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Author:( Mellinor Aspuria Ang)

1.Utility of the Pediatric Shock Index as a predictor of outcomes in cases of Dengue in a pediatric tertiary children's hospital.

Socorro Marie V. Buensalido ; Mellinor Aspuria Ang

The Philippine Children’s Medical Center Journal 2020;16(2):1-13

2.A comparative study of acetated isotonic electrolyte solution, normal saline solution, and lactated ringer’s solution in the initial fluid resuscitation of children 1 month to 18 years old with severe dengue at the Philippine Children’s Medical Center.

Allen Kilby M. Palon ; Mary Joy S. Torres ; Ervina J. Astih ; Mellinor A. Aspuria-Ang

The Philippine Children’s Medical Center Journal 2018;14(1):43-60

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