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Author:( Matsuo Jeannette)

1.University of the Philippines-Philippine General Hospital revised clinical practice guidelines for the management of well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma of follicular cell origin.

Sison Cherrie Mae ; Obaldo Jerry ; Matsuo Jeannette ; Uy Gemma Leonora ; Jaring Cristina

Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies 2012;27(1):49-61

2.Basal cell carcinoma, odontogenic cysts, brain and skeletal abnormalities (Gorlin Goltz Syndrome) in a 46-year-old woman.

Diane Clarice D. MAGBUHAT ; Jeannette Marie S. MATSUO ; Rhodieleen Anne R. DE LA CRUZ

Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2017;32(2):38-42

3.Clinicopathologic profile of patients with maxillofacial tumors in a tertiary level government institution.

Carlos Miguel P. Perez ; Efren Gerald S. Soliman ; Rodney B. Dofitas ; Jeannette Marie S. Matsuo

Philippine Journal of Surgical Specialties 2021;76(2):56-62

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