Medical Association 2008;51(8):764-769

8.Experience of a Korean Disaster Medical Assistance Team in Sri Lanka after the South Asia Tsunami.

Young Ho KWAK ; Sang Do SHIN ; Kyu Seok KIM ; Woon Yong KWON ; Gil Joon SUH

Journal of Korean Medical Science 2006;21(1):143-150

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