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Author:( Lee CS)

1.Peritoneal implantation of ureter in a cadaveric kidney transplant recipient.

Tan SY ; Lim CS ; Teo SM ; Lee SH ; Razack A ; Loh CS

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2003;58(5):769-770

2.Body Somatotype, Anthropometric Characteristics and Physical Activity of College-Age Adults in Selected Institutions of Higher Learning in Kelantan, Malaysia

Wan Abdul Manan WM ; Kum CS ; Lee YY

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2015;21(1):41-55

5.The Current and Future Challenges of Hip Fracture Management in Malaysia

Ong T ; Khor HM ; Kumar CS ; Singh S ; Chong EGM ; Ganthel K ; Lee JK

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2020;14(No.3):16-21

6.A nationwide, resident-led teaching programme for medical students in Singapore: SingHealth Student Internship Programme Bootcamp.

Daniel Sw TING ; Jill Cs LEE ; Benny Kg LOO ; Katherine BAISA ; Wen Hsin KOO ; Sandy COOK ; Boon Leng LIM

Singapore medical journal 2016;57(5):233-237

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