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Author:( Ma Rowena Alcido)

1.Is the response over? The transition from response to recovery in the health sector post-Typhoon Haiyan

Allison Gocotano ; Lester Sam Geroy ; Ma Rowena Alcido ; Miguel Manuel Dorotan ; Gloria Balboa ; Julie Lyn Hall

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2015;6(Suppl 1):5-9

3.Applying knowledge management in generating and using evidence in health research priority setting (HRPS).

Ma. Rowena H. ALCIDO ; Joseph V. ORAÑ ; O ; Lester Sam A. GEROY

Acta Medica Philippina 2019;53(3):268-271

4.Effect of personality, power, and emotion on developing the 2017-2022 Philippine health research agenda: A case study.

Alejandra M. LIBUNAO ; Reneepearl Kim P. SALES ; Jaifred Christian F. LOPEZ ; Ma. Rowena H. ALCIDO ; Lester Sam A. GEROY ; Joseph V. ORAÑ ; O ; Rafael Deo F. ESTANISLAO

Acta Medica Philippina 2019;53(3):229-237

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