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Author:( MF Chan)

1.Use of new radiochromic devices for peripheral dose measurement: potential in-vivo dosimetry application

S-T Chiu-Tsao ; MF Chan

Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal 2009;5(4):1-12

2.Intra-articular Nodular Fasciitis: An Unexpected Diagnosis for a Joint Lesion: A Case Report

MF Michelle Chan ; KO Ong ; SS Leon Foo ; S Selvarajan

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2014;8(2):63-65

3.Evaluation of imaging performance of major image guidance systems

Chan MF* ; Yang J ; Song Y ; Burman C ; Chan P ; Li S

Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal 2011;7(2):1-7

4.A Rare Case of a Distal Humerus Pathological Fracture from Klebsiella Pneumoniae Osteomyelitis: A Case Report

Chan MF, MBBS ; Kwek EBK, FRCS

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2020;14(No.1):81-83

5.Pregnancy Outcomes in COVID-19: A Prospective Cohort Study in Singapore.

Citra Nz MATTAR ; Shirin KALIMUDDIN ; Sapna P SADARANGANI ; Shephali TAGORE ; Serene THAIN ; Koh Cheng THOON ; Eliane Y HONG ; Abhiram KANNEGANTI ; Chee Wai KU ; Grace Mf CHAN ; Kelvin Zx LEE ; Jeannie Jy YAP ; Shaun S TAN ; Benedict YAN ; Barnaby E YOUNG ; David C LYE ; Danielle E ANDERSON ; Liying YANG ; Lin Lin SU ; Jyoti SOMANI ; Lay Kok TAN ; Mahesh A CHOOLANI ; Jerry Ky CHAN

Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore 2020;49(11):857-869

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