1.Disease control programmes and health system strengthening in developing countries: Current relation and possible future collaboration
Hitoshi MURAKAMI ; Naoko ISHIKAWA ; Hideki MIYAMOTO ; Daisuke NONAKA
Journal of International Health 2009;24(4):299-308
On 8 March 2009, the Workshop on Infectious Diseases Control Programmes and Health System Strengthening (HSS) was conducted in the 24th East Japan Regional Conference of the Japan Association for International Health. This article reports the discussion in the Workshop and the internet-based open forum that followed.
After four presentations reflecting on the field-based experiences regarding the relation between disease-specific programmes and HSS, following three aspects were discussed: 1) health system-wide barriers perceived through the implementation of disease-specific programmes; 2) shortcomings of the disease-specific initiatives in light of the HSS; and 3) how the disease-specific initiatives can contribute to the HSS.
As the system-wide barriers, insufficient quantity and quality of health human resources, lack of health infrastructure and material resources and limitation of the technology applicable to community level of developing countries were commonly perceived. Shortfall of disease-specific programmes in light of the HSS included the lacked coordination between different programmes and donors, duplicated heavy workload put on community health workers especially in recording and reporting, dissociation between local health needs and programme priorities, lack of contributions to strengthening mid-level health administration, deviation of resources to the priority programmes and lack of sharing of potentially sharable material resources. It was proposed that the disease-specific initiatives should contribute to resource mobilization, programme management models, capacity building of mid-level health administration, supplementing personnel cost and presenting hardware and software outcome resources to the HSS.
The disease-specific initiatives need to pursue the above mentioned practical contributions to the HSS. At the same time, a wider scope addressing political and policy-wise justifications of the form of the overall health system needs to be further discussed with developing countries stakeholders.
2."Oketsu" and Hemorheological Changes-Examination by Micro Channel Array Flow Analyzer-(the first report)
Yuzo HORIBE ; Syogo ISHINO ; Naoko HISAMITSU ; Thein LAIN ; Shintaro ISHIKAWA ; Takao SATO ; Tadashi HISAMITSU
Kampo Medicine 2004;55(5):645-648
Scientific elucidation of “oketsu (blood stasis)” states is very important to understanding the diagnostic methods of oriental medicine. We investigated the correlation of blood fluidity to oketsu states, by micro channel array flow analyzer (MC-FAN). Twenty-seven female patients were divided into three groups: a non-oketsu group, a mildly affected group, and a severely affected group according to the diagnostic criteria of their oketsu syndrome. Immediately after collecting their venous blood, whole blood passage time was measured by MC-FAN. And we compared and investigated the correlation with degree of oketsu state, diagnostic criteria and changes of whole blood passage time after the administration of ku-oketsu drugs. As a result, whole-blood passage time of the mildly affected group and the severely affected group were significantly longer than that of the non-oketsu group, while the [an] improvement of blood fluidity was observed after medication. This study confirms that reduced blood fluidity is seen using MC-FAN in oketsu states, and that ku-oketsu drugs are able to improve these states.
3.Successful Approach to Treatment of Dialysis Hypotension.
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1999;48(4):638-643
Dialysis hypotension is one of the most common complications observed during hemodialysis. As it may be due to vasodilatation, vasoconstrictors are usually given to patients to control blood pressure. Howerver, there are some patients who are resistant to the medication with vasoconstrictors. Recently, it has been reported that as one of the treatments of dialysis hypotension, the cooling of dialysate is effective in inducing vasoconstriction via stimulating the sympathetic nerve system. Also, the application of the interaction of citrus juices with some kinds of drugs to the treatment of dialysis hypotension has been reported effective. In the present study, we examined the effectiveness of those two methods in nine hemodialysis patients in whom dialysis hypotension had not been improved with vasoconstrictors. Dialysate temperatures were lowered from 36.0 to 35.0 C during hemodialysis and/or 100m1 of citrus juice (grapefruit juice) were given to the patients before hemodialysis in addition to vasoconstrictors. Lowering dialysate temperaturse reduced the incidence of intradialytic hypotension and helped improve the patients' quality of life after hemodialysis therapy. Body temperature remained unchanged between before and after hemodialysis. However, we observed cramps in two patients and an impairment of consciousness in one patient during hemodialysis. Thus, we concluded due caution should be exercise against the side effects during hemodialysis when dialysate temperatures are lowered. Meanwhile, the intake of grapefruit juice before hemodialysis was not effective for the improvement of intradialytic hypotension and the patients' quality of life.
4.Integrating HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis screening and treatment through the Maternal, Newborn and Child Health platform to reach global elimination targets
Joseph WOODRING ; Naoko ISHIKAWA ; Mari NAGAI ; Maya MALARSKI ; Yoshihiro TAKASHIMA ; Howard SOBEL ; Ying-Ru LO
Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2017;8(4):1-5
Every year, an estimated 180 000 babies in the Western Pacific Region are infected by hepatitis B, 13 000 by syphilis and 1400 by HIV through mother-to-child transmission.1 These infections can be largely prevented by antenatal screening, treatment and timely vaccination for newborns. Despite challenges in controlling each disease, major achievements have been made. National immunization programmes have reduced the regional hepatitis B prevalence from over 8% in 1990 to 0.93% among children born in 2012. In addition, HIV testing and treatment have helped keep the regional prevalence of HIV infections at 0.1%. In contrast, the number of maternal syphilis cases is still high in the Western Pacific Region, with an estimated 45 million cases in 2012. Elimination of mother-to-child transmission of these infections cannot be achieved through vertically applied programming and require using and augmenting to the shared Maternal, Newborn and Child Health platform to coordinate, integrate and enable cost efficiencies for these elimination efforts. The Regional Framework for Triple Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV, Hepatitis B and Syphilis in Asia and the Pacific 2018–2030 offers such a coordinated approach towards achieving the triple elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis and provides guidance for decision-makers, managers and health professionals working in programmes addressing maternal, newborn and child health, HIV, hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections and immunization.
5.Prevalence of syphilis, gonorrhoea and chlamydia in women in Fiji, the Federated States of Micronesia, Papua New Guinea and Samoa, 1995–2017: Spectrum-STI model estimates
Takeshi Nishijima ; Devina Nand ; Nefertti David ; Mathias Bauri ; Robert Carney ; Khin Cho Win Htin ; Ye Yu Shwe ; Anup Gurung ; Guy Mahiane ; Naoko Ishikawa ; Melanie Taylor ; Eline Korenromp
Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2020;11(1):29-40
To estimate prevalence levels of and time trends for active syphilis, gonorrhoea and chlamydia in women
aged 15–49 years in four countries in the Pacific (Fiji, the Federated States of Micronesia [FSM], Papua New Guinea
[PNG] and Samoa) to inform surveillance and control strategies for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
The Spectrum-STI model was fitted to data from prevalence surveys and screenings of adult female populations
collected during 1995−2017 and adjusted for diagnostic test performance and to account for undersampled high-risk
populations. For chlamydia and gonorrhoea, data were further adjusted for age and differences between urban and
rural areas.
Prevalence levels were estimated as a percentage (95% confidence interval). In 2017, active syphilis
prevalence was estimated in Fiji at 3.89% (2.82 to 5.06), in FSM at 1.48% (0.93 to 2.16), in PNG at 3.91% (1.67
to 7.24) and in Samoa at 0.16% (0.07 to 0.37). For gonorrhoea, the prevalence in Fiji was 1.63% (0.50 to 3.87); in
FSM it was 1.59% (0.49 to 3.58); in PNG it was 11.0% (7.25 to 16.1); and in Samoa it was 1.61% (1.17 to 2.19).
The prevalence of chlamydia in Fiji was 24.1% (16.5 to 32.7); in FSM it was 23.9% (18.5 to 30.6); in PNG it was
14.8% (7.39 to 24.7); and in Samoa it was 30.6% (26.8 to 35.0). For each specific disease within each country, the
95% confidence intervals overlapped for 2000 and 2017, although in PNG the 2017 estimates for all three STIs were
below the 2000 estimates. These patterns were robust in the sen sitivity analyses.
This study demonstrated a persistently high prevalence of three major bacterial STIs across four countries
in WHO’s Western Pacific Region during nearly two decades. Further strengthening of strategies to control and prevent
STIs is warranted.