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Author:( Michio Akagi)

1.Current Status of the Clinical Simulation Laboratory at Kyorin University Faculty of Medicine and Affiliated Hospital

Yasuhiko Tomita ; Itsuko Sakamoto ; Michio Akagi

Medical Education 2011;42(3):141-147

3.Utility and Usefulness of the Skills Laboratory to Improve Practical Training in Clinical Skills

Takato UENO ; Ichiro YOSHIDA ; Akihiro HAYASHI ; Yoshinori TAKAJYO ; Masayuki WATANABE ; Taketo KUROKI ; Kouichi YOSHIMURA ; Kimio USHIJIMA ; Yoshiko SUEYASU ; Kazuhiko MATSUO ; Takuji TORIMURA ; Hitoshi ABE ; Hiroshi MIYAZAKI ; Syusuke KONO ; Teiji AKAGI ; Yutaka NAKASHIMA ; Michio SATA

Medical Education 2003;34(2):81-87

4.Analyses of Scores of Examinations for Practical Training in Clinical Skills and for Clinical Training and Scores of Graduation Examinations in Undergraduate Medical Students

Takato UENO ; Ichiro YOSHIDA ; Hiroki INUTSUKA ; Mariko HOTTA ; Takuji TORIMURA ; Hitoshi ABE ; Syuhei KOUNO ; Akihiro HAYASHI ; Masayuki WATANABE ; Teiji AKAGI ; Kazuhiko MATUO ; Yoshio OGO ; Yoshinori TAKAJYO ; Hiroshi MIYAZAKI ; Michio SATA

Medical Education 2004;35(5):303-308

5.The Current Status and Issues of Clinical Training Workshops for Attending Physicians at Kyorin University Affiliated Hospital

Yasuhiko TOMITA ; Kyorin University Affiliated Hospital General Education Center ; Tomoharu YAJIMA ; Kyorin University Affiliated Hospital General Education Center ; Michio AKAGI ; Kyorin University Affiliated Hospital General Education Center ; Makiko KINOSHITA

Medical Education 2019;50(3):237-243

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