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Author:( Lallaine Columna)

1.Bronchodilator challenge test using the tidal rapid thoracoabdominal compression technique among infants aged 6-24 months with recurrent wheezing.

Ma. Lallaine G. Columna ; Cristan Q. Cabanilla

The Philippine Children’s Medical Center Journal 2019;15(2):35-44

2.Functional residual capacity in healthy infants aged 1-24 months using the baby body plethysmography (Carefusion TM).

Jeremie Marie Abratique-Del Rosario ; Leanne B. Santos ; Lallaine Columna ; Cerissa Caringal ; Rigmor R. Dygico ; Liwayway Icawat ; Jerickson A. Bayani ; Rom Paulo Marcelino ; Mary Ann F. Aison

The Philippine Children’s Medical Center Journal 2019;15(1):1-8

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