1.Review on the Effect of Occupational Therapy Intervention in Improving Handwriting Skills among Preschool Children
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2019;17(2):89-95
The development of writing ability is not only important in building a child’s self-esteem, but also essential for academic success in school. Handwriting is an important skill that could affect students’ performance in most academic areas. This study aimed to review the effect of occupational therapy intervention in improving handwriting skills among preschool children. Relevant studies were systematically searched by using standardized keywords across three databases. The initial search identified 1,386 references. Of these studies, there were five quantitative studies that met the inclusion criteria and were methodologically appraised using the McMaster Critical Review Form–Quantitative Studies. All studies reported that preschool children with or without disabilities showed significant improvements in handwriting skills after receiving occupational therapy intervention. One study involved collaboration between teachers and occupational therapists in implementing intervention program to preschool students. Collaboration between teachers and occupational therapists was able to provide teachers with tools and skills that they can use to help students, with or without direct presence of occupational therapists. Overall, findings of this review indicated that preschool children could gain improvement in handwriting skills regardless of their conditions after receiving occupational therapy intervention programs.
2.An Assessment of the Movement and Function of Children with Specific Learning Disabilities: A Review of Five Standardised Assessment Tools
Nur Sakinah Baharudin ; Dzalani Harun ; Masne Kadar
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2020;27(2):21-36
Various standardised assessment tools have been used to evaluate children with
disabilities. However, assessment tools that provide information on the movement and function
of children with specific learning disabilities (SLD) are still limited. This article provides a
narrative review of the characteristics of five movement and/or function assessment tools. The
strengths and limitations of the tools will be highlighted. Empirical studies on the assessment tools
used are reviewed based on three criteria: (i) standardised tools; (ii) assessment of movement
and/or function; (iii) applicability to children with SLD ranging from 4–17 years of age and
widely used in practice. The following instruments have been included as they have been found
to fulfil the criteria: (i) the Bruininks-Oseretsky test of motor proficiency-2 (BOT-2); (ii) the
movement assessment battery for children-2 (MABC-2); (iii) the pediatric balance scale (PBS);
(iv) the Vineland adaptive behaviour scale-II (VABS-II) and (v) the pediatric evaluation of disability
inventory-computerised adaptive test (PEDI-CAT). The article presents the characteristics,
strengths and limitations of five standardised assessment tools that are currently in use, which
measure the movement and/or function of children with SLD. This article concludes with a
discussion of recommendations for the best approaches to evaluating the movement and functional
abilities of children with SLD.
3.The Reliability of Functional Mobility Assessment Tools Among the Elderly in Malaysia
Nor Afifi Razaob ; Priscilla Tang Shu Fern ; Masne Kadar ; Noorashikin Samin
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2016;14(1):47-54
Functional mobility among the older population is an important element for a meaningful quality of life. The
implementation of functional mobility assessments among the older people is vital to ensure appropriate steps can
be taken in order to detect changes in functional mobility. There are varieties of functional mobility assessments
available however most of the reliability test are based on Western countries. Therefore this study was to determine
the reliability of three types of functional mobility status assessment of physical activity, especially among the older
person. Sixty older respondents with the average age of 76.32 years and standard deviation of 8.66 participated in this
study performed three types of functional assessments; Six-Minute Walk Test (6MWT), Timed Up and Go Test (TUG),
Sit-to-Stand Test (STS). Two measurements were carried out with a week gap from the first measurement. Intraclass
Correlation (ICC), Limits of Agreement (LOA) and Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) statistical tests followed by
the combination of the three statistical analysis measurements were used for data analysis. The results showed all
functional measurement tools using ICC, LOA, SEM and combination of three types analysis were highy reliable. The
ICC value was exceeded 0.90 (ICC=0.94-0.99). The LOA graph for all activity measurement tools showed some degree
of reliability while the SEM percentage recorded a value of less than 10% (SEM%=0.95%-9.95%). In conclusion, all
three functional measurement tools are highly reliable and can be used as one of the functional test among the older
people in Malaysia.
Health Services for the Aged
Quality of Life
4.Reframing Services for Malaysian Students in Schools: Time to Bring Occupational Therapy into the Classroom
Masne Kadar ; Nor Afifi Razaob ; Hany Naziha Mohd Saibani ; Chai Siaw Chui ; Noorashikin Samin
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2017;15(1):67-73
Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability that has gained increasing attention in Malaysia. Much effort is now being taken to include children with autism spectrum disorder in the school system, either in inclusive settings or in special educational settings. However, this endeavor raises many challenges for the children with autism spectrum disorder, their families and for service providers. The current study uses a qualitative approach to investigate parents’ perceptions of problems faced by their children with autism spectrum disorder in issues related to academic skills. A face-to-face interview was performed with parents of children with autism spectrum disorders who were receiving occupational therapy services for their difficulties in academic related skills. Findings indicate that most of the difficulties faced by these children are related to skills needed to be accepted at school, such as ability to communicate and socialize and this often limit their performance at school. These findings not only raise and discuss important implications for service providers such as teachers, health care professionals and policy makers, but also lead to suggestions for future research.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
5.Malaysian Parents’ Feedback On Three Proxy-Rated Assessments Used In Pediatric Rehabilitation
Farahiyah Wan Yunus ; Michelle Bissett ; Stefania Penkala ; Masne Kadar ; Karen Liu
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2018;18(1):64-69
Assessing a child’s functional abilities and limitations can provide useful information for occupational therapists to develop individualised intervention plans. Usually paediatric assessments require parents to rate their child on different domains of health and functional performance. To do so, parents need to be able to understand the assessment content and instructions to rate their child accurately. The primary purpose of this study was to examine if parents in Malaysia understood the content and instructions of three assessments: the Sensory Profile Caregiver Questionnaire (SP), the Sensory Processing Measure Home Form (SPM) and the Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function Parent Form (BRIEF). The secondary purpose was to examine perceptions about the clarity and relevancy of each of the items in each assessment. Thirty parents, recruited using convenience sampling, completed a survey about the assessments. In general, the parents indicated no problems or only minor problems in understanding the content and instructions of all three assessments. The parents also provided comments to improve the clarity of the assessment items. Comments were primarily related to the terms or jargon language used. Elaborations of the terms or jargon were later provided based on the parents’ comments. All three assessments were identified as relevant to be used in the Malaysian population. The results suggest that all three assessments can be used by parents and are suitable to be implemented by occupational therapists working with children in Malaysia.
Parent-rated assessments
Malaysian children
Face validity
Cross-cultural relevancy
6.Ayres Sensory Integration ® Implementation in Malaysian Occupational Therapists: Challenges and Limitations (Perlaksanaan Ayres Sensory Integration ® Terhadap Terapis Carakerja di Malaysia: Cabaran dan Limitasi)
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2022;20(No.2):117-128
One of the most popular interventions provided by occupational therapists for pediatric clients is Ayres Sensory
Integration® (ASI). Strict fidelity measures consisting of procedural and structural elements must be adhered to when
using it. These fidelity measures distinguish Ayres Sensory Integration® from other sensory-based interventions. This
study involved the development of a survey instrument and outlined the challenges that Malaysian occupational
therapists face when using Ayres sensory integration® (ASI). The questionnaire development involved the processes of
assessing its validity and reliability. A total of 161 occupational therapists working in various healthcare settings
responded to the survey by answering a self-administered questionnaire. The results identified eight themes or issues:
(1) Inadequate Training, (2) Resource Issues, (3) Physical Constraints, (4) Time Constraints, (5) Limited Information/
Support Provided By Family, (6) Limited Support From Management, (7) Limited Information/Support Provided By
Suppliers, and (8) Issues in Implementing Evidence-Based Practice. Identifying the challenges of implementing ASI is
an important aspect of improving occupational therapy assessments and interventions, which would establish the
effectiveness of the interventions provided.
7.Adherence to the Ayres Sensory Integration® Fidelity Measures: Malaysian Occupational Therapists’ Practices
Farah Samsu Rahman ; Masne Kadar ; Dzalani Harun
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2023;19(No.2):76-85
Introduction: A popular intervention for paediatric clients, Ayres Sensory Integration® (ASI) must adhere to sensory
integration (SI) fidelity. This study describes fidelity adherence in ASI intervention by occupational therapy practitioners in Malaysia. Methods: A questionnaire on ASI fidelity was developed before being tested for its validity by seven experts and for its internal consistency and test-retest reliability by 30 occupational therapists. The questionnaire
was then used nationally to collect data on ASI practitioners. Data were collected from 161 occupational therapists
working in various settings. Results: The mean of the sub-scales I-CVI was excellent, ranging between 0.97 and 1.00.
The total S-CVI/Ave of the form was also reported as excellent, at 0.98, with subscales S-CVI ranging between 0.75
and 1.00. Cronbach’s alpha was 0.80 for the questionnaire’s internal consistency and the ICC for test-retest reliability
ranged from 0.80 to 0.95. The survey received 161 responses, indicating that most respondents perceived themselves
as having ‘moderate competence’ and showing ‘high interest’ in ASI implementation. Most fidelity aspects were
addressed in their practices. Majority of the respondents adhered to the process elements. It was indicated that three
aspects of physical space under the structural elements could not be provided by most occupational therapists in the
study. Conclusion: To implement evidence-based practice, adherence to fidelity when providing ASI is important to
ascertain its effectiveness. Improvements to ensure optimal space, ASI certification, and more related training are the
first steps that can be taken by the related agencies to ensure effective ASI intervention could be delivered.
8.Video Modelling to Improve Hand Dexterity in Students with Learning Disabilities: Special Education Teachers' Perspectives (Permodelan Video Bagi Meningkatkan Kecekatan Tangan Murid Dengan Masalah Pembelajaran: Persepsi Guru Pendidikan Khas)
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2022;20(No.1):151-160
Proficient hand dexterity (HD) may help students with learning disabilities (LDs) perform various hand tasks efficiently.
Video modelling (VM) is a strategy that uses a model to improve desired skills. However, the limited study focuses on VM
to improve HD among students with LDs. Therefore, this study explores VM implementation in the learning and teaching
process to improve the HD of students with LDs. Five Special Education (SE) teachers who taught the Hand Manipulative
Component lessons in two different states were purposefully selected and invited to participate in this study. A one-toone interview was conducted with individual SE teachers. The interview sessions were audio-recorded and transcribed
verbatim, and the data was analysed through thematic analysis. Rigorous approaches were performed to ensure the
findings' trustworthiness, such as triangulation, member checking, and an audit trail. Four key themes emerged:
conventional learning and teaching methods, challenges faced by students with LDs in improving HD, and the advantages
of implementing VM in learning and teaching to improve HD and develop a video module. This study suggests SE
teachers can implement VM in their learning and teaching processes to improve the HD performance of students with
LDs. This current study concludes that VM can be a supportive strategy in the teaching process to improve HD performance
among students with LDs.
9.The Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy Handwriting Intervention for Children with Motor Coordination Issues: A Systematic Review (Keberkesanan Terapi Cara Kerja Bagi Intervensi Tulisan Tangan Terhadap Kanak-kanak Dengan Masalah Koordinasi Motor: Tinjauan Literatur Sistematik)
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2022;20(No.1):161-177
Handwriting difficulty is one of the main issues among school children, especially for those with motor coordination
issues. The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate the effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions in
handwriting components for children with motor coordination issues. Current research articles were systematically
searched according to the PRISMA guidelines. Two hundred and sixty-eight (n=268) research articles were identified;
however, only ten (n=10) were eligible to be evaluated for this study. Studies were appraised by using McMaster Critical
Review Form-Quantitative Studies. Descriptive synthesis was executed due to the heterogeneity of included studies. The
review found various types of intervention conducted by occupational therapists to have a positive effect on handwriting
performance components among children with motor coordination issues. Types of intervention used were visual, motor,
perceptual, sensory, activity of daily living skills, training device and assistive technology and specific handwriting
programs. Most handwriting intervention showed effectiveness to improve handwriting performance in motor function,
visual and perceptual components. Future research should focus on homogeneity of Occupational Therapy (OT)
intervention to improve handwriting performance by using specific handwriting programmes and similar standardised
evaluation instruments. Practitioners of OT intervention should consider collaboration with teachers, parents and other
health professionals to expedite effectiveness of intervention in handwriting performance components.
10.Motor performance and functional mobility in children with specific learning disabilities
Suhaili Ibrahim ; Dzalani Harun ; Masne Kadar ; Hanif Farhan Mohd Rasdi ; Nur Sakinah Baharudin ; Evelyn Jong Tze Hui
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2019;74(1):34-39
Limitations in motor performances among
children with specific learning disabilities (SLD) can lead to
impaired functional skills. Thus, this study aimed to
determine the level of motor performances and functional
mobility, and the influence of motor performances on the
functional mobility in children with SLD.