Ariunzaya B ; Badamsuren D ; Ulzmaa G ; Baasansuren B ; Nasantogtokh D ; Suvdaa B
Innovation 2017;11(2):16-18
BACKGROUND. HCV-infected and obesity related liver diseases are leading to increases
in the prevalence of advanced liver disease. So, studying liver disease, especially liver
fibrosis is crucial issue of today. In Mongolia digestive system disease is second causation
of non-communicable disease. Therefrom in last years hepatocellular carcinoma is most
common malignancy, first of all cancers in Mongolia. In response to acute or chronic liver
injury, hepatic fibrosis is the accumulation of extracellular matrix and ultimately leads to
cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is the end-stage of fibrosis, resulting in nodule formation that may lead
to altered hepatic function and blood flow. Defining the phase of liver fibrosis is crucial
for therapeutic choice prognosis, important role in monitoring treatment. At the present
time, use of direct and undirect biomarkers methods could be recommended for liver
fibrosis stage. The aim of this study is to determine liver fibrosis stage and to compare
undirect biomarkers in chronic viral hepatitis, cirrhosis. METHODS: 630 cases by chronic
viral hepatitis and cirrhosis at third central hospital in Mongolia from retrospectively reviewed
and analysed. The clinical data including AST, ALT, platelet count and INR were
recorded. APRI, FIB-4, AAR and FibroQ were calculated. RESULT: From all, males 42.06%
and females 57.94%, with mean age of 55.35±24.0, in 130 cases with chronic viral hepatitis
and 500 cases with cirrhosis. In cases of cirrhosis, mean value of platelet count, ALT,
AST, INR was 120.54±73.53, 104.55±500.22, 111.68±279.97, 2.19±10.45, respectively. And in
cases of chronic viral hepatitis platelet count mean value was 211.18±6.42.
APRI was detected <0.5 cutoff value (F0-F1) 11.7% non-fibrosis, 0.5-1.5 score (F2-F3) 27.5%
fibrosis, >1.5 cutoff value (F4) 60.8% cirrhosis. FIB-4 was determined <1.45 cutoff value
(F0-F1) 14.8% non-fibrosis, 1.45-3.25 score (F2-F3) 15.7% fibrosis, >3.25 cutoff value (F4)
69.5%, AAR was showed <0.4 cutoff value (F0-F1) 2.3% non-fibrosis, 0.4-1 score (F2-F3)
30.2% fibrosis, >1 cutoff value (F4) 67.5%. And FibroQ was detected <0.6 cutoff value (F0-
F1) 0.5% non-fibrosis, 0.6-2.6 score (F2-F3) 6% fibrosis, cutoff value 2.6< (F4) 93.5 cirrhosis.
In study liver fibrosis staging by APRI, AAR, FIB-4 and FibroQ score system, AAR was determined
fibrosis in 190 cases. CONCLUSION: Recorded data ALT, AST, INR in cases of
cirrhosis were detected 104.55±500.22, 111.68±279.97, 2.19±10.45, respectively. And in
cases of chronic hepatitis platelet count mean value was 211.18±6.42. APRI, AAR, FIB-4,
FibroQ was determined fibrosis 27.5%,30.16%,15.71% and 6.03%, respectively.