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Author:( Lim KH)

2.Handling Overdispersion in Mortality Data in Time-Series Epidemiologic Research Using SAS Software

Wan Rozita WM ; Rasimah A ; Mazrura S ; Lim KH ; Thana S

Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2010;10(2):6-15

3.Use and Understanding of Nutrition Labeling among Elderly Men and Women in Malaysia

Cheong SM ; Jasvindar Kaurl ; Lim KH ; Ho BK ; Mohmad

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2013;19(3):353-362

4.Violence-Related Behaviors Among School Going Adolescents In Peninsular Malaysia

Muhammad Alimin Mat Reffien ; Shamsul Azhar Shah ; Lim KH

Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2020;20(2):65-73

5.Prevalence, Smoking Habit and Factors Related to Smoking and Nicotine Addiction among Lower Secondary School Male Students in Kota Tinggi District, Johor, Malaysia

Lim KH ; Sumarni MG ; Kee CC ; Norhamimah A ; Wan Rozita WM ; Amal NM

Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2010;10(1):28-37

6.Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of diabetes mellitus among the elderly: The 2011 National Health and Morbidity Survey, Malaysia

Ho BK ; Jasvindar K ; Gurpreet K ; Ambigga D ; Suthahar A ; Cheong SM ; Lim KH

Malaysian Family Physician 2014;9(3):12-19

7.Evaluating Full Cup Study, Numeric Pain Rating Scale, and Visual Analogue Scale in Assessing Pain after Surgical Removal of Lower Third Molar

Lim KH ; Salahudin MS ; Hariri F

Annals of Dentistry 2017;24(2):16-23

8.Do Adolescents Overestimate The Prevalence Of Smoking Among Their Peers? Findings From A Study In Petaling District, Selangor, Malaysia

Lim KH ; Kee CC ; Sumarni MG ; Lim KK ; Tee EO ; Christopher VM ; Noruiza Hana M ; Amal NM

Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2011;11(2):6-12

9.Comparison of Fruits and Vegetables Intake and Physical Activity between Hypercholesterolemic Adults and Nonhypercholesterolemic Adults in Malaysia

Chan YY ; Teh CH ; Yeo PS ; Lim KK ; Lim KH ; Kee CC ; Azli B ; Tee GH ; Gurpreet K ; Mohd Azahadi O

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2014;20(2):221-235

10.College of Radiology, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia position on whole body screening CT scans in healthy asymptomatic individuals (2008)

ELM Ho ; BJJ Abdullah ; AAL Tang ; AJ Nordin ; AR Nair ; GCC Lim ; H Samad-Cheung ; KH Ng ; S Ponnusamy ; SF Abbas ; Bux SI ; S Arasaratnam ; YF Abdul Aziz ; S Venugopal ; Z Musa ; Z Abdul Manaf

Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal 2008;4(4):1-5

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