1.Tidal breathing analysis as a tool for asthma diagnosis in children aged six months to five years.
Jenni Rose A. Dela Cruz ; Leanne B. Santos ; Liwayway T. Icawat ; Vizhandreb A. Baltazar ; Mary Therese M. Leopando
The Philippine Children’s Medical Center Journal 2017;13(2):23-32
BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of asthma is difficult to establish using spirometry in children below 5 years old. Tidal breathing analysis (TBA) can provide useful information about lung function in infants and young children, as it is effort-independent.
OBJECTIVES: To determine if baseline and post-bronchodilator ratios of the time and volume until peak expiratory flow to the total expiratory time and volume, (tPEF/tE and V PEF/V E) can distinguish asthmatics from normal children.
METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study wherein 146 children ages 6 months to 5 years old completed TBA before and 15 minutes after administration of 250?g of salbutamol via nebulization. Children 3 years old and below who did not cooperate were given sedation with oral diphenhydramine (1mg/kg/dose). The tPEF/tE and VPEF/VE were compared between the controls and asthmatics.
RESULTS: In children below 2 years old, the baseline tPEF/tE of asthmatics and non-asthmatics were 29.6 ± 13.8and 22.0 ± 6.6. The area under the curve (AUC) was 0.649 attPEF/tEof 32.250, with a sensitivity and specificity of 50% and 97%. The baseline VPEF/VE of asthmatics and non-asthmatics were 32.7 ±12.4 and 26.0 ± 4.9.AUC was 0.661 at VPEF/VEof34.500, with a sensitivity and specificity of 50% and 97%.In subjects 2 to 5 years old, the baseline tPEF/tE of asthmatics and non-asthmatics were 35.3 ± 14.7 and 35.0 ± 13.1. The baseline VPEF/VE were 37.0 ± 12.3 and 36.7 ± 10.7. After salbutamol nebulization, the tPEF/tE of asthmatics and non-asthmatics in all ages were 30.9±13.7 and 27.9± 10.8. The VPEF/VE were 34.1± 11.4 and 30.9± 9.0.
CONCLUSION: Baseline tPEF/tE and VPEF/VE can distinguish asthmatics from non-asthmatics in children below 2 years old. However, baseline tPEF/tE and VPEF/VE in children 2 to 5 years old and post-bronchodilator tPEF/tE and VPEF/VE in all ages could not distinguish asthmatics from non-asthmatics after nebulization with 250?g of salbutamol.
Human ; Asthma-diagnosis ; Cross-sectional Studies ; Asthma
2.Functional residual capacity in healthy infants aged 1-24 months using the baby body plethysmography (Carefusion TM).
Jeremie Marie Abratique-Del Rosario ; Leanne B. Santos ; Lallaine Columna ; Cerissa Caringal ; Rigmor R. Dygico ; Liwayway Icawat ; Jerickson A. Bayani ; Rom Paulo Marcelino ; Mary Ann F. Aison
The Philippine Children’s Medical Center Journal 2019;15(1):1-8
The only lung volume that can be measured reliably in infants is the functional
residual capacity (FRC). Published reference values vary, thus, there is a need to determine values for
healthy infants using the available equipment.
To determine the normal values of FRC in healthy infants using the baby body
plethysmogram (CareFusion) and to determine the correlation between FRC and weight, length, age, and
FRC was measured using the CareFusion MasterScreen baby body plethysmogram in 62
healthy infants aged 1-24 months old. FRC was measured after sedation with Chloral hydrate at 50 mg/kg
body weight. Three measurements were performed from which the mean (SD) FRC was calculated. To
depict the change in FRC with growth, regression analysis between FRC as dependent variable and
weight, length, and age as independent variables was done.
The FRC values obtained in this study is 24.56 ml/kg (4.41). There is a direct
correlation of FRC with age, weight, and length. The result of this study was comparable to other studies and may be used as a reference value for healthy infants.