1.Three Cases of Palindromic Rheumatism Effectively Treated with Kampo Medicine. Consideration of Kampo Treatment in Palindromic Rheumatism.
Fumihiko MATSUDA ; Makoto ARAI ; Hiroshi SATO ; Fumihiko SHIROTA ; Naoki SEKI
Kampo Medicine 2001;51(4):741-749
We examined three cases where Kampo medicine had effects on palindromic rheumatism. All the patients are men with arthralgia accompanied by redness, fever, and swelling. All cases are RF negative. Cases 2 and 3 are brothers. Case 1: A 58-year-old patient with recurrent arthralgia on shoulders, hands, and legs for 30 years. Eppi-ka-jutsu-to was administrated for arthralgia. When discomfort of the hypochondrium (Kyokyokuman) was noted, the administration of Sho-Saiko-to reduced the symptom.
Case 2: A 40-year-old patient with recurrent arthralgia on shoulders, hands and legs for nine years. Eppi-ka-jutsu-to was administrated for arthralgia. When discomfort of the hypochondrium (Kyokyokuman) and contraction of the abdominal muscles (Fukuhikokyu) was noted, the administration of Eppi-ka-jutsu-to-go-Shigyaku-san-ryo was replaced, which reduced the symptoms.
Case 3: A 46-year-old patient with recurrent arthralgia on knees and fingers, and pain in hip joints. Eppi-ka-jutsu-to was administrated for arthralgia. When discomfort of the hypochondrium (Kyokyokuman) and contraction of the abdominal muscles (Fukuhikokyu) were noted, the administration of Shigyaku-san reduced the symptoms.
All cases were typical palindromic rheumatism, and Eppi-ka-jutsu-to was effective to a certain degree. Kampo diagnosis of Saiko (Saiko-sho) was made and additional Saiko-drugs (Saiko-zai) reduced the frequency, the degree, and the length of the period of symptoms.
2.A Case of Y Graft Replacement for Recurrent Blue Toe Syndrome Following Cardiac Catheterization.
Masamitsu Endo ; Makoto Tsubota ; Masahiro Seki ; Takashi Iwa
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1994;23(6):429-432
We recently experienced a case of Y graft replacement for recurrent blue toe syndrome (BTS) following cardiac catheterization. A 64-year-old male, who had undergone cardiac catheterization, complained of bilateral multiple toe cyanosis and pain. Angiograms revealed that infrarenal aortic stenosis was the recurrent embolic source. He refused surgical treatment because he thought the BTS was an iatrogenic complication. No conservative therapy was effective. He finally suffered from right foot and all left toe necrosis after nine months. Then he recieved Y graft replacement. Thereafter no embolic episode was seen. Cardiac catheterization recently has become a routine examination. However, informed consent is very important because it is difficult to anticipate BTS following the examination. Surgical treatment is recommended for recurrent BTS because conservative therapy fails in most cases.
3.A Case of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting for Left Coronary Ostial Stenosis Following Aortic Valve Replacement.
Makoto Kamada ; Ryosei Kuribayasi ; Satosi Sekine ; Hiroaki Aida ; Keiji Seki ; Atusi Meguro ; Keitaro Iijima ; Tadaaki Abe
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1994;23(1):42-45
A rare case of left coronary ostial stenosis following aortic valve replacement (AVR) was reported. A 67-year-old man had undergone AVR for aortic stenosis and regurgitation. During the procedure basket tip cannula was utilized for selective coronary perfusion. He began to complain of chest pain 4 months after surgery, and coronary arteriography revealed a 99% stenosis at the left coronary ostium. Emergency coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) to the LAD using a saphenous vein graft was successfully performed. The angina pectoris developing after AVR suggests that coronary ostial injury was caused by selective coronary perfusion cannula. The disease progresses rapidly in the absence of sufficient collaterals, and emergency CABG is needed to prevent critical myocardial infarction and sudden death.
4.The Effects on First-year Medical Students of Medical Ethics Education with Case Studies
Noritoshi TANIDA ; Takashi SHIMOYAMA ; Makoto SEKI ; Eizo KAKISHITA ; Souhei SHINKA ; Tomoyuki TSUJI
Medical Education 2003;34(2):111-119
We introduced a compulsory medical ethics course for first-year medical students so that they would understand the basis of bioethics thinking and acquire the basic capacity to solve patients' clinical problems. The course consists of 14 school hours, of which 11 were for group discussion of 2 clinical cases and 3 were for whole-class lectures on various ethical issues. Identical, short ethics tests were given on the first and last days of the course. The acceptance level was evaluated on the basis of the score of the second test, reports submitted after group discussions, and class attendance. The scores of the second test correlated with the results of reports of the second clinical case but not with those of the first clinical case. Logistic regression analysis indicated that factors contributing to the acceptance level were the scores of the second test and the attendance rate, which was an independent contributing factor. Furthermore, the scores of the second test, but not of the first test, correlated with the acceptance level. These results indicate that this ethics course is useful for increasing students' thinking about ethical issues.
5.Surgical Repair in Case of an Elderly Tetralogy of Fallot
Yoshifumi Chida ; Fumio Yamamoto ; Hiroshi Yamamoto ; Kazuyuki Ishibashi ; Genbu Yamaura ; Keisuke Shiroto ; Mamika Motokawa ; Fuminobu Tanaka ; Keiji Seki ; Makoto Matsukawa
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2010;39(3):133-136
A 62-year-old woman with the tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) diagnosed at 24 years of age, was admitted with fever and dyspnea. She also had cyanosis and heart failure and was categorized as New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class IV. Echocardiography showed TOF with a-grade III tricuspid valve regurgitation. Cardiac catheterization revealed major aorto-pulmonary collateral arteries (MAPCAs) for the left upper pulmonary circulation. After coil embolization of MAPCAs to reduce abnormal intracardiac return as well as postoperative left ventricular volume overload, the patient underwent total surgical correction (i.e., right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction using Medtronic FreeStyle Valve and transannular patch, ventricular septal defect closure, and tricuspid annuloplasty). Postoperatively, the patient had a satisfactory course during the 10-year follow-up period with a grade-I NYHA classification. In conclusion, intracardiac repair of TOF in case over 60 years of age can be performed safely by preoperative MAPCAs embolization and subsequent TOF repair with a strategy to abolish pulmonary and tricuspid valve regurgitation.
6.Mycotic Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: A Case Report of Successful Anatomic Reconstruction.
Makoto Kamada ; Tadaaki Abe ; Ryousei Kuribayashi ; Satoshi Sekine ; Hiroaki Aida ; Keiji Seki ; Atsushi Meguro ; Yoshiki Shibata ; Keitarou Iijima ; Katsuyuki Kondoh
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1995;24(1):53-55
A 63-year-old woman who was diagnosed a having impending rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm underwent urgent anatomic reconstruction. Histopathological findings revealed abscess formation around the aneurysmal wall, and a definitive diagnosis of mycotic aneurysm was established. Successful management of this rare aortic disease depends on early accurate diagnosis, control of infection and careful surgical management.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1981;30(5):259-266
Exercise has been well known to a fundamental treatment of diabetes mellitus, as well as diet therapy. Nevertheless, its therapeutic use and clinical effects are still unknown in details. The aim of this study is the establishment of practical exercise therapy for the patients with diabetes mellitus. The present study shows the acute exercise effects on blood metabolites and the effects of long term physical training in diabetics.
The following results were obtained.
1) Although no significant change of blood glucose level was observed in normals, the decrease of blood glucose and triglyceride levels were observed in diabetics in acute exercise. Moreover marked elevation of FFA level was also observed after acute exercise in diabetics.
2) Significant decrease of blood glucose and increase of HDL-cholesterol levels were found in diabetics by long term regular physical training.
3) Body weight reduction without loss of lean body mass and the improvement of physiological response to exercise test were achieved after long term physical training.
These results suggest that the regular physical training leads to the better control of diabetes mellitus and keeps good condition in patients with diabetes mellitus, and that it may have a important role of the prevention for the diabetic vascular complication.
8.Students' Evaluation of a Medical-ethics Course
Noritoshi TANIDA ; Takahiko ISOBE ; Michio ISHIHARA ; Nobuyuki ODA ; Masaaki DOI ; Masana NARAZAKI ; Michihiro KITSUTAKA ; Keiichiro SUZUKI ; Makoto SEKI ; Eizo KAKISHITA ; Sohei SHINKA ; Tomoyuki TSUJI
Medical Education 2003;34(4):261-269
A medical-ethics course was anonymously evaluated by first-year students over 2 years. The course emphasizes problem-based learning through group discussion of clinical cases and lectures on ethical issues. A tutorial system was added to the course in the second year. Students' evaluations indicated that most students had positive attitudes about the course and that both group discussion and lectures were helpful for achieving the general instructional objectives and specific behavioral objectives of the course. A comparison of the 2 years showed that a majority of evaluated items received higher evaluations from second-year students than from first-year students. We attribute the difference to the livelier discussion with the introduction of the tutorial system and the smaller discussion groups. These results indicate that students consider medical-ethics education to be useful.
9.Significance of Instructors' Assessments in Medical Ethics Education
Noritoshi TANIDA ; Takahiko ISOBE ; Michio ISHIHARA ; Nobuyuki ODA ; Masaaki DOI ; Masana NARAZAKI ; Michihiro KITSUTAKA ; Keiichiro SUZUKI ; Makoto SEKI ; Sohei SHINKA ; Tomoyuki TSUJI
Medical Education 2004;35(3):203-212
Our medical ethics course emphasizes problem-based-learning (PBL) via group discussion of clinical cases. The significanceof instructors' assessments of PBL in ethics education was studied with different assessment tools during thelast 2 years. In the first year, students' behavior and level of functioning in group discussion were assessed on a group basiswith an 8-item instrument. In the second year, students' level of functioning and flexibility in response to differentopinions in group discussion were assessed on an individual basis with a 2-item instrument. Instsments ofstudent's performance in group discussion were positively but weakly correlated with scores of their reports derivedfrom group discussions. Instructors could consistently assess student performance in PBL in terms of behavior and levelof functioning in group discussions. Furthermore, instructors rated flexibility in response to other opinions as an importantfactor in group dynamics, including interaction between students and instructors. These results suggest that instructors'assessments can be used to help evaluate students in a medical ethics course. Instructors' assessments of studentflexibility during PBL can be particularly useful in this regard.
10.Reflux-related Extraesophageal Symptoms Until Proven Otherwise: A Direct Measurement of Abnormal Proximal Exposure Based on Hypopharyngeal Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance as a Reliable Indicator for Successful Treatment Outcomes
Takeshi SUZUKI ; Yosuke SEKI ; Tomoaki MATSUMURA ; Makoto ARAI ; Toyoyuki HANAZAWA ; Yoshitaka OKAMOTO ; Haruhiko SUZUKI ; Kazunori KASAMA ; Akiko UMEZAWA ; Yoshimoti KUROKAWA ; Toshitaka HOPPO
Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2022;28(1):69-77
The Lyon Consensus defined parameters based on upper endoscopy and 24-hour combined multichannel intraluminal impedancepH (MII-pH), that conclusively establish the presence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). However, the true role of upper endoscopy and MII-pH to evaluate patients with extraesophageal symptoms (EES) has not been well established. Hypopharyngeal MII (HMII), which directly measures laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) events, has been utilized to evaluate patients with EES suggestive of LPR.
This was a retrospective study involving patients with EES for > 12 weeks despite proton pump inhibitor therapy, and had no endoscopic confirmatory evidence for GERD and negative MII-pH. All patients were subsequently referred for further evaluation of EES with “unknown” etiology and underwent laryngoscopy and HMII. Based on HMII, abnormal proximal exposure (APE) was defined as LPR ≥ 1/day and/or full column reflux (reflux 2 cm distal to the upper esophageal sphincter) > 4/day. Patients with APE were offered antireflux surgery (ARS) and the outcome of ARS was objectively assessed using Reflux Symptom Index.
Of 21 patients with EES which was thought to be GERD-unrelated based on endoscopy and MII-pH, 17 patients (81%) had APE. Eight patients with APE who had undergone ARS had significant symptomatic improvement in the Reflux Symptom Index score (19.6 ± 4.9 pre-ARS to 5.8 ± 1.4 post-ARS, P = 0.008).
A conventional diagnostic approach using endoscopy and MII-pH may not be sufficient to evaluate patients with EES suggestive of LPR. HMII is essential to evaluate patients with EES, and APE could be a reliable indicator for successful treatment outcomes.