1.Exercise physical characteristics and laboratory findings in Japanese elite Judo athletes.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1990;39(5):341-349
A study was performed to evaluate the physical exercise characteristics of 29 Japanese elite judo athletes by treadmill exercise test. Functional aerobic impairment (FAI), heart rate impairment (HRI) and peripheral circulatory impairment (PCI) in the judo athletes were not significantly different from those of normal sedentary subjects. However, myocardial aerobic impairment (MAI) was lower than in normal sedentary subjects. %VO2max at the anaerobic threshold (AT) was 57.5±3.3% in male, and 57.0±4.3% in female judo athletes. %HRmax at AT was 72.4±3.8% in males, and 75.2±5.3% in females.
These findings suggest that functional aerobic capacity and peripheral circulatory function in Japanese elite judo athletes are not significantly different from those of normal sedentary subjects, but that judo athletes have high left ventricular function.
The blood biochemical profile and urinalysis date revealed that values of muscle injury enzymes, plasma uric acid and cholesterol were increased with relatively high freqency in elite judo athletes. Similar data were also obtained in individuals with suspected diabetic nephropathy and rhabdomyolysis.
2.Evaluation on the effect of low intensity exercise training in coronary artery disease. Including the evaluation on significance of exercise training after CABG surgery.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1994;43(3):211-218
A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of exercise training for cardiac rehabilitation. 69 patients with coronary artery disease were assigned to a low intensity exercise training program, which lasted for 3 months. The target heart rate for the exercise program was set at 50-60% of maximal heart rate. For comparison, the study patients were divided into 2 groups. 25 patients who had undergone CABG were assigned to group A and 42 patients who had not undergone CABG were assigned to group B. A symptom-limited treadmill exercise test was performed before and after the exercise training program in each patient. Oxygen uptake (VO2), SBP, HR and PRP were measured at rest, submaximal workload and workload at the end point during the treadmill exercise test.
In addition, FAT, LVI and PCI were calculated. The parameters measured before and after exercise training were compared in order to assess the effects of the exercise training program. Our findings showed that exercise training was effective for improving exercise tolerance and submaximal exercise capacity in patients with coronary artery disease, particularly those who had undergone CABG.
3.Gender differences in kinematics during landing motion and effect of the prevention program for lower extremity injuries on kinematics in junior basketball players
Makoto Suzukawa ; Yasuharu Nagano ; Tatsuya Tamaki ; Emi Nakamura ; Yu Shimizu ; Atsushi Akaike ; Kuniaki Shimizu ; Hideyuki Miki ; Kazunori Irie ; Haruhito Aoki
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2012;61(1):119-124
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury often occurs as a result of knee valgus collapse during landing or pivoting in sports activity. Previous studies reported that the risk of ACL injuries was reduced by jump and balance training, and those training can be effective as the prevention program for the ACL injuries. But those studies often focused on only adult athletes, and there are few studies focused on junior athletes. The purpose of this study is to investigate the pattern of landing movement in junior athletes, and to verify the effect of the prevention program. One-hundred and ten junior basketball players (boys; 61, girls;49, age ranging 12 to 15) were subjected in this study. We measured the knee flexion, valgus angles and jump height during continuous vertical jump. After measuring, they executed a prevention program for 12 weeks. The motion pattern of the knee during jump test were compaired between before and after prevention program. Female athletes showed greater knee valgus angle at initial landing phase and grater maximum knee valgus angle than those of males. As a result of the prevention program, maximum knee valgus angle was significantly decreased in female athletes. The greater angle of knee valgus in female may increase the risk of ACL injuries. Present study suggests that the prevention program is useful for reducing the risk of ACL injury. Increment of jump height in male players after this program might be considered that this training program has also an effect of performance improvement.
4.Characteristics of pre-existing physical factors associated with the onset of Osgood–Schlatter disease in junior soccer players
Mafumi Shiota ; Yoshinori Kagaya ; Tatsuya Tamaki ; Takashi Mochida ; Makoto Suzukawa ; Noboru Sekiya ; Atsushi Akaike ; Kuniaki Shimizu ; Haruhito Aoki
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2016;65(1):205-212
The aim of this study is to investigate the characteristics of pre-existing physical factors associated with the onset of Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD) in junior soccer players. Fifty-nine junior soccer players of the elementary school were included in this study. The boys who had been diagnosed as OSD were excluded. At the time of the first investigation, the subjects were examined through physical evaluation and an ultrasonography. The subjects were followed up one and a half years, and the tibial tuberosity was classified according to the growth stages using the ultrasonography. After the end of follow-up period, the subjects were divided into two groups, those with signs and symptoms of OSD that appeared during the follow up period and those without that. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for the comparison between OSD group’s and control group’s initial assessments. The players who were followed up for one and half years were 38 people. 5 knees of the 4 players were clinically diagnosed as OSD (OSD group), and the remaining 34 players with no symptoms of the OSD constituted the control group. The range of the bilateral hip external rotation, straight leg raise of the non-dominant side, and knee flexion in the OSD group were significantly lower than those in the control group (p < 0.05). We concluded that a decrease in specific joint flexibility might be related with the onset of OSD.