1.Factors associated with obstetric and perinatal outcomes among pregnant teen/adolescent Filipino 13–19 years old in a tertiary hospital
Marianne Joy N. N. Naria-Maritana ; Vanessa-Maria F. Torres-Ticzon
Acta Medica Philippina 2022;56(15):59-68
The 2013 National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) showed that 1 in 10 young Filipino women aged 15–19 years are childbearing. Yet, teenage pregnancy is known to be associated with complications in the mother and the child.
This study aimed to describe the sociodemographic characteristics and obstetric and perinatal outcomes of teenage pregnancy among Filipino women aged 13–19 years at the Philippine General Hospital.
This is a retrospective study consisting of reviewing the hospital records of teenage mothers from years 2014–2016. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the gathered data.
Almost 50% of the cases of adolescent pregnancy yielded obstetric and perinatal complications. The odds of having abnormal obstetric outcome among mothers with obstetric score of g1 is 7.8 times (95% CI: 2.0 to 30.7) higher as compared to other gravida scores and the odds of having at least one perinatal disorder decreases by 19% (95% CI: 6% to 30%) as the mothers regularly visit an obstetric clinic. This study also showed that among the pregnant adolescents, most of their partners were of legal age. Thirty-nine (23.9%) of them were seen by the Adolescent Service while 31(19%) were seen by the Child Protection Unit (CPU).
With the noted obstetric and perinatal outcomes, teenage pregnancy is an important issue that needs to be dealt with. To ensure good outcomes, provision of health care services designed particularly to cater to the needs of adolescent mothers should be properly and timely implemented. A referral to the Adolescent Service and CPU will greatly improve policies pertaining to provision of holistic care and protection services to teenage mothers.
Pregnancy in Adolescence
2.A cross-sectional triangulation analysis of the knowledge, attitudes and practices of patients from the endocrinology clinic of the Philippine General Hospital on the use of herbal dietary supplements.
Ong Scott Riley K. ; Mier Jana Deborah B. ; Mesina Bryan Vincent Q. ; Montevirgen Karen Anjela M. ; Nabor Maria Isabel P. ; Nagpala Lovely Angelica A. ; Naidas Ana Louise M. ; Naria Marianne Joy N. ; Nelson Zane Oliver M. ; Nera Ericka Joan R. ; Ocon Maetrix O. ; Olivera Janna Elyza P. ; Ong Kimberly Mae C. ; Orduña Patricia C. ; Ortal Abigail Z. ; Pacheco Alexandra P. ; Paclibar Ronnellee G. ; Padre Sarah May C. ; Palomar Hanna Francesca M. ; Sio Susie O. ; Sison Ma. Concepcion C.
Acta Medica Philippina 2013;47(4):58-67
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of a selected population of patients on herbal dietary supplements (HDS).
METHOD: Methodological triangulation was used to generate a conceptual framework on HDS KAP. A survey of 175 patients was performed to measure knowledge and attitudes regarding HDS and SPSS was used for data analysis. Inverviews and focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted to further explore the attitudes and practices, and constant comparison method was used for analysis of responses.
RESULTS: Respondents were generally aware of HDS. Majority of survey respondents believed that HDS are different from conventional drugs (52.0%, p<0.05). However, knowledge on the role of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in regulating HDS and understanding of "No Approved Therapeutic Claims" were poor.
The attitude toward HDS was generally positive. Majority (64.0%, p<0.05) were positive toward their perceived health benefits as claimed for the prevention of diseases, while a smaller percentage (46.9%, p<0.05) believed in their benefit for the treatment of diseases. A favorable attitude regardings HDS safety was observed due to the idea of their being "herbal" and "natural".
Among the survey respondents, only 22% were HDS users. Family was shown to promote use while cost deterred their use.
CONCLUSION: Individual knowledge and attitudes on HDS exert significant influence toward HDS practices. Factors that promote use are poor knowledge and positive attitudes toward HDS. Good knowledge seems to lead to judicious use or non-use.
Human ; Male ; Female ; Aged ; Middle Aged ; Adult ; Focus Groups ; United States Food And Drug Administration ; Awareness ; Perception ; Safety ; Attitude ; Dietary Supplements
3.A call for an evidence-informed criteria selection to guide equitable health investments in the era of Universal Health Care: Policy analysis
Ma. Esmeralda C. Silva ; Ma-Ann M. Zarsuelo ; Marianne Joy N. Naria-Maritana ; Zenith D. Zordilla ; Hilton Y. Lam ; Michael Antonio F. Mendoza ; Ara Karizza G. Buan ; Frances Karen A. Nuestro ; Janvic A. Dela Rosa ; Carmencita D. Padilla
Acta Medica Philippina 2020;54(6):659-667
The passage of the Universal Health Care (UHC) Act in the Philippines in early 2019 intensified the need to ensure equitable health investments by the government. Exploring the different criteria and indicators that are used to determine areas that are most in need of health services can help local and national health authorities determine priorities for health investments given finite resources.
A systematic review of literature on determinants of health equity and other indicators was conducted as pre-work to generate discussion points to the roundtable discussion participated by all major key stakeholders. Shared insights and expertise were thematically analyzed to produce a policy paper with consensus policy recommendations.
Based on the review of the literature and the discussion, indicators (mainly physical inaccessibility and socioeconomic factors) for identifying Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDA) in DOH Administrative Order 185, s. 2004 is used to prioritize municipalities for health investments. Review of other policies and guidelines to determine the level of health needs and prioritizing investments yielded to four laddered domains: geographic, population characteristics (e.g., social and cultural determinants of access), health system (e.g., health service delivery), and health status. These domains may provide a more equitable set of metrics for health investment. The Local Investment Plan for Health (LIPH) is the current process used for health-related investments at the local level and may be revised to be more responsive to the requirements set by the UHC Act 2018. Hot spotting to concentrate health services by communities may be a more rapid approach to investment planning for health. Bed capacity as a specific metric in the UHC Act 2018 highlights the need for a review of the Hospital Licensure Act 2004.
Conclusion and Recommendations
To aid in determining priorities for health investments, a comprehensive integrated analysis of resources, determinants, and indicators should be done to determine the need and the gaps in the available resources. Innovative strategies can also be best implemented such as mathematical models or formulas. Lastly, current strategies in the development, monitoring, and evaluation of investment planning for health at different levels should be strengthened, expanded, and harmonized with other existing development plans.
Universal Health Care
Health Equity
4.Policy analysis on determining hospital bed capacity in light of Universal Health Care
Ma. Esmeralda C. Silva ; Ma-Ann M. Zarsuelo ; Marianne Joy N. Naria-Maritana ; Zenith D. Zordilla ; Hilton Y. Lam ; Michael Antonio F. Mendoza ; Ara Karizza G. Buan ; Frances Karen A. Nuestro ; Janvic A. Dela Rosa ; Carmencita D. Padilla
Acta Medica Philippina 2020;54(6):668-676
Through the years of improving quality health service delivery, hospital bed capacity in the Philippines has remained to be a persistent challenge. In light of the aim of the Universal Health Care Act to protect and promote the right to health of every Filipino, one metric used to identify areas that are in most need or are under served, is the number of public hospital beds vis a vis the catchment population.
The systematic review of literature was utilized to generate a policy brief presented to the invited stakeholders of the policy issue for the roundtable discussion participated by all key stakeholders of the policy issue. Evidence and insights were thematically analyzed to generate consensus policy recommendations.
With the current hospital bed availability and maldistribution, the Philippines still faces compounded issues in addressing healthcare demands. Currently, the request for increasing bed capacity is done through legislation. In context, this request is also parallel in expanding service capacity through the allocation of more funds and personnel. The ratio of private and charity beds must ensure to have equity among all patients of varying segments of the population. Enjoining private hospitals to share bed capacity for public service was also explored given appropriate subsidies.
Conclusion and Recommendation
To ensure equity in health service delivery, it is imperative to assess, strategize, and conduct prioritization of the needs of government hospitals for increased bed capacity, considering the distribution, socio-demographic profile, and health needs of the catchment population.
Hospital Bed Capacity
5.Addressing primary care inequities in underserved areas of the Philippines: A review
Marianne Joy N. Naria-Maritana ; Gabriel R. Borlongan ; Ma-Ann M. Zarsuelo ; Ara Karizza G. Buan ; Frances Karen A. Nuestro ; Janvic A. Dela Rosa ; Ma. Esmeralda C. Silva ; Michael Antonio F. Mendoza ; Leonardo R. Estacio
Acta Medica Philippina 2020;54(6):722-733
Background. Inequities in health care exist in the Philippines due to various modifiable and non-modifiable determinants. Through the years, different interventions were undertaken by the government and various stakeholders to address these inequities in primary care. However, inequities still continue to persist. The enactment of the Universal Health Care (UHC) Act aims to ensure that every Filipino will have equitable access to comprehensive and quality health care services by strengthening primary care. As a step towards UHC, the government endeavors to guarantee equity by prioritizing assistance and support to underserved areas in the country. This paper aims to review different interventions to promote equity in the underserved areas that could aid in needs assessment.
A search through PUBMED and Google Scholar was conducted using the keywords, “inequity,” “primary care” and “Philippines.” The search yielded more than 10,000 articles which were further filtered to publication date, relevance to the topic, and credibility of source. A total of 58 full-text records were included in the review.
Results and Discussion:
In the Philippines, inequities in primary care exist in the context of health programs, facilities, human health resources, finances, and training. These were recognized by various stakeholders, from government and private sector, and nongovernment organizations, taking actions to address inequities, applying different strategies and approaches but with a shared goal of improving primary care. On another end, social accountability must also be instilled among Filipinos to address identified social and behavioral barriers in seeking primary care. With political commitment, improvement in primary care towards health equity can be achieved.
Conclusion and Recommendation
To address inequities in primary care, there is a need to ensure adequate human resources for health, facilities, supplies such as medications, vaccination, clean water, and sources of funds. Moreover, regular conduct of training on healthcare services and delivery are needed. These will capacitate health workers and government leaders with continuous advancement in knowledge and skills, to be effective providers of primary care. Institutionalizing advocacy in equity through policies in healthcare provision would help realize the aims of the Universal Health Care Act.
Universal Health Care
Primary Health Care