1.External Jugular-Cephalic Vein Bypass for Subclavian Vein Stenosis.
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1993;22(1):62-64
A case of subclavian vein stenosis is reported that was treated with external jugular-cephalic vein bypass, which was performed under local anesthesia and took short time for operation because of single anastomosis. This procedure resulted in salvage of the access and rapid resolution of the associated upper extremity swelling.
2.The Japanese perception of feasibility of end-of-life home care until death and related factors.
Kazuki Sato ; Mitsunori Miyashita ; Tatsuya Morita ; Masao Suzuki
Palliative Care Research 2007;2(1):101-111
Purpose: To clarify factors associated with the Japanese perception of whether they can live at home until death with the inclusion of knowledge and beliefs about end-of-life. Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted on the Japanese general population who participated in a lecture meeting about palliative home care (N=61, effective response rate, 100%). Results: Ten (16%) responded they could live at home until death. Barriers to end-of-life home care were "Home care would burden my family (80%)," " Family and I are anxious about emergency care when I get worse (59%)" and "Family and I are anxious about whether I can enter a hospital emergently when I get worse (52%)" in that order. From the multivariate logistic regression model, respondents who expressed "Opioids cause addiction (OR, 95% confidential interval (CI):0.29, 0.09-0.99)" and "Artificial hydration and nutrition should be continued as the minimum standard until death (OR, 95%CI:0.39, 0.16-0.95)" were more likely to perceive that they could live at home until death. Conclusion: The empowerment activity for the general population regarding correct knowledge about palliative care, benefit and disadvantage of life-sustaining treatment, and correct knowledge about home care is important for the end-of-life patients who want to live at home until death to achieve their wish.
3.The Experiences of Pharmacists and Future Subjects in Regards to the Ingestion of Stable-Iodide Caused by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Kiyoko Endo ; Mariko Takahashi ; Emiko Kunugi ; Kazutaka Noguchi ; Masao Sato
Japanese Journal of Social Pharmacy 2014;33(1):43-50
The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) Accident happened in Fukushima prefecture in March, 2011 and various efforts have been carried out to prevent health damage, including thyroid cancer, caused by radioactive-iodide. In this present report, we tried to discover whether stable-iodide for the prevention against the development of thyroid cancer was properly administered to radioactive-iodide-exposed persons or not. Since pharmacists play an important role in the treatment of stable-iodide, we investigated how the pharmacists in Fukushima contributed to the treatment of stable iodide in the FDNPP accident. In addition, we introduce a new revised method for the treatment of stable iodide published by the Nuclear Regulation Authority, discuss the important role of pharmacists in the Nuclear Power Plant Accident, and propose possible ways of preparation to protect the health of citizens.
4.A Case of Blue Toe Syndrome and Myonephropathic Metabolic Syndrome with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.
Hiroshi Sato ; Masao Okamura ; Masayoshi Okada ; Hitoshi Matsuda
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1994;23(5):340-344
A 49-year-old man presented in emergency center with complaints of severe lumbago and severe pain of the right lower limb. Symptoms were suggestive of hernia nuclei pulposi and he was referred to orthopedic department of our hospital. His pain was not relieved by analgesics and the right lower leg was cyanotic with a swollen, hard, and tender calf. On palpation a pulsating mass was revealed in the mid-abdomen. He was transferred to the cardiovascular floor. CT and IA-DSA revealed an abdominal aortic aneurysm and no occlusion of the major arteries of the right lower leg. The serum glutamic oxaloacetic, lactic dehydrogenase levels all increased especially the creatinine phosphokinase increased to 46, 460IU/l, and the urine myoglobin level was 4, 200ng/ml. Myonephropathic metabolic syndrome (MNMS) was suspected. Urine volume was maintained with fluid infusion and diuretics. The blood urea nitrogen and potassium levels remained within normal limits throughout the course. The immediate recognition of MNMS and treatment of the condition were successful in preventing serious complications. But all the toes of the right foot became necrotic and they were amputated. Two months after admission, replacement of the abdominal aortic aneurysm was performed successfully. The patient was discharged in good condition one month after the operation.
5.Republication: Two premature neonates of congenital syphilis with severe clinical manifestations
Moe Akahira-Azuma ; Mai Kubota ; Shinichi Hosokawa ; Masao Kaneshige ; Noriko Yasuda ; Noriko Sato ; Takeji Matsushita
Tropical Medicine and Health 2015;advpub(0):-
Congenital syphilis (CS) is a public health burden in both developing and developed countries. We report two cases of CS in premature neonates with severe clinical manifestations; Patient 1 (gestational age 31 weeks, birth weight 1423 g) had disseminated idiopathic coagulation (DIC) while Patient 2 (gestational age 34 weeks and 6 days, birth weight 2299 g) had refractory syphilitic meningitis. Their mothers were single and had neither received antenatal care nor undergone syphilis screening. Both neonates were delivered via an emergency cesarean section and had birth asphyxia and transient tachypnea of newborn. Physical examination revealed massive hepatosplenomegaly. Laboratory testing of maternal and neonatal blood showed increased rapid plasma reagin (RPR) titer and positive Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay. Diagnosis of CS was further supported by a positive IgM fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test and large amounts of T. pallidum spirochetes detected in the placenta. Each neonate was initially treated with ampicillin and cefotaxime for early bacterial sepsis/meningitis that coexisted with CS. Patient 1 received fresh frozen plasma and antithrombin III to treat DIC. Patient 2 experienced a relapse of CS during initial antibiotic treatment, necessitating parenteral penicillin G. Treatment was effective in both neonates, as shown by reductions in RPR. Monitoring of growth and neurological development through to age 4 showed no evidence of apparent delay or complications. Without adequate antenatal care and maternal screening tests for infection, CS is difficult for non-specialists to diagnose at birth, because the clinical manifestations are similar to those of neonatal sepsis and meningitis. Ampicillin was insufficient for treating CS and penicillin G was necessary.
6.Republication: Two Premature Neonates of Congenital Syphilis with Severe Clinical Manifestations
Moe Akahira-Azuma ; Mai Kubota ; Shinichi Hosokawa ; Masao Kaneshige ; Noriko Yasuda ; Noriko Sato ; Takeji Matsushita
Tropical Medicine and Health 2015;43(3):165-170
Congenital syphilis (CS) is a public health burden in both developing and developed countries. We report two cases of CS in premature neonates with severe clinical manifestations; Patient 1 (gestational age 31 weeks, birth weight 1423 g) had disseminated idiopathic coagulation (DIC) while Patient 2 (gestational age 34 weeks and 6 days, birth weight 2299 g) had refractory syphilitic meningitis. Their mothers were single and had neither received antenatal care nor undergone syphilis screening. Both neonates were delivered via an emergency cesarean section and had birth asphyxia and transient tachypnea of newborn. Physical examination revealed massive hepatosplenomegaly. Laboratory testing of maternal and neonatal blood showed increased rapid plasma reagin (RPR) titer and positive Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay. Diagnosis of CS was further supported by a positive IgM fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test and large amounts of T. pallidum spirochetes detected in the placenta. Each neonate was initially treated with ampicillin and cefotaxime for early bacterial sepsis/meningitis that coexisted with CS. Patient 1 received fresh frozen plasma and antithrombin III to treat DIC. Patient 2 experienced a relapse of CS during initial antibiotic treatment, necessitating parenteral penicillin G. Treatment was effective in both neonates, as shown by reductions in RPR. Monitoring of growth and neurological development through to age 4 showed no evidence of apparent delay or complications. Without adequate antenatal care and maternal screening tests for infection, CS is difficult for non-specialists to diagnose at birth, because the clinical manifestations are similar to those of neonatal sepsis and meningitis. Ampicillin was insufficient for treating CS and penicillin G was necessary.
7.Total Removal of a Contaminated Pacemaker under Cardiopulmonary Bypass in a Case of MRSA Septicemia.
Yutaka Hasegawa ; Susumu Ishikawa ; Akio Otaki ; Yasushi Sato ; Kazuhiro Sakata ; Toru Takahashi ; Motoi Kano ; Tetsuya Koyano ; Masao Suzuki ; Yasuo Morishita
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1995;24(5):347-350
A 78-year-old man underwent successful removal of a contaminated pacemaker in a case of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) septicemia. Septicemia was due to a subcutaneous abscess at the site of old cut electrodes. Following debridement of the infected pacemaker pocket, residual leads and the pacemaker system were removed under cardiopulmonary bypass. Bacterial examination of arterial blood and vegetation attached to the leads showed septicemia caused by MRSA. After the operation, antibiotic therapy with vancomycin, arbekacin and minocycline was performed for several weeks. His postoperative course was uneventful without the recurrence of infection. In cases of pacemaker contamination, with septicemia, total removal of the pacemaker system and adequate antibiotic therapy are necessary.
8.Preoperative Pulmonary Arterial Pressure and Surgical Treatment of Secundum Atrial Septal Defect in Patients over 50 Years of Age.
Yutaka Hasegawa ; Susumu Ishikawa ; Akio Ohtaki ; Toru Takahashi ; Hideaki Ichikawa ; Yasushi Sato ; Tetsuya Koyano ; Masao Suzuki ; Masaaki Takao ; Yasuo Morishita
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1996;25(5):285-289
The preoperative pulmonary arterial pressure of 38 patients aged over 50 undergoing surgical closure of a secundum atrial septal defect was studied. They were divided into three groups according to systolic pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP): Group A (PAP<30mmHg, n=14), Group B (30≤PAP<50mmHg, n=16), and Group C (PAP≥50mmHg, n=8). The mean age of group C patients was older than that of group A patients. With higher PAP, the Pp/Ps, Rp/Rs and cardiothoracic ratios increased, atrial fibrillation and heart failure (NYHA≥2) were more frequent, and PaO2 levels declined. There were no differences in left to right shunt ratio and Qp/Qs among the three groups. The PAP and Rp/Rs were under 70mmHg and 0.30, respectively in all patients. High pulmonary blood flow seems to be the cause of pulmonary hypertension in most elderly patients because PAP and Rp/Rs decreased after surgery in all groups. Findings of cardiomegaly and heart failure also improved after surgery. Surgical intervention is recommended even in elderly patients with a ASD.
9.Current home palliative care for terminally ill cancer patients in Japan
Kotaro Hashimoto ; Kazuki Sato ; Junko Uchiumi ; Akira Demizu ; Hajime Fujimoto ; Masatoshi Morii ; Kotomi Sasaki ; Mitsunori Miyashita ; Masao Suzuki
Palliative Care Research 2015;10(1):153-161
Purpose:This study investigated the current state of medical care and home palliative care for terminally ill cancer patients in Japan. Methods:We conducted a retrospective questionnaire study of 352 cancer patients who received home palliative care from 6 specialized home care clinics and discontinued home care or died from January to June in 2012. Results:The questionnaire was answered by 290 patients〔165 men(57%), mean age:72±13 years〕who started home palliative care after completing cancer treatment. Home visits from nurses were used by 238 patients(98%)and 95 patients(39%)used home care workers. Within a month before discontinuation of home care or death, 72 patients(30%)received fluid therapy and 127 patients(52%)received strong opioids. The outcome of home palliative care was death at home in 242 patients(83%)and discontinuation of home care in 48 patients(17%). The reason for discontinuation was family physical and mental problems or physical problems of the patient. Conclusion:This study demonstrated the current state of home palliative care by specialized home care clinics.
10.Factors influencing death or the cessation of palliative care in home-based setting among patients with cancer
Kazuki Sato ; Kotaro Hashimoto ; Junko Uchiumi ; Akira Demizu ; Hajime Fujimoto ; Masatoshi Morii ; Yuzuru Nagasawa ; Mitsunori Miyashita ; Masao Suzuki
Palliative Care Research 2015;10(2):116-123
Objectives:To determine the factors influencing death or the cessation of palliative care in home-based setting among patients with cancer. Methods:We included 352 terminally ill patients with cancer who received home-based palliative care from six specialized palliative care clinics. We reviewed the medical charts when patients died at home or chose to stop home care. Results:A total of 82% of participants died at home, and 18% chose to stop home care. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed five independent factors that affected cessation of home-based palliative care:patient and informal caregiver preferences for the place of death not to be at home[odds ratio, 10.1(95% Confidential interval, 2.5-40.9)and 51.9(11.9-226.6), respectively]or uncertain preferences[5.0(1.3-19.4), 10.8(2.3-50.5)];anxiety and depression among informal caregiver[4.1(1.2-13.9)];lower frequency of informal care[6.8(2.0-23.4)];and history of admittance to hospital during home care[11.6(4.0-33.9)]. Conclusion:We revealed independent factors influencing death or the cessation of palliative care in home-based settings among patients with cancer. Our findings suggest the importance of providing support for decision making about the place of death and hospital admission, and psychosocial support for informal caregiver to ensure home death consistent with patient preference.