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Author:( Lim Kheng Seang)

1.Sports and safety in epilepsy

Kheng Seang Lim

Neurology Asia 2010;15(Supplement 1):25-27

2.Epilepsy stigma in Asia: the meaning and impact of stigma

Kheng-Seang Lim ; Chong-Tin Tan

Neurology Asia 2014;19(1):1-10

3.Attitudes toward epilepsy, a systematic review

Kheng Seang Lim ; Chin Hwan Lim ; Chong Tin Tan

Neurology Asia 2011;16(4):269-280

4.Variability of plantar response in normal population

Ri An Lee ; Li Lian Tay ; Kheng Seang Lim ; CT Tan

Neurology Asia 2011;16(2):143-147

5.Association of HLA-B*1502 allele and carbamazepine induced severe adverse cutaneous drug reaction among Asians, a review

Kheng Seang Lim ; Patrick Kwan ; Chong Tin Tan

Neurology Asia 2008;13(1):15-21

6.Traumatic vertebral artery dissection mimicking central pontine myelinolysis: A case report

Jaishree Sharmini ; Kheng-Seang Lim ; Norlisah Ramli ; Chong-Tin Tan

Neurology Asia 2010;15(2):167-171

7.Anti N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptor encephalitis: An under-recognised cause of encephalitis

Giri Shan Rajahram ; Reena Nadarajah ; Lim Kheng Seang ; Jayaram Menon

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2015;70(6):363-364

8.EEG is sensitive in early diagnosis of anti NMDAR encephalitis and useful in monitoring disease progress

Suhailah Abdullah ; Kheng Seang Lim ; Won Fen Wong ; Hui Jan Tan ; Chong Tin Tan

Neurology Asia 2015;20(2):167-175

9.Only certain aspects of knowledge have impact on attitudes toward epilepsy

Kheng Seang Lim ; Monica Chen Mun Wo ; Sherrini Ahmad Bazir Ahmad ; Chong Tin Tan

Neurology Asia 2013;18(4):361-368

10.Name of epilepsy, does it matter?

Kheng Seang Lim ; Shi Chuo Li ; Josephine Casanova-Gutierrez ; Chong Tin Tan

Neurology Asia 2012;17(2):87-91

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