1.Partnership for health development through the field practice.
Guevarra Jonathan P. ; Oidem Maribel G. ; Estrada Josue Antonio G. ; Bertuso Arlene G. ; Borja Maridel P. ; Bullecer Ernani R. ; de Guzman Teresita S. ; Leonardo Lydia R. ; Molina Victorio B. ; Yanga-Mabunga Ma. Susan T. ; Castillo Eleonor C. ; Hernandez Paul Michael R. ; Ignacio Ma. Socorro E. ; Javier Richard S. ; Pinlac Paul Adrian V. ; Roxas Evalyn A.
Acta Medica Philippina 2014;48(3):79-83
This article describes the partnership between the College of Public Health, University of the Philippines Manila and the province of Laguna in the context of implementation of the field practice course. This partnership paved the way for the development and implementation of projects in seven field practice sites. Projects concentrated mainly on improving quality of data and health information system, development of educational materials, and addressing health problems such as tuberculosis, hypertension and rabies. After the implementation of the various activities, there is a need for both parties (the College of Public Health and the Provincial Health Office of Laguna) to monitor and evaluate if projects have been sustained. Moreover, successful projects must also be fully documented which can serve as models for other areas in the province of Laguna.
Human ; Rabies ; Health Information Systems ; Public Health ; Tuberculosis ; Quality Improvement ; Universities ; Teaching Materials ; Hypertension
2.A systematic review and critical appraisal of the quality of studies looking into the economic evaluation of control strategies for soil-transmitted helminthiasis and schistosomiasis.
Fernando B. GARCIA ; Kate HALTON-BALCON ; Nicholas GRAVES ; Lydia R. LEONARDO ; Ricardo J. SOARES MAGALHÃ ; ES ; Archie CLEMENTS ; Laith YAKOB
Acta Medica Philippina 2019;53(1):80-89
Objectives: This research study aims to conduct a systematic review and critical appraisal of the quality of the existing peer-reviewed journal literature looking into the economic evaluation of control strategies used in parasitic diseases (i.e., STH and schistosomiasis).
Methods: Database searches were conducted in Embase, Science Direct, Medline, CINAHL, Econ Lit, and Academic Search Elite, by using search keywords or phrases. Using the predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria, a review of published online articles between January 1990 and December 2012 was conducted. Aside from the set of good practice guidelines in conducting economic evaluations, assessment of the quality of economic evaluations was also carried out following the Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS) checklist.
Results: Given the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by this review, we systematically reviewed thirteen shortlisted samples of economic analysis studies. The current systematic review shows a wide variety of methodological approaches across studies, including differences in the type of economic evaluation, perspective, time horizon, approach, and adjustments for timing and certainty used.
Conclusions: In general, the economic evaluation studies that have been examined in this review have complied with the set of criteria of good practice in conducting an economic evaluation and that it can be considered helpful in making decisions and in understanding the economics of controlling these parasitic diseases.
Cost-benefit Analysis ; Schistosomiasis