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Author:( Lee Yee Mei)

1.Nutritional Status and Nutritional Knowledge of Malay Pregnant Women in Selected Private Hospitals in Klang Valley

Zahara Abdul Manaf ; Nuruljannah Johari ; Lee Yee Mei ; Ng Sim Yee ; Chua Kai Yin ; Loke Wai Teng

Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2014;12(2):53-62

2.Antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli, Salmonella and enterococci isolated from surface of conventional broiler eggs, “Kampung” chicken eggs and carrying trays from wet markets in Selangor, Malaysia

Aw Yoong Kit, Loong Mei-Jean ; Yue Chii Xiang ; Lee Kok Ming ; Ng Sian Yee ; Lee Sui Mae

Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 2015;11(2):109-115

3.Prospective audit of febrile neutropenia management at a tertiary university hospital in Singapore.

Jing JIN ; Yee Mei LEE ; Ying DING ; Liang Piu KOH ; Siew Eng LIM ; Robert LIM ; Paul Ananth TAMBYAH ; Li Yang HSU

Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore 2010;39(6):453-459

4.Influence of rice and added sugar intakes on fasting plasma glucose and triacylglycerol levels amongst a population sample of Malaysian adults

Zhi Yee Lee ; Joshua Chuan Yung Foo ; Mei Qian Lim ; Zheng Xian Koh ; Wendy Hui Yi Wong ; Tony Kock Wai Ng

International e-Journal of Science, Medicine and Education 2015;9(1):26-31

5.Risk factors for adverse outcomes and multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteraemia in haematology patients with febrile neutropenia in a Singaporean university hospital.

Li Mei POON ; Jing JIN ; Yen Lin CHEE ; Ying DING ; Yee Mei LEE ; Wee Joo CHNG ; Louis Yi-An CHAI ; Lip Kun TAN ; Li Yang HSU

Singapore medical journal 2012;53(11):720-725

6.Prospective audit of post-chemotherapy febrile neutropenia in patients with solid cancer and lymphoma in two Singaporean cancer centres.

Mabel WONG ; Jing JIN ; Min Han TAN ; Yee Mei LEE ; Ten Eng LEE ; Ying DING ; Hong Chan YONG ; Siew Eng LIM ; Louis Ya CHAI ; Noan Minh CHAU ; Li Yang HSU

Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore 2012;41(7):287-293

7.Validating lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) as a component of the PLASMIC predictive tool (PLASMIC-LDH)

Christopher Chin KEONG LIAM ; Jim Yu-Hsiang TIAO ; Yee Yee YAP ; Yi Lin LEE ; Jameela SATHAR ; Simon MCRAE ; Amanda DAVIS ; Jennifer CURNOW ; Robert BIRD ; Philip CHOI ; Pantep ANGCHAISUKSIRI ; Sim Leng TIEN ; Joyce Ching MEI LAM ; Doyeun OH ; Jin Seok KIM ; Sung-Soo YOON ; Raymond Siu-Ming WONG ; Carolyn LAUREN ; Eileen Grace MERRIMAN ; Anoop ENJETI ; Mark SMITH ; Ross Ian BAKER

Blood Research 2023;58(1):36-41

8.Risk factors and time-trends of cytomegalovirus (CMV), syphilis, toxoplasmosis and viral hepatitis infection and seroprevalence in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected patients.

Raymond Bt LIM ; Mei Ting TAN ; Barnaby YOUNG ; Cheng Chuan LEE ; Yee Sin LEO ; Arlene CHUA ; Oon Tek NG

Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore 2013;42(12):667-673

9.The chemical, heavy metal and microbial quality of well water in an urbanised village in the Klang Valley

Stephen Ambu ; Stacey Foong Yee Yong ; Yvonne Ai Lian Lim ; Mak Joon Wah ; Donald Koh Fook Chen, Soo Shen Ooi, Sau Peng Lee, Ti Myen Tan ; Mei Yen Goh ; Danapridha Nyanachendram

International e-Journal of Science, Medicine and Education 2014;8(3):28-44

10.Prevalence of overweight and obesity in Chinese preschoolers in Singapore.

Mar Khin PWINT ; Yung Seng LEE ; Teck Yee WONG ; Seang Mei SAW

Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore 2013;42(2):66-72

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