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Author:( Muktader Kalbi)

1.Timely and conservative anticoagulation in Septic Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis: A case report

Kevin Paul DA. Enriquez ; Muktader Kalbi ; Salip Nastra Jumaani

Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 2021;59(1):58-61

2.Stroke thrombolysis in the Philippines

Jose C NAVARRO ; Maria Cristina San Jose ; Epifania COLLANTES ; Maria Cristina MACROHON-VALDEZ ; Artemio ROXAS ; John HIYADAN ; Arturo SURDILLA ; Muktader KALBI ; Francesca De LEON-GACRAMA ; Cyrus G ESCABILLAS ; Macario REANDELAR

Neurology Asia 2018;23(2):115-120

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