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Author:( Maria Margarita M. Lota)

1.A retrospective study on extended spectrum beta-lactamase bacteria in the Philippines from 1999-2013.

Lota Maria Margarita M ; Latorre Angelica Anne E

Acta Medica Philippina 2014;48(1):28-35

2.Student learning needs during the pandemic

Maria Margarita M. Lota

Philippine Journal of Health Research and Development 2021;25(COVID-19 Supplement):96-100

3.Comparing the bactericidal effect of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation between two time exposures against Bacillus Subtilis on personal protective equipment

Ray Angelo B. Monje ; Mariel Patricia P. Capuno ; Manolo V. Hernal III ; Maria Margarita M. Lota

Philippine Journal of Health Research and Development 2022;26(1):42-46

4.Detection of putative Salmonella enterica in retail chicken egg from a selected public market in the City of Manila

Angela Nicole M. Mananghaya ; Zepha Marie M. Caalim ; Noreen Joy C. Garces ; Gabrielle V. Larin ; Anna Dominique Z. Sasil ; Maria Margarita M. Lota

Philippine Journal of Health Research and Development 2022;26(1):58-63

5.Antimicrobial resistance profile of Escherichia coli isolated from raw chicken meat in a selected wet market in Manila City, Philippines

Lyder Kyle A. Dimaapi ; Angela Lorraine G. Dela Cruz ; Roger Andrei D. Francisco ; Rei Gilian D. Noble ; Hayley Emerald G. Sabangan ; Azita Racquel Gavino-Lacuna ; Maria Margarita M. Lota

Acta Medica Philippina 2024;58(Early Access 2024):1-16

6.The Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Primary Pediatric Caregivers towards COVID-19 in a Tertiary Hospital

Joan Paola N. Castañ ; eda ; John Robert C. Medina ; Carlo R. Lumangaya ; Maria Margarita M. Lota

Philippine Journal of Health Research and Development 2021;25(COVID-19 Supplement):1-7

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