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Author:( Liu, R.D.)

1.Analysis of Structures, Functions, and Epitopes of Aminopeptidase from Trichinella spiralis

Zhang, Y.L., , Zhang, H.W., Zhang, X., Liu, L.N., Liu, R.D., Xu, B.L., Wang, Z.Q., Cui, J.

Tropical Biomedicine 2015;32(4):776-782

2.Identification of early diagnostic antigens in soluble proteins of Trichinella spiralis adult worms by Western blot

Xu, D.M. ; Wen, H. ; Wang ; L.A., Hu ; C.X., Qi ; X., Sun ; G.G., Liu, R.D. ; Wang, Z.Q. ; Cui, J.

Tropical Biomedicine 2017;34(1):191-198

3.Primary assessment of a T. spiralis putative serine protease for early serological detection of experimental trichinellosis

Sun, G.G. ; Lei, J.J. ; Guo, K.X. ; Liu, R.D. ; Long, S.R. ; Zhang, X. ; Jiang, P. ; Cui, J. ; Wang, Z.Q.

Tropical Biomedicine 2019;36(3):792-802

4.Functional analysis of Trichinella spiralis serine protease 1.2 by siRNA mediated RNA interference

Yang, F. ; Guo, K.X. ; Yang, D.Q. ; Long, S.R. ; Zhang, X. ; Jiang, P ; Cui, J. ; Wang, Z.Q. ; Liu, R.D.

Tropical Biomedicine 2020;37(No.2):458-470

5.Trichinella spiralis: RNAi-mediated silencing of serine protease results in reduction of intrusion, development and fecundity

Yang, D.Q. ; Zeng, J. ; Sun, X.Y. ; Yue, X. ; Hu, C.X. ; Jiang, P. ; Liu, R.D. ; Cui, J. ; Wang, Z.Q.

Tropical Biomedicine 2020;37(No.4):932-946

6.Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel aspartyl aminopeptidase from Trichinella spiralis

Sun, X.Y. ; Ma, K.N. ; Bai, Y. ; Liu, R.D. ; Long, S.R. ; Zhang, X. ; Jiang, P. ; Cui, J. ; Wang, Z.Q.

Tropical Biomedicine 2021;38(No.3):420-434

7.Specific binding of aspartic protease and enterocytes promotes Trichinella spiralis invasion of murine intestinal epithelium cells

Xu, J. ; Xu, Y.X.Y. ; Yue, W.W. ; Hao, H.N. ; Liu, R.D. ; Long, S.R. ; Wang, Z.Q. ; Cui, J.

Tropical Biomedicine 2021;38(No.1):160-171

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