1.Changes in the Affected Side Motor Function According to the Severity of Motor Paralysis in Hemiplegic Stroke Patients during Convalescent Rehabilitation
Hoshi MURAI ; Makoto WATANABE ; Sho SASAKI ; Yuko OKUYAMA ; Shigeru SONODA
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2014;51(7):439-444
Objective : We analyzed changes in the affected side motor function according to the region and severity of motor paralysis in patients during convalescent rehabilitation. Methods : The subjects recruited were 1,903 hemiplegic patients with primary stroke from a supratentorial unilateral lesion, for which a full-time integrated treatment (FIT) program was implemented. We excluded patients with severe complications, those in whom the stroke recurred or its condition rapidly changed during hospitalization, and those in whom the duration from the onset to admission to our hospital was 61 days or longer. The remaining 1,634 patients served as the study subjects, from among whom we chose 917 patients who had been hospitalized for 8 weeks or longer. The affected side motor function was assessed using 5 motor items of the Stroke Impairment Assessment Set (SIAS) every 2 weeks starting from admission. Results and Conclusion : The affected side motor function significantly improved from admission to a convalescent rehabilitation ward through to week 8 in stroke patients, who were actively engaged in daily routines and had mainly walking and ADL exercise. In addition, improvement was more likely to occur for the lower-limb compared to upper-limb, as well as for the proximal compared to distal motor function. This tendency was more marked for more severe cases of paralyses.
2.Estimated Prevalence of Higher Brain Dysfunction in Tokyo
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2009;46(2):118-125
Higher brain dysfunction generally refers to cognitive and/or behavioral changes resulting from stroke, traumatic head injury, hypoxic encephalopathy, or any other of a number of cerebrovascular events. In 2004, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan released a provisional figure of the probable prevalence of higher brain dysfunction in Japan as some 300,000 individuals. The aim of this study was to provide an estimate of the number of people with higher brain dysfunction in Tokyo. All 651 hospitals in Tokyo were surveyed between January 7, 2008 and January 20, 2008 by questionnaire. Analysis of the data showed 118 incidents of brain damage which resulted in higher brain dysfunction. This roughly converts to 3,010 incidents per year in Tokyo. Taking life expectancy into consideration, we estimate the current number of higher brain dysfunction survivors to be 49,508 (male : 33,936, female : 15,572) in Tokyo. The social impact of higher brain dysfunction has recently emerged amid growing recognition that disturbances of attention, memory, and behavior overshadow the contribution of focal motor deficits to chronic dependency. Our data provide information about the number of people that may require appropriate provision in the community.
3.Transluminal Angioplasty during Vascular Reconstructive Procedures and Its Results.
Hiroshi URAYAMA ; Makoto TSUBOTA ; Yoh WATANABE ; Takasi IWA
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1991;20(7):1280-1283
Transluminal angioplasty during vascular reconstructive procedures was performed to 18 lesions in 13 patients. Ages ranged from 57 to 81 years with a mean of 72.7 years, and all patients were men. Transluminal angioplasty during the thromboendarterectomy or bypass grafting was performed to 3 patients for inflow dilatation, 3 patients for outflow dilatation and 1 patient for renal artery dilatation. Transluminal angioplasty with thrombectomy for the anastomotic stenoses of EPTFE grafts was performed 11 times for 7 patients. The results of this method for arteriosclerotic lesions were as follows; patency was 100% at 1 year and 80% at 3 year. Four patients died during the follow-up periods and the dilated lesions were all patent at the time of death. The results of this method for anastomotic stenoses were as follows; patency was 34.6% at 6 month and 0% at 10 months. Graft infection occurred in 1 of 4 patients to whom transluminal angioplasty was performed 2 times. The patency of transluminal angioplasty during vascular reconstructive procedures for arteriosclerotic lesions was good. Transluminal angioplasty for anastomotic stenoses was noninvasive and easily performed with the thrombectomy, but the patency was not so good and there was the risk of graft infection by repeated operations.
4.Study of Efficacy and Safety in the Administration of 400 mg of Amikacin Sulfate Administered Once Daily to Elderly Patients
Yoshihiko Matsuki ; Tetsuya Tsukamoto ; Makoto Hosoyamada ; Tamaki Watanabe ; Shigekazu Watanabe ; Masao Tsuchiya
Japanese Journal of Drug Informatics 2013;15(2):51-56
Objective: In previously reported comparisons of aminoglycoside antimicrobials administered once daily versus multiple administration, toxicity was found to be equal or lower while efficiency remained high. However, there are few reports on the clinical condition of targeted elderly persons. The objective of this study was to evaluate the once-daily dosing regimen of 400 mg of AMK involving elderly pneumonia patients aged 75 years or older with regard to clinical evaluation including the efficacy and toxicity.
Methods: A survey to clinically evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of 400 mg AMK administered once daily for 30 min at 24 h intervals was carried out. One hundred twenty-seven patients with pneumonia and who were 75 years or older at Funabashi General Hospital were targeted, with the aim of an expected clinical effect of Cmax/MIC≥ 8-10. Serum concentration monitoring was carried out after administration began.
Results: There were 121 patients (95.3%) of controlled AMK concentration with a trough serum concentration of <10 μg/mL, which is a safe concentration range. There were 6 patients (4.7%) where trough serum concentration in the toxic range >10 μg/mL, with an average at 15.1±5.0 μg/mL, and the average administration days were 7.5 ± 3.3 days. Moreover, before/after AMK administration, there were 3 patients (2.4%) where CRE values increased more than a 150% over the previous values, and were evaluated as renal dysfunction. Average trough serum concentration at that time was 3.6 ± 1.1 μg/mL, and average number of days of administration were 13 ± 1.4 days. Patients of trough serum concentration in the toxic range >10 μg/mL were not included. The average peak serum concentration calculated by Winter’s pharmacokinetic parameter and the 1-compartment model was 35.3 ± 8.0 μg/mL, and the average Cmax/MIC which correlates with the AMK effect was 9.9 ± 2.2. The treatment was effective for 83 (65.4%) of the 127 patients.
Conclusion: By once-daily administration of AMK 400 mg to aged persons 75 years or older, change in trough serum concentration into a safe range and Cmax/MIC≥ 8-10, the level at which clinical effectivity can be expected, could be achieved. This administration method is shown to be useful in maintaining AMK in the target serum concentration range for aged persons.
5.Review of Surgical Cases of Gastric Cancer
Nobuyuki KOBAYASHI ; Fusakuni KURODA ; Takashi DOI ; Makoto KINOUCHI ; Yasuhiro WATANABE ; Akira ODA ; Naoyuki KANEKO
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2003;51(6):939-943
This paper describes a clinical review of cases of gastric cancer treated surgically at the Department of Surgery of the Shirakawa Kosei General Hospital, the core medical institution in the southern part of Fukushima Prefecture.
During the period of 20 years from January 1981 through December 2000, a total of 1, 132 cases were operated on for gastric carcinoma. Surgical resection cases totaled 1, 023 (resection ratio: 90.4%); curative resection cases, 894 (curative resection ratio: 79.0%); 5-year survival rate for resection cases, 68.3%; and 5-year survival rate for curative resection cases, 75.6%. When the cases were divided into those treated during the first half of the 20 years nad those treated during the latter half of the 20 years, the number or resection cases was smaller during the latter than during the first half but the resection ratio was larger. The early stomach cancer cases in terms of the degree of progress, histological classification, depth and metastasis to lymph nodes have been increasing and the 5-year survival rate has been on the rise.
6.Relationship between the exercise history from early childhood through adulthood and bone health determined using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry in young Japanese premenopousal females
Ayako Yamaguchi-Watanabe ; Makoto Ayabe ; Hitoshi Chiba ; Noriko Kobayashi ; Ichiro Sakuma ; Kojiro Ishii
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2014;63(3):305-312
The purpose of the present investigation was to examine the relationships between the exercise history and the bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC) in female Japanese young adults using dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). One-hundred twenty females, aged between 18 to 28 years, participated in the present investigation. The BMD at the lumbar spine (L-BMD), whole body BMD and BMC (WB-BMD and WB-BMC), lean body mass (LBM) and fat mass (FM) were measured by DXA. Using a self-administrered questionnaire, the exercise habits during preschool (4-6 years), primary school (7-12 years), junior high school (13-15 years), high school (16-18 years), and the current habits (>18 years) were eveluated. The L-BMD, WB-BMD and WB-BMC were significantly higher in the subjects with exercise habits during both the period of <18 years and >18 years compared with those in the subjects without an exercise history during all periods (p<0.05). In a separate analysis with the data stratified by the school age, the subjects with an exercise history during primary school, junior high school, or high school had significantly higher BMD and BMC values compared with the non-exercisers (each, p<0.05). In contrast, the BMD and BMC did not differ significantly according to either the exercise history during pre-school nor the current exercise status. A multiple stepwise regression analysis revealed that the body weight, LBM, FM, age of menarche, and exercise habits during high school were significant determinants of the L-BMD, WB-BMD and WB-BMC (p<0.001). The results of the present investigation show that both the exercise history during school age and the current exercise habits affect the BMD and BMC in young adults. In particular, high school females should be encouraged to participate in the regular exercise to increase their bone health. Future studies will be needed to confirm the targeted age-group(s) for participation in sports/exercise for the improvement of bone health, including an analysis of the type and intensity of exercise/sports.
7.Review of Surgical Cases of Colorectal Cancer
Nobuyiki KOBAYASHI ; Fusakuni KURODA ; Takashi DOI ; Makoto KINOUCHI ; Yasuhiro WATANABE ; Naoyuki KANEKO ; Manabu SATOU
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2004;53(1):75-79
During the period of 25 years from January 1978 through December 2002, a total of 808 colorectal cancer cases were operated on in Shirakawa Kosei General Hospital. The number of sugical resection cases came to 713 (ratio : 88.25%). Curative resection was performed on 593 cases (ratio : 73.4%). The total number of cases was broken down into 446 cases of cancer of the colon and 369 cases of cancer of the rectum (7 multiple cancer cases included). By sex, male cases numbered 329 and female cases 379. Clinically or histologically, many cases were diagnosed as stage IIIa or stage II cancer. The 5-year-survival rate for the resection cases was calculated at 67.2% and that for the cure resection cases, at 79.5%.
Malignant Neoplasms
Colorectal Cancer
Review of
8.Simultaneous Cholecystectomy and Dor Operation with Encircling Endocardial Cryoablation for Ventricular Aneurysm with Malignant Ventricular Tachycardia and Acute Cholecystitis.
Takeshi Someya ; Hiroyuki Tanaka ; Satoru Hasegawa ; Keishi Ooi ; Masazumi Watanabe ; Nagahisa Oshima ; Tohru Sakamoto ; Makoto Sunamori
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2000;29(5):335-338
A 68-year-old man underwent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) to left anterior descending artery (LAD) seg 7 after acute anteroseptal myocardial infarction 8 years previously. He was admitted because of syncope attack due to sustained ventricular tachycardia and subsequent fibrillation. He was treated medically in the ICU after cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Medical treatment with amiodarone and lidocaine was not successful and he was transferred to our hospital for surgical treatment of malignant ventricular tachycardia (VT) associated with left ventricular aneurysm and acute cholecystitis that occurred during admission. Left ventriculogram showed left ventricular aneurysm (ejection fraction: 35%) without any significant coronary lesions. The patient successfully underwent a Dor operation (left ventriculoplasty), double encircling endocardial cryoablation without endocardial resection, and preoperative and intraoperative endocardial mapping. Cholecystectomy was simultaneously performed after complete closure of the median chest incision. The recurrence of VT was never recognized clinically or electrophysiologically. The extended encircling endocardial cryoablation without endocardial resection and preoperative and intraoperative electrophysiological study, was a simple and effective method for ventricular tachycardia.
9.Surgical Treatment for Active Infective Endocarditis with Sinus of Valsalva and Right Atrium Fistula.
Makoto Takiguchi ; Hiroshi Watanabe ; Masao Shibairi ; Kazuro Utsumi ; Yuzo Nagase ; Hideo Ukita
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2001;30(3):149-151
We report here a surgical case of sinus of Valsalva and right atrium fistula associated with acute infective endocarditis (AIE) without perivalvular abscess cavity or aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva (ASV). A 51-year-old man, who had been given a diagnosis of rheumatic aortic stenosis and regurgitation (AsR) and mitral stenosis and regurgitation (MsR) and tricuspid regurgitation (TR) by echocardiography, had a high fever 2 months after removal of teeth and AIE was diagnosed. He was referred to our hospital because sinus of Valsalva and right atrium fistula were detected by echocardiography and congestive heart failure (CHF) deteriorated during medical treatment. Perivalvular abscess cavity and ASV were not detected by preoperative echocardiography. Medical treatment was continued after admission, and operation was done after amelioration of the CHF and infection were recognized. The aortic valve was removed together with vegetation, two areas of the aortic wall in which the tissue was fragile were cauterized by electrocautery, patch closure at the sinus of Valsalva was performed using a partial of e-PTFE graft and aortic valve replacement (AVR) and mitral valve replacement (MVR) were done. Though residual aortic-right atrium shunt was detected after the operation, the postoperative course was good with no CHF or signs of infection.
10.Cardiac Surgery in Patients with Chronic Dialysis.
Susumu Manabe ; Hiroyuki Tanaka ; Koso Egi ; Satoru Hasegawa ; Masazumi Watanabe ; Nagahisa Oshima ; Toru Sakamoto ; Makoto Sunamori
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2002;31(1):18-23
This study was designed to evaluate the perioperative outcome of dialysis patients undergoing cardiac surgery, who were managed with our perioperative dialysis program. Between April 1994 and August 1999, 11 patients (7 men and 4 women with a mean age of 57.3±10.3 (36-73)) with hemodialysis (HD, n=8) and peritoneal dialysis (PD, n=3) underwent cardiac surgery. The duration of dialysis was 5.6±4.3 years. Operation included mitral valve replacement (n=1) and isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (n=10). Patients with HD had single hemodialysis on the day before operation. Patients with PD were maintained on PD in the usual manner until the day before surgery. Intraoperative hemofiltration during extra-corporeal circulation and normokalemic non-depolarizing cardioplegic solution were used in all patients to avoid post-operative hyperkalemia. All HD patients had dialysis on the first post-operative day (POD 1), and then every other day. PD patients had PD soon after arriving at the ICU. Levels of serum creatinine, urea nitrogen, acid-base balance were successfully controlled within acceptable ranges. No patients required emergency HD or any post-operative managements for hyperkalemia in the ICU. Six of 8 HD patients required an increase in vasopressor because of a tendency toward hypotension and 4 of 8 patients suffered from atrial fibrillation during the initial HD on POD 1. Eight of 11 patients could be extubated on the first POD. No hospital death occurred. The use of normokalemic cardioplegic solution was useful to avoid post-operative hyperkalemia. Our perioperative dialysis programme successfully managed the perioperative clinical course of dialysed patients undergoing cardiac surgery.