1.A case of aortoenteric fistula associated with behcet disease.
Yasuyuki SUZUKI ; Mototsugu KHONO ; Tomoaki JIKUYA ; Ikuo FUKUDA ; Tatsuo TSUTSUI ; Hiroshi IJIMA ; Motokazu HORI
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1990;19(6):1128-1132
Aortoduodenal fistula is rare complication of nonoperative abdominal aortic aneurysm. We successfully treated a case of primary aortoenteric fistula associated with Behcet's Disease with two surgical intervention. The patient was 41 years old man. He admitted to our hospital because of severe shock due to enormous gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Emergency laparotomy revealed the inflammatory abdominalaneurysm ruptured into the duodenum. As the saccular aneurysm was densely adherent with duodenum and retoroperitoneum, graft replacement was abandoned. Primary closure of the perforated area of duodenum and the neck of aneurysm were performed. Axillofemoral bypass restored blood flow of the lower extremities. Three month after the operation, aortoduodenal fistula recurred. On the second operation, abdominal aorta was divided through retroperitoneal approach. However, primary closure of the enteric perforation with graft replacement of the aorta is considered as the first choice of the surgical treatment for aortoenteric fistula. In a case of difficult condition such as this patient with severe shock or retroperitoneal fibrosis, repair of the duodenum wall and division of the abdominal aorta with axillofemoral bypass is an alternative method of choice.