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Author:( Lapitan Marie Carmela M.)

1.Tuberculosis orchitis in patients who have undergone radical orchiectomy for testicular mass.

Tuliao Patrick H. ; Lapitan Marie Carmela M.

Philippine Journal of Urology 2011;21(1):14-18

2.Predictors of postoperative complications of transurethral resection of the prostate in a resource-poor setting.

Plaza Aladin B ; Lapitan Marie Carmela M

Philippine Journal of Urology 2012;22(2):40-45

4.Nutritional assessment of adult cancer patients admitted at the Philippine General Hospital using the scored patient generated subjective global assessment tool (PG-SGA).

Caballero Carmela Isabel A. ; Lapitan Marie Carmela M. ; Buckley Brian S.

Acta Medica Philippina 2013;47(4):12-17

5.The bacteriology of urine in urologic patients with prolonged indwelling urinary catheters in the Philippine General Hospital.

Matias Patrick Joseph M ; Lapitan Marie Carmela M

Philippine Journal of Urology 2012;22(2):51-57

6.A survey of common biofilm microorganisms in indwelling urinary catheters and their antibiotic sensitivity pattern.

Morales Ramil ; Lapitan Marie Carmela M. ; Buckley Brian S.

Philippine Journal of Urology 2011;21(2):29-34

7.A questionnaire survey on the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs regarding vasectomy of male patients consulting in the Philippine General Hospital.

Tuliao Patrick H ; Lapitan Marie Carmela M ; Buckley Brian S

Philippine Journal of Urology 2012;22(1):22-26

9.Bechmarking anesthesia-controlled times at a tertiary general hospital in the Philippines.

Cruz Particia Lorna O. ; Prudente Emmanuel S. ; Lapitan Marie Carmela M.

Acta Medica Philippina 2015;49(4):62-68

10.Incidence and risk factors of postoperative bacteriuria after transurethral resection of the prostate using distilled water as irrigating fluid: A retrospective cohort study.

Raphael Benjamin B. Arada ; Marie Carmela M. Lapitan ; Dennis P. Serrano

Philippine Journal of Urology 2020;30(2):101-105

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