1.Parvovirus Infection and Congenital Leukemia: Is It a Causal or Casual?
Dasrilsyah RA ; Ahmad S ; Lim PS
The International Medical Journal Malaysia 2017;16(1):123-126
Congenital leukemia is an extremely rare disease but frequently fatal. We report a case of intrauterine
death (IUD) secondary to congenital erythroid leukaemia associated with maternal Parvovirus B19 infection.
Further research is needed to ascertain the association between maternal Parvovirus B19 infection and
congenital leukemia.
2.Urethral Masson’s Tumour: A Rare and Puzzling Entity
Lim Ps ; Ng Bk ; Tan Gc ; Aruku N
Medicine and Health 2017;12(1):118-121
Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia (IPEH) or Masson’s tumour is a
benign vascular proliferation that mimics other malignant vascular tumour. To
date, this is the fourth case of Masson’s tumour at urethra being reported in the
literature. A 65-year-old female Para 2, presented with post-menopausal bleeding.
Examination revealed a 4x3x3 cm growth surrounding the urethral meatus. She
underwent examination under anaesthesia and excision of the periurethral mass.
Histopathological examination confirmed Masson’s tumour. Diagnosis and
management of this uncommon tumour at a rare location was discuss. angiosarcoma; endothelial hyperplasia; Masson’s tumour; urethral neoplasm; vascular neoplasm
3.Cervical Ectopic Pregnancy: A Management Dilemma
Shafiee MN ; Norliza I ; Lim PS ; Shuhaila A ; Mohd Hashim O
Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(1):30-33
A 28-year-old G3P1+1 at 6 weeks period of amenorrhea with a previous Caesarean section presented with per vaginal bleeding. A cervical ectopic pregnancy was confirmed by a transvaginal scan. An intramuscular methotrexate was given followed by intracervical route due to poor decline of the serum βHCG. However, due to persistent increment of serum βHCG, an additional four doses of intramuscular methotrexate with folinic acid rescue were administered and she responded well to the regime. Unfortunately, following the last dose, she developed an episode of excessive per vaginal bleeding which required suction and curettage of the cervical canal. A Foley‘s catheter balloon was placed intracervically as a tamponade and the bleeding was successfully arrested.
4.Huge Adenomyotic Cyst in Pregnancy
Raimi ZH ; Ng BK ; Omar MH ; Lim PS
Journal of Surgical Academia 2016;6(2):40-42
Adenomyotic cyst is a rare variant of adenomyosis. It is believed to arise from repeated focal haemorrhages resulting
in cystic spaces filled with altered blood products. We present a rare case of a huge adenomyotic cyst in a 27-yearold
primigravida, who was in her first trimester, complaining of sudden lower abdominal pain. Diagnostic
laparoscopy performed to rule out other cause of acute abdomen. Her pregnancy went on smoothly. She delivered a
baby girl of 2.82 kg via vaginal delivery at 39 weeks. Diagnosis and management of this rare clinical entity were
reviewed and discussed.
5.Unruptured Left Cornual Pregnancy with a High Serum β-hCG: A Case Report
Nirmala CK ; Lim PS ; Norzilawati MN ; Zainul RAZ ; Mohd. Hashim O.
Journal of Surgical Academia 2011;1(1):49-51
Ectopic pregnancy in the interstitial part of the fallopian tube (cornual pregnancy) is a rare condition but can be fatal. Traditionally, the treatment had been cornual resection or hysterectomy. More conservative approaches had been advocated recently. There is no consensus on the dose or number of methotrexate injections that should be used in the treatment of interstitial pregnancies. Single dose intramuscular methotrexate is one of the treatment options. However, the failure rate is higher if the serum β-hCG (beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin) level is more than 5000 IU/L. We report a case of cornual ectopic pregnancy with high initial serum β-hCG level being successfully treated with multiple doses of systemic methotrexate. MRI was used to assess clinical resolution of cornual ectopic pregnancy.
6.‘Emergency Chemotherapy’ for Bleeding Cervical Cancer: Case Series
Shafiee MN ; NorAzlin MI ; Lim PS ; Trika I ; Arifuddin D ; Hatta D
Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(2):35-37
Fulminant haemorrhage in cervical cancer leads to severe anaemia and haemodynamic instability. Palliative management includes vaginal packing as temporary measure, radiotherapy and other invasive surgical procedures. High dose emergency chemotherapy is not commonly implemented particularly when complicated with anaemia and renal impairment. We discuss three case series on the usefulness of high dose chemotherapy to combat bleeding from cervical cancer as an emergency treatment. The first case was clinically staged as operable 2A disease with severe anaemia due to bleeding from the tumour mass. The haemoglobin was corrected by blood transfusion while the bleeding was being arrested by high dose chemotherapy. The second case was inoperable with invasion to the bladder mucosa. She had frank haematuria and bleeding from the tumour with severe anaemia. A course of chemotherapy and blood transfusion controlled the bleeding and anaemia was corrected. The third case presented late with obstructive uropathy and anaemia. She required dialysis, blood transfusion and high dose emergency chemotherapy to stop the bleeding before undergoing urinary diversion after an unsuccessful ureteric stenting. High dose chemotherapy consisting cisplatin, vincristine, bleomycin and mitomycin-C has a clinical value in arresting fulminant haemorrhage in cervical cancer.
7.The Influence of Additional Administration of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Following Intrauterine Insemination on The Clinical Pregnancy Outcome: A Hospital-Based Review
Ng BK ; Natasha Ain MN ; Zainul Rashid MR ; Omar MH ; Lim PS
Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(2):1-1
Administration of additional 'rescue' hCG immediately after IUI appeared to intensify considerably the pregnancy rate in IUI cycles. With a strong confirmatory result, it might eventually lead to avoidance of expensive artificial reproductive techniques i.e. IVF or ICSI in selected couples undergoing infertility treatment. 'Rescue' hCG post-IUI in couple with repeated failed conventional IUI may be recommended as it appeared to be safe with minimal detrimental effect.
8.Re-Evaluation of Serum Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Follow Up in Patients with Molar Pregnancy
Harry SR ; Nirmala CK ; Nor Azlin MI ; Lim PS ; Shafiee MN ; Shamsul AS ; Omar MH ; Hatta MD
Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(2):1-1
Continued follow up of uncomplicated molar cases beyond obtaining one undetectable serum β-hCG level is not necessary in order to detect relapse of gestational trophoblastic disease
9.Case Control Study of Anxiety and Depression Among Patients with Miscarriage Compared to Those with Successful Pregnancy
Ng BK ; Chuah JN ; Lim PS ; Shuhaila A ; Marhani M ; Nor Azlin MI
Medicine and Health 2017;12(2):244-258
Miscarriage is one of the most common complications in pregnancy. There is emerging evidence that psychological impact following miscarriage is not unusual. Understanding the magnitude of psychological morbidity is important in the management of miscarriage. The main objective of this study was to compare the mean Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) score between women with miscarriage and women with successful pregnancy and to determine the socio-demographic factor and clinical characteristic that are associated with anxiety and depression. A descriptive case control study was conducted in a teaching hospital, over a period of 12-months (from October 2014 till September 2015). A total of 65 women were recruited with 32 women as the study group (miscarriage) and another 33 women as the control group (women with successful pregnancy). Mean HADS-anxiety score was higher in the study group compared to control group although it was not statistically significant (6.53 ± 3.427 vs 5.73 ± 2.875, p=0.309). Mean HADS-depression score was higher in the control group (4.34 ±2.695 vs 4.45 ± 3.073, p=0.878). Women with maternal age more than 35 years and history of previous miscarriage had a higher tendency of anxiety and depression with higher mean HADS score. There was no association between other socio-demographic data and clinical characteristic with risk of anxiety and depression. As conclusion, there was no significant difference in women with miscarriage as compared to those with successful pregnancies, although older women with history of miscarriage had a preponderance to both disord
10.Primary Malignant Melanoma of Vagina: The Options of Management
Ng BK ; Lim PS ; Ng YL ; Kew TY ; Abdul Kadir AK ; Hatta M
Journal of Surgical Academia 2014;4(1):63-66
Primary malignant melanoma of the vagina is rare but aggressive. Various treatment options include surgery and
adjuvant therapy has been advocated but the outcome remained unpredictable. Standard treatment protocol is yet to
be established. We report a case of 54-year-old, Para 4+1, with malignant melanoma of the vagina. She underwent
wide local excision but the surgical margin was not clear of malignant cells, hence adjuvant radiotherapy was given.
Combination chemotherapy was initiated subsequently as her disease disseminated. She succumbed later due to
septicaemic shock. The treatment options for vaginal melanoma were reviewed.