We describe two cases of a 9-day-old male and a 5-year-10-month-old female who had congestive heart failure due to severe mitral regurgitation. Preoperative echocardiogram revealed severe mitral regurgitation due to dysplasia of the leaflet, chordae and papillary muscle. Because the leaflet area was not enough for the valve orifice, we performed double orifice repair by suturing the free edge to the corresponding edge of the opposite leaflet. The mitral regurgitation was found to be significantly reduced on postoperative echocardiogram. Double orifice repair is simple and can be performed rapidly. However, although this technique has been performed in adults, it has not been commonly performed in infants. Our results suggest that this procedure can be useful for the congenital mitral regurgitation. Long-term follow-up is needed to confirm the result.