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Author:( Mark Joseph J. Abalajon)

1.Combined dorsal and ventral inlay buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty for female urethral strictures (Joshi urethroplasty technique): A first in the Philippines.

Jill Christian P. Sasam ; Eduardo M. Añ ; onuevo ; Antolyn E. Exconde Jr. ; Mark Joseph J. Abalajon

Philippine Journal of Urology 2021;31(2):89-92

2.Repair of perineal urethrostomy stenosis using buccal mucosal graft in a patient diagnosed with body dysmorphia and who previously underwent total penectomy, bilateral orchiectomy, and scrotectomy: A case report

Patricia Anne Tagle ; Raul Carlo C. Andutan ; Mark Joseph J. Abalajon

Philippine Journal of Urology 2024;34(2):86-92

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