1.Assessing the Effectiveness of Health Preparedness Capacity Building Intervention in Empowering the Urban Poor Community in Rodriguez, Rizal, Philippines
Marlon Cadauan MALLILLIN III ; Mary Agnes SANTOS-REGAL
Journal of Medicine University of Santo Tomas 2021;5(2):706-713
Public health
Capacity Building
Risk Reduction Behavior
2.Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (Non-Typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) protein D, diphtheria or tetanus toxoid conjugates) in prevention of acute otitis media in children: A cohort study.
Trixy G. Chu ; Daniel Rafael R. Cachola III ; Mary Agnes S. Regal ; Agnes Cecille G. Llamas ; Norberto V. Martinez ; Wilfredo R. Santos
Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2016;31(2):13-15
OBJECTIVE: To compare the incidence of acute otitis media among children aged 2 to 6 months old in Sampaloc, Manila who were previously given 3 doses of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (Non-Typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) protein D, diphtheria or tetanus toxoid conjugates) and those who did not receive the vaccine over a period of one year.
Design: Cohort Study
Setting: Primary Health Center in Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines
Participants: Medical records of well children aged 2 to 6 months were reviewed for inclusion. Participants were categorized into vaccinated and unvaccinated groups. Both groups underwent baseline history and physical examination including otoscopy and any signs and symptoms of active ear infection were noted. Subjects were followed up for a period of one year on a monthly basis for signs or symptoms of acute otitis media.
RESULTS: A total of 176 subjects participated in the study. The overall incidence of AOM among participants was 5.11% (9 out of 176). An AOM incidence of 3.75% (3 out of 80) and 6.25% (6 out of 96) was found among the exposed and unexposed groups, respectively. Fisher's exact test (one-tailed) p value= .34, relative risk (RR) .6 (95% Cl 0.155, 2.323).
CONCLUSION: The results of this study showed no difference in the development of AOM in the two groups. However, based on the relative risk, Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is still beneficial in preventing AOM in children.
Human ; Male ; Female ; Infant ; Diphtheria ; Otoscopy ; Inflammation