1.Brain Activation during Addition and Subtraction Tasks In-Noise and In-Quiet
Aini Ismafairus Abd Hamid ; Ahmad Nazlim Yusoff ; Siti Zamratol-Mai Sarah Mukari ; Mazlyfarina Mohamad
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2011;18(2):3-15
Background: In spite of extensive research conducted to study how human brain works, little is known about a special function of the brain that stores and manipulates information—the working memory—and how noise influences this special ability. In this study, Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to investigate brain responses to arithmetic problems solved in noisy and quiet backgrounds.
Methods: Eighteen healthy young males performed simple arithmetic operations of addition and subtraction with in-quiet and in-noise backgrounds. The MATLAB-based Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM8) was implemented on the fMRI datasets to generate and analyse the activated brain regions.
Results: Group results showed that addition and subtraction operations evoked extended activation in the left inferior parietal lobe, left precentral gyrus, left superior parietal lobe, left supramarginal gyrus, and left middle temporal gyrus. This supported the hypothesis that the human brain relatively activates its left hemisphere more compared with the right hemisphere when solving arithmetic problems. The insula, middle cingulate cortex, and middle frontal gyrus, however, showed more extended right hemispheric activation, potentially due to the involvement of attention, executive processes, and working memory. For addition operations, there was extensive left hemispheric activation in the superior temporal gyrus, inferior frontal gyrus, and thalamus. In contrast, subtraction tasks evoked a greater activation of similar brain structures in the right hemisphere. For both addition and subtraction operations, the total number of activated voxels was higher for in-noise than in-quiet conditions.
Conclusion: These findings suggest that when arithmetic operations were delivered auditorily, the auditory, attention, and working memory functions were required to accomplish the executive processing of the mathematical calculation. The respective brain activation patterns appear to be modulated by the noisy background condition.
2.Brain Activations Evoked by Passive and Active Listening: A Preliminary Study on Multiple Subjects
Ahmad Nazlim Yusoff ; Mazlyfarina Mohamad ; Mohd Mahadir Ayob ; Mohd Harith Hashim
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2008;6(1):35-60
A functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study was conducted on 4 healthy male and female subjects to investigate brain activation during passive
and active listening. Two different experimental conditions were separately used in this study. The first condition requires the subjects to listen to a simple
arithmetic instruction (e.g. one-plus-two-plus-three-plus-four) – passive listening. In the second condition, the subjects were given the same series of
arithmetic instruction and were required to listen and perform the calculation – active listening. The data were then analysed using the Statistical Parametric
Mapping (SPM5) and the MATLAB 7.4 (R2007a) programming softwares. The results obtained from the fixed (FFX) and random effects analyses (RFX) show that the active-state signal intensity was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than
the resting-state signal intensity for both conditions. The results also indicate significant differences (p < 0.001) in brain activation between passive and
active listening. The activated cortical regions during passive listening, as obtained from the FFX of the first condition is symmetrical in the left and right
temporal and frontal lobes covering the cortical auditory areas. However, for the second condition, which was active listening, more activation occurs in the left hemisphere with a reduction in the number of activated voxels and
their signal intensity in the right hemisphere. Activation mainly occurs in the middle temporal gyrus, precentral gyrus, middle frontal gyrus, superior
temporal gyrus and several other areas in the frontal lobes. The point of maximum signal intensity has been shifted to a new coordinates during active
listening. It is also observed that the magnetic resonance signal intensity and the number of activated voxel in the right and left superior temporal lobes for
the second condition have been reduced as compared to that of the first condition. The results obtained strongly suggest the existence of functional
specialisation. The results also indicate different networks for the two conditions. These networks clearly pertain to the existence of functional connectivity between activation areas during listening and listening while performing a simple arithmetic task.
3.Functional Specialisation and Effective Connectivity in Cerebral Motor Cortices: An fMRI Study on Seven Right Handed Female Subjects
Ahmad Nazlim Yusoff ; Mazlyfarina Mohamad ; Aini Ismafairus Abd Hamid ; Wan Ahmad Kamil Wan Abdullah ; Mohd Harith Hashim ; Nurul Zafirah Zulkifli
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2010;6(2):71-92
Objective: This study investigates functional specialisation in, and effective connectivity between the precentral gyrus (PCG) and supplementary motor area (SMA) in seven right handed female subjects. Methods: Unimanual (UNIright and UNIleft) and bimanual (BIM) self-paced tapping of hand fingers were performed by the subjects to activate PCG and SMA. Brain activations and effective connectivity were analysed using statistical parametric mapping (SPM), dynamic causal modeling (DCM) and Bayesian model selection (BMS) and were reported based on group fixed (FFX) and random (RFX) effects analyses. Results: Group results showed that the observed brain activation for UNIright and UNIleft fulfill contralateral behavior of motor coordination with a larger activation area for UNIright. The activation for BIM occurs in both hemispheres with BIMright showing higher extent of activation as compared to BIMleft. Region of interest (ROI) analyses reveal that the number of activated voxel (NOV) and percentage of signal change (PSC) on average is higher in PCG than SMA for all tapping conditions. However, comparing between hemispheres for both UNI and BIM, higher PSC is observed in the right PCG and the left SMA. DCM and BMS results indicate that most subjects prefer PCG as the intrinsic input for UNIright and UNIleft. The input was later found to be bi-directionally connected to SMA for UNIright.The bi-directional model was then used for BIM in the left and right hemispheres. The model was in favour of six out of seven subjects. DCM results for BIM indicate the existance of interhemispheric connectivity between the right and left hemisphere PCG. Conclusion: The findings strongly support the existence of functional specialisation and integration i.e. effective connectivity in human brain during finger tapping and can be used as baselines in determining the probable motor coordination pathways and their connection strength in a population of subjects
4.Activation Characteristics of the Primary Motor (M1) and Supplementary Motor (SMA) Areas during Robust Unilateral Finger Tapping Task
Ahmad Nazlim Yusoff ; Mazlyfarina Mohamad ; Khairiah Abdul Hamid ; Aini Ismafairus Abd Hamid ; Hanani Abdul Manan ; Mohd Harith Hashim
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2010;8(2):43-49
This study investigated the functional specialisation characteristics of brain in multiple right-hand dominant subjects pertaining to the activation of the cerebral motor cortices evoked by unilateral finger tapping, especially in primary motor (M1) and supplementary motor (SMA) areas. This multiple-subject study used unilateral (UNIright and UNIleft) selfpaced tapping of hand fingers to activate the M1 and SMA. Brain activation characteristics were analysed using statistical parametric mapping (SPM). Activation for UNIright and UNIleft showed the involvement of contralateral and ipsilateral M1 and SMA. A larger activation area but with a lower percentage of signal change (PSC) were observed in the left M1 due to the control on UNIright (4164 voxels at α = 0.001, PSC = 1.650) as compared to the right M1 due to the
control on UNIleft (2012 voxels at α = 0.001, PSC = 2.377). This is due to the influence of the tapping rate effects which is greater than what could be produced by the average effects of the dominant and sub-dominant hands. The significantly higher PSC value observed in the right M1 (p < 0.05) is due to a higher control demand used by the brain in coordinating the tapping of the sub-dominant fingers. The findings obtained from this study showed strong evidence of the existence
of brain functional specialisation and could be used as baseline references in determining the most probable motor
pathways in a sample of subjects.
5.Functional Specialisation and Effective Connectivity During Self-paced Unimanual and Bimanual Tapping of Hand Fingers: An Extended Analysis Using Dynamic Causal Modeling and Bayesian Model Selection for Group Studies
Ahmad Nazlim Yusoff ; Aini Ismafairus Abd Hamid ; Khairiah Abdul Hamid ; Wan Ahmad Kamil Wan Abdullah ; Mazlyfarina Mohamad ; Hanani Abdul Manan
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2011;7(2):17-36
Introduction: This multiple-subject fMRI study continue to further investigate brain activation within
and effective connectivity between the significantly (p<0.001) activated primary motor area (M1),
supplementary motor area (SMA) with the inclusion of BA44 during unimanual (UNIright and UNIleft)
and bimanual (BIM) self-paced tapping of hand fingers. Methods: The activation extent (spatial and
height) and effective connectivity were analysed using statistical parametric mapping (SPM), dynamic
causal modeling (DCM) and the novel method of Bayesian model selection (BMS) for group studies.
Results: Group results for UNIright and UNIleft showed contra-lateral and ipsi-lateral involvement of M1
and SMA. The results for BIM showed bilateral activation in M1, SMA and BA44. A larger activation
area but with lower percentage of signal change (PSC) are observed in the left M1 due to the control
on UNIright as compared to the right M1 due to the control on UNIleft. This is discussed as due to the
influence of the tapping rate effects that is greater than what would be produced by the average effects
of the dominant and sub-dominant hand. However, the higher PSC observed in the right M1 is due
to a higher control demand used by the brain in coordinating the tapping of the sub-dominant hand
fingers. Connectivity analysis indicated M1 as the intrinsic input for UNIright and UNIleft while for BIM,
the inputs were both M1s. During unilateral finger tapping, the contra-lateral M1 acts as the input
center which in turn triggers the propagation of signal unidirectionally to other regions of interest. The
results obtained for BIM (BIMleft and BIMright) however yield a model with less number of significant
connection. M1-M1 connection is unidirectional for UNIleft and UNIright originating from contra-lateral
M1, and is inhibited during BIM. Conclusion: By taking into consideration the presence of outliers that
could have arisen in any subject under study, BMS for group study has successfully chosen a model that
has the best balance between accuracy (fit) and complexity.
6.Brain Activation Display Functional Asymmetry in Response to Action, Background and Tonal Frequency During a Pitch Memory Processing: An fMRI Study
Ahmad Nazlim YUSOFF ; Farah Nabila Ab Rahman ; Siti Zamratol-Mai Sarah Mukari ; Khairiah Abdul HAMID ; Mazlyfarina MOHAMAD
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2018;16(1):35-44
In this study, the asymmetry of the main effects of action, background and tonal frequency during a pitch memory processingwere investigated by means of brain activation. Eighteen participants (mean age 27.6 years) were presented with low andhigh frequency tones in quiet and in noise. They listen, discriminate and recognize the target tone against the final tonein a series of four distracting tones. The main effects were studied using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) with action (towring (rubber bulb) vs. not to wring), background (in quiet vs. in noise) and frequency (low vs. high) as the factors (andlevels respectively). The main effect of action is in the right pre-central gyrus (PCG), in conformation with its contralateralbehavior. The main effect of background indicated the bilateral primary auditory cortices (PAC) and is right lateralized,attributable to white noise. The main effect of frequency is also observed in PAC but bilaterally equal and attributable tolow frequency tones. Despite the argument that the temporo-spectral lateralization dichotomy is not especially rigid asrevealed by the main effect of frequency, right lateralization of PAC for the respective main effect of background clearlydemonstrates its functional asymmetry suggesting different perceptual functionality of the right and left PAC.
7.Evaluating the Relationship of Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference on the Image Quality of Abdominal Computed Radiography (Menilai Hubungan Indeks Jisim Badan dan Lilitan Pinggang pada Kualiti Imej Radiografi Berkomputer Abdomen)
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2020;18(No.1):11-18
Body sizes of patients undergoing x-ray examination vary in body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC). This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between BMI and WC on the image quality of abdominal computed radiography (CR). Anteroposterior supine abdomen projection was conducted on 69 patients from Hospital Raja Perempuan Bainun, Ipoh using a Siemens Multixtop general x-ray unit, and the images were processed with CR Carestream Direct view Max. Samples were categorised into normal BMI (n = 23), overweight (n = 23) and obese (n = 23). Image quality was measured quantitatively in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and qualitatively by visual grading analysis (VGA) based on the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) image criteria. Data were analysed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Pearson’s correlation for comparison and determining the relationship among BMI, WC and image quality. Results showed a significant difference (p < 0.01) in image quality of VGAmean (normal = 4.40 ± 0.15, overweight = 4.35 ± 0.13, obese = 4.03 ± 0.34) and SNRmean (normal = 60.79 ± 2.19, overweight = 59.66 ± 1.68, obese = 55.78 ± 4.31). A moderate to high negative correlation existed between SNR (r = −0.73), VGA (r = −0.7) with BMI (p < 0.01) and between SNR (r = −0.83), VGA (r = −0.79) with WC (p < 0.01). This study suggests that WC has a higher negative linear relationship than BMI and can be used as an effective image quality predictor for abdominal CR examination.
8.The objective assessment of the effects on cognition functioning among military personnel exposed to hypobaric-hypoxia: A pilot fMRI study
Nisha Syed Nasser ; Fathinul Fikri Ahmad Saad ; Aida Abdul Rashid ; Salasiah Mustafa ; Hamed Sharifat ; Rohit Tyagi ; Amei Farina Abd Rashid ; Loh Jia Ling ; Mazlyfarina Mohamad ; Subapriya Suppiah
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2020;75(1):62-67
Objective: To identify regions of the brain affected during
cognitive working memory during tasks to assess attention,
planning and decision making among military aviation
personnel who have chronic intermittent exposure to high
altitude environment.
Method: A case-control study was conducted in the
Universiti Putra Malaysia among eight military personnel,
four of whom had chronic intermittent exposure to high
altitude training. They were divided into two groups, chronic
intermittent exposure group (CE) (n=4) and a control group
(n=4). They underwent a task-based functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) that utilised spatial working
memory task to objectively evaluate the neural activation in
response to the Tower of London paradigm. Each correct
answer was given a score of one and the maximum
achievable score was 100%.
Results: A consecutive dichotomised group of CE (4/8) and
control (4/8) of age-matched military aviation personnel with
a mean age of 37.23±5.52 years; showed significant
activation in the right middle frontal gyrus (MFG). This in
turn was positively correlated with response accuracy. A
significant difference in the response accuracy was noted
among both the groups at p<0.05.
Conclusion: At the minimum results of power analysis of
this preliminary fMRI study, our group of aviation personnel
who had chronic intermittent exposure to hypobaric hypoxic
environment, did not have any significant decrease in
cognitive function namely attention, decision-making and
problem solving compared to controls during a working
memory task