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Author:( Mueller I.)

1.Diagnostic capacity and antimalarial availability in Papua New Guinea before the introduction of a revised national malaria treatment protocol.

Kurumop SF ; Pulford J ; Mueller I ; Siba P ; Hetzel MW

Papua New Guinea medical journal 2014;57(1-4):59-67

2.The proportion of fevers attributable to malaria varies significantly between sites in Papua New Guinea.

Hetzel MW ; Paul S ; Benjamin L ; Makita L ; Mueller I ; Siba PM

Papua New Guinea medical journal 2014;57(1-4):39-51

3.The epidemiology of malaria in the Papua New Guinea highlands: 7. Southern Highlands Province.

Maraga S ; Pluss B ; Schopflin S ; Sie A ; Iga J ; Ousari M ; Yala S ; Meier G ; Reeder JC ; Mueller I.

Papua New Guinea medical journal 2011;54(1-2):35-47

4.Evaluation of the Global Fund-supported National Malaria Control Program in Papua New Guinea, 2009-2014.

Hetzel MW ; Pulford J ; Maraga S ; Barnadas C ; Reimer LJ ; Tavul L ; Jamea-Maiasa S ; Tandrapah T ; Maalsen A ; Makita L ; Siba PM ; Mueller I

Papua New Guinea medical journal 2014;57(1-4):7-29

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