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Author:( Luo, H.Q.)

1.Seroprevalence of bluetongue virus infection in goats in the central China

Luo, H.Q.

Tropical Biomedicine 2017;34(1):80-83

2.Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections in goats in Hubei province, China

Luo, H.Q., Tu, Y.Q., Song, X.Z.and Sun, S.W.

Tropical Biomedicine 2016;33(2):285-289

3.Molecular characterization of ascaris from Tibetan pigs by three mitochondrial markers of nad1, cox1 and cox2

Luo, H.Q. ; Zhang, H. ; Li, K. ; Lan, Y.F. ; Wang, X.Q. ; Khalid, M. ; Mujeeb, R. ; Huang, S.C. ; Li, J.K.

Tropical Biomedicine 2017;34(3):576-582

4.Epidemiological investigation and risk factors of Peste des petitis ruminants (PPR) in yaks (Bos grunniens) and cattle in five regions of China

Li, X.H. ; Li, K. ; Zhang, H. ; Gan, P. ; Luo, H.Q ; Han, Z.Q ; Mehmood, K. ; Shahzad, M.

Tropical Biomedicine 2018;35(3):736-743

5.Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in people in southeast Hubei province, China

Shen, Zh. Zh. ; Li, K. ; Li, Z.J. ; Shang, X.L. ; Hu, F. ; Zhou, W.J. ; Wang, H.L. ; Luo, H.Q.

Tropical Biomedicine 2020;37(No.2):452-457

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