1.Use of Red Palm Oil in Local Snacks Can Increase Intake of Provitamin A Carotenoids in Young Aborigines Children: A Malaysian Experience
Ng TKW ; Low CX ; Kong JP ; Cho YL
Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2012;18(3):393-397
Introduction: Carotenoid-rich red palm oil (RPO)-based snacks have been provided to children in impoverished communities to improve their vitamin A status. The non-availabilty of information on the acceptability of RPO-based snacks by Malaysian aborigines (Orang Asli) children forms the basis of this study. Methods: Twenty-one Orang Asli children, majority of whom had normal body mass index for age (BMI-for-age) and aged 4.73 ± 0.92 years in Sungai
Tekir, Negeri Sembilan were provided with three freshly-prepared snacks (springroll, curry puff or doughnut) each containing one teaspoon or 5 ml of RPO per serving, on separate mornings. On the fourth morning, one serving
each of all 3 different snacks was provided together on a plate to every child for consumption and preference for the snacks recorded. The children’s habitual
vitamin A intakes were assessed by a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and carotenoid retention tests for the prepared snacks were
performed by column chromatography. Results: Fifty-four percent of the children did not meet their RNI for vitamin A. Based on acceptance criterion of consuming
at least one-half serving of the snacks provided, springroll and curry puff recorded 100% acceptability while doughnut had 82% acceptability. Preference of snack
was in the order, springroll (47%)> doughtnut (35%)> curry puff (18%), but a Ztest test for proportions showed no statistical significance. Carotenoid retention
tests showed great variation between snacks namely, doughnut (100%) >springroll (84%)>curry puff (45%). Conclusion: The overall findings indicate
that the RPO-based snacks are highly acceptable and can be used to improve the dietary intake of provitamin A carotenoids of Malaysian Orang Asli children.