1.Leigh Syndrome in a Filipino Child: A case report.
Michelle G. SY ; Ma. Antonia Aurora MORAL-VALENCIA
Journal of Medicine University of Santo Tomas 2022;6(2):1027-1038
Leigh disease and Leigh-like syndrome are a heterogenous group of neurodegenerative disorders involving any level of the neuraxis and may present with a variety of clinical presentations, prominent among them is psychomotor regression. Despite the remarkable number of established disease genes and novel mutations being discovered, many cases of Leigh syndrome remain without a genetic diagnosis, indicating that there are still more disease genes to be identified.
Here we present a case of a two and a half-year-old girl who presented with delayed acquisition of developmental milestones with subsequent regression, ataxia, and dyskinesia. Her work-up showed raised blood lactate levels and lactate peak in MR spectroscopy. Mitochondria genome showed absence of mitochondrial DNA mutation, while whole exome sequence analysis revealed a novel dynein gene variant, p.A1577S. Her parents underwent genetic testing as well, and her father also had the same dynein mutation, however, is non-symptomatic. She had an older brother who initially presented with ophthalmoplegia and eventually developed psychomotor regression. He subsequently expired from respiratory failure after almost 2 years from initial presentation. Both siblings were diagnosed with Leigh syndrome.
The diagnosis of Leigh syndrome remains based on characteristic clinical and radiologic findings. However, a specific defect must be identified if reliable genetic counseling is to be provided.
Neurodegenerative Diseases|leigh Disease
2.We got to move it, move it: The lived experiences of family carers of youth with chronic neurodevelopmental disorders as they enter into adult health care
Michelle G SY ; Maria Minerva P CALIMAG ; Rosalina Q DE SAGUN ; Maria Antonia Aurora M VALENCIA
Journal of Medicine University of Santo Tomas 2020;4(2):486-499
Background and objective :
disabilities in adolescents have signifi cant effects on
medical and social function. One of these challenges
is their transition into adult care. Parental involvement
is critical because these young adults may have more
diffi culties in making informed decisions independently. Thus, the transition process involves not only the
direct health care needs of the young adult, but the
needs and concerns of the parents or carers who are
instrumental in guiding that process. This study aims
to explore the expectations and experiences of family carers of youths with chronic neurodevelopmental
disorders who have undergone or are about to undergo transition into adult healthcare in a Filipino-based
health care system.
A descriptive phenomenology was used to
gain an in-depth understanding of parents’ perceptions
and experiences of their youths’ transition process from
a pediatric to an adult health care setting. The results
were analyzed manually using Colaizzi’s method, which
involves integrating both the destructured and restructured analysis principles of phenomenology. Purposive
sampling was used to interview 13 family carers of 13
youths with various neurodevelopmental disorders using a semi-structured interview questionnaire.
Results :
Despite the lack of information on the transition process, our study found that carers did not have
a strong inclination to resist the transition event. Most
of the carers treat the health care provider as a major
decision maker in determining the timing and manner
of transition, adopting a “doctor knows best” attitude.
Several other hindrances and facilitators to successful
transition were also identifi ed and are similar to the
current literature.
This study provides a greater understanding of carers’ perceptions and experiences of
transition care for youths with neurodevelopmental
disorders in the local setting. They exhibited trust and confi dence in the medical profession as a whole, and
had a “doctor knows best” attitude that may enable
successful transitioning.
Transitional Care
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
3.Burden of care of Filipino children with epilepsy and its impact on quality of life, anxiety and depressive symptoms among caregivers
Julie Ann Kristy L TORRES ; Rowena ARCA-CABRADILLA ; Michelle G SY ; Ma. Lourdes P CORRALES-JOSON ; Maria Antonia MORAL-VALENCIA ; Rosalina Q DE SAGUN
Journal of Medicine University of Santo Tomas 2019;3(2):326-335
Background :
Caregiver burden and its impact on
the quality of life is as important as determining the
quality of life of children with epilepsy as these factors inl uence each other as well as the outcome of
these children.
Objectives :
The primary objective of the study was
to determine the association between caregiver burden and quality of life as well as anxiety and depressive symptoms among caregivers of Filipino children
with epilepsy. Also, the study aimed to determine
the prevalence rate of caregiver burden, impaired
quality of life, anxiety, and depressive symptoms in
an ambulatory care setting.
Methodology :
In this cross-sectional survey, adult
caregivers accompanying their pediatric patients with epilepsy at a single tertiary center were recruited. Sociodemographic and clinical data were collected. The participants completed questionnaires
for caregiver burden, quality of life, anxiety, and
depressive symptoms.
Results :
Fifty-three caregivers participated with a
mean age of 38 years. Most of them were females,
married, unemployed, and at least college level.
The mean age of their patients was 9.4 years and
71.7% of patients were on a single anti-epileptic
drug. Lower educational level was less likely associated with caregiver burden. Although impaired
quality of life and depressive symptoms were more
likely associated with caregiver burden, this association did not reach statistical signii cance.
The prevalence rate of caregiver burden, impaired quality of life, anxiety, and depressive symptoms were 24.5%, 22.6%, 28.3%, and
9.4% respectively, among caregivers of Filipino
children with epilepsy at a single tertiary center. Lower educational level was the only characteristic
signii cantly associated with lesser odds of having
caregiver burden
Caregiver Burden
Quality of Life
4.Clinical profile of genetically confirmed Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Among Filipino children less than 18 years old
Lalaine B. Villaflor-Oida ; Raymond L. Rosales ; Ma. Antonia Aurora M. Valencia ; Michelle G. Sy ; Yuh-Jyh Jong
Journal of Medicine University of Santo Tomas 2023;7(1):1138-1143
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is the most common inherited lethal disease in children. Confirmatory diagnosis is based on molecular genetic testing of survival motor neuron (SMN) genes. We aimed to describe the phenotypic presentation of Filipino infants and children with SMA based on the copy number analysis of SMN genes. Medical records of 17 Filipino children were reviewed from January 2017 to December 2019. De-identified clinical data fulfilled the diagnostic criteria defined by the International SMA Consortium.
Among Filipino children, the predominant SMA type by copy number was type I having two copies of SMN2 gene. The clinical severity based on symptom onset and highest functional motor capacity attained correlated with SMN2 copy number congruent with existing data. A significant time lag between symptom onset to confirmation of genetic diagnosis was noted. Nine out of the 17 (52%) children did not have a family history of the disease, raising the possibility of mutation carriers in these families since the incidence of de novo mutations in literature is about 2%.
These data offered the first epidemiological pattern of genetically confirmed SMA among Filipino children; provided additional information for genetic counselling; and an avenue to consider pre-symptomatic newborn screening and carrier testing that would change proactive measures and opportunities for therapy. These measures unavoidably will decrease the incidence and prevalence of disease in the future.
Muscular Atrophy, Spinal
5.Risk of COVID-19 outcomes among healthcare workers: Findings from the Philippine CORONA retrospective cohort study
Adrian I. Espiritu ; Carl Froilan D. Leochico ; Isabella E. Supnet ; Emilio Q. Villanueva III ; Marie Charmaine C. Sy ; Veeda Michelle M. Anlacan ; Roland Dominic G. Jamora
Acta Medica Philippina 2024;58(Early Access 2024):1-8
While many healthcare workers (HCWs) contracted COVID-19 during the pandemic, more information is needed to fully understand the potential for adverse health effects in this population segment. The aim of the present study is to examine the association between healthcare worker status and neurologic and clinical outcomes in COVID-19 infected inpatients.
Using the nationwide database provided by the retrospective cohort Philippine CORONA study, we
extracted relevant data and performed a secondary analysis primarily focusing on the presentation and outcomes of healthcare workers. Propensity score matching in a 3:1 ratio was performed to match HCWs and non-HCWs. We performed multiple logistic and Cox regression analyses to determine the relationship between HCWs and COVID-19 clinical outcomes.
We included 3,362 patients infected with COVID-19; of which, 854 were HCWs. Among the HCWs, a total
of 31 (3.63%) and 45 (5.27%) had the primary outcomes of in-hospital mortality and respiratory failure, respectively. For both overall and 3:1 propensity-matched cohorts, being an HCW significantly decreased the odds of the following outcomes: severe/critical COVID-19 at nadir; in-hospital mortality; respiratory failure; intensive care unit admission; and hospital stay >14 days.
We found that being an HCW is not associated with worse neurologic and clinical outcomes among
patients hospitalized for COVID-19.
Health Personnel
Cohort Studies