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Author:( Llanes Erasmo Gonzalo DV)

1.Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the mandible

Romeo L Villarta ; Erasmo Gonzalo DV Llanes ; Rodante A Roldan

Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2006;21(1-2):36-38

2.Chronic suppurative otitis media: Bacteriology and drug sensitivity patterns at the Quirino Memorial Medical Center (2004-2005): A preliminary study

Erasmo Gonzalo DV Llanes ; Jan Eero G Lopez ; Patricia N Ayson

Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2006;21(1-2):20-23

3.Measurement of the handicap of dysphonic patients using the Filipino voice handicap index.

Lim Aimee Caroline E ; Hernandez Melfred L ; Llanes Erasmo Gonzalo DV

Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2010;25(1):7-12

4.Prevalence of clinically diagnosed acute otitis media (AOM) in the Philippines: A national survey with a developing country's perspective.

Caro Ruzanne M ; Llanes Erasmo Gonzalo DV ; Ricalde Rosario R ; Sarol Jesus N

Acta Medica Philippina 2014;48(4):30-34

5.Training of nurses in ear examination and hearing screening in the school setting (Phase II): A cross-sectional study.

Gloria-Cruz Teresita Luisa I. ; Chiong Charlotte M. ; Chan Abner L. ; Llanes Erasmo Gonzalo DV ; Reyes-Quintos Ma. Rina T. ; Yang Nathaniel W. ; Abes Generoso T.

Acta Medica Philippina 2010;44(3):39-45

6.Auditory brainstem response latencies of infants and maternal eposure to environmental toxic product.

Chiong Charlotte M ; Ostrea Enrique M ; Llanes Erasmo Gonzalo DV ; Ostrea Enrique M ; Villanueva-Uy Enterlita T ; Reyes Alexis L ; Gloria-Cruz Teresa Luisa I ; Reyes-Quintos Maria Rina T

Acta Medica Philippina 2012;46(3):5-10

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