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Author:( Lim PS)

1.Parvovirus Infection and Congenital Leukemia: Is It a Causal or Casual?

Dasrilsyah RA ; Ahmad S ; Lim PS

The International Medical Journal Malaysia 2017;16(1):123-126

2.Urethral Masson’s Tumour: A Rare and Puzzling Entity

Lim Ps ; Ng Bk ; Tan Gc ; Aruku N

Medicine and Health 2017;12(1):118-121

3.Cervical Ectopic Pregnancy: A Management Dilemma

Shafiee MN ; Norliza I ; Lim PS ; Shuhaila A ; Mohd Hashim O

Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(1):30-33

4.Huge Adenomyotic Cyst in Pregnancy

Raimi ZH ; Ng BK ; Omar MH ; Lim PS

Journal of Surgical Academia 2016;6(2):40-42

5.Unruptured Left Cornual Pregnancy with a High Serum β-hCG: A Case Report

Nirmala CK ; Lim PS ; Norzilawati MN ; Zainul RAZ ; Mohd. Hashim O.

Journal of Surgical Academia 2011;1(1):49-51

6.‘Emergency Chemotherapy’ for Bleeding Cervical Cancer: Case Series

Shafiee MN ; NorAzlin MI ; Lim PS ; Trika I ; Arifuddin D ; Hatta D

Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(2):35-37

7.The Influence of Additional Administration of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Following Intrauterine Insemination on The Clinical Pregnancy Outcome: A Hospital-Based Review

Ng BK ; Natasha Ain MN ; Zainul Rashid MR ; Omar MH ; Lim PS

Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(2):1-1

8.Re-Evaluation of Serum Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Follow Up in Patients with Molar Pregnancy

Harry SR ; Nirmala CK ; Nor Azlin MI ; Lim PS ; Shafiee MN ; Shamsul AS ; Omar MH ; Hatta MD

Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(2):1-1

9.Case Control Study of Anxiety and Depression Among Patients with Miscarriage Compared to Those with Successful Pregnancy

Ng BK ; Chuah JN ; Lim PS ; Shuhaila A ; Marhani M ; Nor Azlin MI

Medicine and Health 2017;12(2):244-258

10.Primary Malignant Melanoma of Vagina: The Options of Management

Ng BK ; Lim PS ; Ng YL ; Kew TY ; Abdul Kadir AK ; Hatta M

Journal of Surgical Academia 2014;4(1):63-66

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