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Author:( Mancio Pamela Rose)

1.Clinical and laboratory profile of patients with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura seen at the University of Sto.Tomas Hospital: A single center experience.

Mancio Pamela Rose L. ; Castillo Ma. Rosario Irene D.

Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 2015;53(1):49-52

2.Successful treatment of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura with a month-long therapeutic plasma exchange and immunosuppressive agents.

Aquino Joy ; Zapata-Mesina Flordeluna ; Mancio Pamela Rose ; Valmoria Nemuel ; Castillo Ma Rosario Irene D

Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 2014;52(3):1-6

3.Clinical profile and outcome of infections among adult leukemia patients with febrile neutropenia admitted at the University of Santo Tomas Hospital.

Bautista Maria Diana Aileen C ; Delgado John S ; Bergantin Maria Rhona G ; Mancio Pamela Rose L ; Caguioa Priscilla B.

Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 2014;52(4):159-165

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