1.Assessing The Unmet Needs Among Caregivers Of Children With Disabilities At The Community-Based Rehabilitation Centres In Selangor
Suriati S, Sharifah Zainiyah SY, Lye MS, Norlijah O
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2011;11(2):32-40
Caregivers may experience the need for information, social support, a range of services and financial support in caring for children with disabilities. However, some of these needs are unmet. This study aims to determine the perceived unmet needs among caregivers of children with disabilities at the Community-based Rehabilitation centre (CBR). A cross-sectional study was carried out among a total of 337 caregivers, who were recruited from 12 CBR centres in Selangor. The unmet needs were assessed using Family Needs Survey (FNS) questionnaire, which included six subscales of needs such as need for information, social support, community services, explaining to others, financial support and family functioning. Caregivers identified the need for information that the child might receive in the future as their greatest need (94.4%) and the least was the need for getting more counseling or help in getting a job (16.3%). The mean score for the overall unmet needs was 18.67 (SD=7.623). Out of six subscales of FNS, the need for information had the highest rating which was 98.3%, followed by need for social support (93.4%), need for community services (84.0%), need for financial support (79.9%), need for family functioning (61.8%) and need for explaining to others (46.2%). The unmet needs varied within the subscales. Therefore, more effective intervention programs are needed in community-based rehabilitation centres to match or reduce those varied unmet needs in order to allow caregivers to provide better care for their children with disabilities.
2.Post-Stroke Survivors: The Relationship between Clinical Characteristics and the Levels of Depression
Bala Krishnian M ; Leong JWS ; Lye MS ; Johar MJ ; Ismail MS
Medicine and Health 2015;10(2):98-102
Stroke is frequently associated with long-term disability. Stroke leads to high risk of
physical and neuropsychological consequences. Residual disabilities among post-stroke survivors can lead them to depression. This study aimed to determine the
relationship between clinical characteristics and the levels of depression among
post-stroke survivors at a teaching hospital in Kuala Lumpur. This cross-sectional
study recruited 195 post-stroke survivors who attended follow-up Rehabilitation
Clinic of a teaching hospital over a study period of 4 months. Information collected
included socio-demographic, clinical characteristics (post stroke duration, stroke
types and stroke severities) and level of depression. Beck’s Depression Inventory
(BDI) was used to assess the level of depression. The mean age of participants was
61 years (SD=13.86, range: 22-87 years), with 118 male and 81 female survivors
having a median duration of post-stroke of 12 months (range: 1–79 months). This
study showed post stroke survivors 116 (59.5%) with depression. A Chi-square
test for level of stroke severity was significantly associated with depression, χ2
n=195) = 28.724, p<0.001, phi = 0.384. The results of the present study showed
that survivors with mild stroke had less depression (44.0%) compared to moderate
stroke (81.7%) and severe stroke (87.5%).
3.Functional Status of Post Stroke Survivors
Bala Krishnian M ; Leong JWS ; Lye M ; Johar MJ ; Ismail MS
Medicine and Health 2015;10(1):32-36
Globally, stroke is the commonest cause of long-term disability. The residual
disabilities among post stroke patients affect their daily living activities. The aim
of rehabilitation therapy is to help stroke survivors to gain back their functional ability. The present study aimed to determine the relationship between post stroke
duration with functionality status of post-stroke survivals at a teaching hospital in
Kuala Lumpur. A cross-sectional study involved one hundred nine five post stroke
patients who attended the Rehabilitation Clinic over a 4-month period. The data
on post stroke duration was reveale from patient’s cleckship. Their functional
status was assessed with Modified Barthel Index (MBI). Results showed the mean
age of participants was 61 years (SD=13.86, range:22-87 years), with 118 males
and 81 females having a median duration of 12 months post-stroke (range: 1–79
months). The prevalence 123 (63.1%) of stroke survivors are found to be dependent
in their daily living activity. A Chi-square test for independence indicated there was
significant relationship between post-stroke duration with levels of functioning, χ2
(2 , n=195) = 6.455, p<0.05,phi = 0.182. Patients in post-stroke duration of 13-24
months were independent (52.1) than ≤ 12 months and ≥ 24 months.