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Author:( Masahiro Zakoji)

1.Experiences in COVID-19 clinical management and health-care pathways in the Western Pacific

Saho Takaya ; Ji Young Lee ; Takeshi Nishijima ; Masahiro Zakoji ; Howard L Sobel

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2023;14(5):29-32

2.Urgent actions to save lives when ICU bed needs approach or exceed capacity: lessons from Mongolia

Buyantogtokh Batsukh ; Bund-Ochir Khishigsaikhan ; Dulamragchaa Buyanbaatar ; Gerelmaa Danzan ; Nansalmaa Munkhtur ; Ariuntuya Ochirpurev ; Takeshi Nishijima ; Howard Sobel ; Masahiro Zakoji

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2023;14(5):01-04

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