1.Selection of Chitinolytic Bacteria as Biological Control of Colletotrichum capsici
Gaby Maulida Nurdin ; Nisa Rachmania Mubarik ; Lisdar Idwan Sudirman
Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 2016;12(1):35-42
Aims: The objectives of this study were to screen chitinolytic bacteria isolated from soil of Taman Nasional Bukit
Duabelas, Jambi, Indonesia. Isolates were selected based on chitinolytic index and antagonism activity of Colletotrichum
capsici. Chitinase enzyme from selected isolates was investigated for growth inhibition of C. capsici.
Methodology and results: Two chitinolytic bacteria were selected based on their ability to degrade colloidal chitin and
inhibit of the growth of C. capsici. Those isolates were KAHN 15.12 and SAHA 12.12, identified as Serratia marcescens
and Bacillus thuringiensis respectively based on 16S rRNA gene. The chitinase maximum specific activity of isolate
KAHN 15.12 was 52.03 U/mg after 36 h of incubation and SAHA 12.12 was 45.67 U/mg after 24 h of incubation. The
enzyme was precipitated by ammonium sulfate 40% and 60% respectively for KAHN 15.12 and SAHA 12.12. The
precipitated chitinases were active over a broad range of pH (5 to 10) and temperature (20 to 80 °C). Enzymes were
stable in optimum temperature for 180 min. The precipitated of chitinase KAHN 15.12 and SAHA 12.12 had five and two
protein bands respectively on SDS-PAGE gel. Chitinases exhibited an antifungal activity against C. capsici at
concentration of 60 ppm.
Conclusion, significance and impact of study: Isolates KAHN 15.12 and SAHA 12.12 were successfully selected by
their ability to degrade colloidal chitin and inhibit the growth of C. capsici. The isolates had a broad range of pH and
temperature, moreover relatively stable at the optimum temperature. Chitinase was effective as biological control for
anthracnose caused by C. capsici in chilli.