1.Preliminary results of static tests of balance among asymptomatic normal Filipino adult volunteers.
Abes Generoso T ; Labra Patrick John P ; Abes Franco Louie LB ; Villarta Romeo L ; Chan Abner L
Acta Medica Philippina 2012;46(3):11-17
<p style="text-align: justify;">OBJECTIVES: To determine the effect of age, ex and body index on selected static tests of balance and to generate referance normtive data among the different population groups.p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 100 asymptomatic normal adult Filipino volunteers, aged 20 to 69 years were tasked to perform selected static balance tests. These tests included classic Romberg (CR), Romberg with Jendrassik (RJ) maneuver, tandem Romberg (TR), standing on foam with feet apart (SOFFA), standing on foam with feet together (SOFFT) and standing on one leg (SOL). All tests were done with eyes opened (EO) followed by eyes closed (EC) for 30 seconds each. Volunteers were grouped into age groups by decades, normative values were obtained and effects of age, sex and body mass index, if any, on performance of the various tests were determined.p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">RESULTS: All volunteers were able to do the CR and RJ maneuver for 30 seconds. All were able to perform for 30 seconds the TREO, SOFFA EO and SOFFT EO procedures. Some volunteers were unable to complete the TREC, SOFFA EC, SOFFT EC, SOL EO and SOL EC procedures. The mean performance duration values for TREC, SOFFA EC, SOFFT EC, SOL EO AND SOL EC were significantly negatively correlated with age. Although majority of tests were negatively correlated with body mass index, the correlations were not statistically significant.p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">CONCLUSION: Age significantly affects selected static balance performance whereas sex and body mass index do not significantly affect selected static balance performance. The normative values generated in this study are inconclusive because of inadequate sample size, particularly in the older age group. The results, however, showed the potential value of the 5th percentile as a normative norm in systematically assessing the involvement of the vesticular, visual and proprioceptive organs i balance function.p>
Middle Aged
Young Adult
Sample Size
Body Mass Index
2.Aerosol and droplet particles contained by inexpensive barrier tent during mastoidectomy: A COVID-19 innovation
Andylou D. Mangubat ; Patrick John P. Labra
Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2021;36(2):44-48
To investigate the distribution and aerosolized particle counts generated during mastoidectomy, we utilized low-cost and locally available material and developed a plastic tent creating a barrier between the health care workers (HCW) and patient.
The barrier tent is a clear plastic bag attached to the microscope lens. The tent is draped and tucked underneath the patient’s head and upper torso with surgeon’s arms also passed underneath and secured with clamps. We demonstrated the area of greater contamination by spread of droplet particles and bone dust after drilling using fluorescent dye. Particle counts inside and outside the barrier was determined and then comparison with and without the tent after drilling of cadaveric temporal bone were also done.
The area with highest concentration of contamination (“hot zone”) was noted opposite the surgeon’s hand drill which is dependent on the operator’s handedness. Other hot zones noted were opposite the operator and on the operator’s side. Particle determination of aerosol size 0.3 and 2.5µm inside the barrier tent were at peak levels after bone drilling procedure. Then a significant drop of particle counts was noted at 2 minutes after drilling was stopped with flattening observed at 8 minutes.
Our experimental results suggest that the improvised barrier tent can be effective in mitigating aerosols generated during mastoid surgery and may serve as an added protection for the operating room team.
3.Granulation tissue mimicking a glomus tumor in a patient with chronic middle ear infection.
Kimberly Mae C. Ong ; Patrick John P. Labra ; Rosario R. Ricalde ; Criston Van C. Manasan ; Jose M. Carnate, Jr.
Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2016;31(2):31-35
<p style="text-align: justify;">OBJECTIVE: To present an unusual cause of pulsatile tinnitus, presenting in a young adult suffering from chronic recurrent foul-smelling discharge from the same ear.
Design: Case Report
Setting: Tertiary National University Hospital
Patient: One
RESULTS: A 24 year-old woman presented with pulsatile tinnitus on a background of chronic recurrent foul-smelling discharge. Clinico-radiologic findings seemed consistent with a glomus tympanicum coexisting with chronic suppurative otitis media with cholesteatoma. She underwent tympanomastoidectomy with excision of the mass. Histopathologic evaluation revealed the mass to be granulation tissue.
CONCLUSION: Pulsatile tinnitus is rarely associated with chronic middle ear infection. Granulation tissue arising at the promontory may mimic glomus tumors when accompanied with this symptom. Despite this revelation, it would still be prudent to prepare for a possible glomus tumor intraoperatively so that profuse bleeding and complications may be avoided.p>
Young Adult
Glomus Tumor
4.Accuracy and use of the reflexive behavioral (“Baah”) test and risk factor questionnaire for hearing screening in infants six months old and below
Gienah F. Evangelista ; Patrick John P. Labra ; Charlotte M. Chiong ; Alessandra Nadine E. Chiong ; Precious Eunice R. Grullo
Acta Medica Philippina 2023;57(9):21-27
To determine the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values, and use of the Reflexive Behavioral “Baah” Test and NHSRC Level 1 and Level 2 Questionnaires in detecting hearing impairment in rural health communities.
This was a prospective cross-sectional study conducted at the rural health unit of five municipalities. Infants less than six months old were screened for hearing impairments using the OAE device (standard), the Reflexive Behavioral “Baah” test, and the NHSRC Level 1 and Level 2 Questionnaires. The “Baah” test and the filling out of the NHSRC Level 1 and 2 Questionnaires were done by trained health workers while OAE was done by an audiologist.
A total of 103 babies, with a mean age of 41.9 days at the time of testing and a male to female ratio of 1.02:1 (52 males and 51 females) were tested. A hearing impairment prevalence of 4.9% (5 out of 103) was noted. The “Baah” test showed to have a sensitivity of 60%, specificity of 97.96% and an accuracy rate of 96.12%. The NHSRC Level 1 and Level 2 Questionnaires showed sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy rate of 40%, 67.35% and 66.02%, respectively for the former and 40%, 85.71% and 83.50%, respectively for the latter. Analysis of the complimentary use of the NHSRC Level 1 and Level 2 Questionnaires with the “Baah” test also showed no significant improvement to using the “Baah” test as a stand-alone screening tool with sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 60%, 67.35% and 66.99%, respectively for the “Baah” test and Level 1 Questionnaire, and 60%, 83.67% and 82.52%, respectively for the “Baah” test and Level 2 Questionnaire.
The Reflexive Behavioral “Baah” test is a potentially accurate, sensitive, specific, and acceptable standalone hearing screening test to identify infants with higher risk of hearing impairment in the rural health community setting. On the other hand, the use of the NHSRC Questionnaires as a stand-alone or complementary tool for “Baah” is unnecessary as it results to more false positive and false negative results.
Surveys and Questionnaires
Infant, Newborn
Behavior Rating Scale
5.A comparison of the human voice (“Baah”) test and the automated auditory brainstem response in detecting neonates with hearing loss in a community setting
Alessandra Nadine E. Chiong ; Patrick John P. Labra ; Charlotte M. Chiong ; Gienah F. Evangelista ; Precious Eunice R. Grullo
Acta Medica Philippina 2023;57(9):28-31
To assess the usage of the “Baah” Test compared to the AABR (Automated Auditory Brainstem Response) in detecting hearing loss of neonates in the community setting.
This is a retrospective cross-sectional study. The targeted sample population are infants less than a month old who underwent screening at a testing facility in Malolos, Bulacan spanning the years 2011 and 2012.
A total of 201 infants were included in the study, with a mean age of 10.77 days with a standard deviation of 7.79. The ratio of males to females was almost equal at 1:1.01. For infants who passed hearing screening on at least one ear, 96% (193 infants) correlated with the results of “Baah” testing. For those with bilateral refer results on AABR, 4 out of the 6 correlated with the “Baah” Test.
There is potential in using the “Baah” Test as a tool for hearing loss assessment of infants in situations wherein the usual hearing screening tests are inaccessible. It makes use of little resources, and though it does have its limitations in assessing for unilateral hearing loss (as the test cannot test ears in isolation), it would be able to identify infants likely to have bilateral hearing loss.
Audiometry, Evoked Response
Infant, Newborn
6.Hearing screening through frequency analysis of auditory brainstem response using PhysioNet Data
Catherine Manuela Lee-Ramos ; Al Francis L. Bontogon ; Angelica S. Collanto ; Patrick John P. Labra ; Luis G. Sison ; Charlotte M. Chiong
Acta Medica Philippina 2023;57(9):32-38
Responding to the reality of neonate patients with delayed childhood development due to late diagnosis of and intervention on hearing impairment, this study aims to determine the features based on time-frequency domain of auditory brainstem response (ABR) signals and to test the protocol on ABR signals from PhysioNet.
This is done by pre-processing, performing time-frequency analysis, and characterizing hearing impairment using the dominant features of the ABR. In this study, normal (N) and hearing impaired (HI) ABR adult human signals were acquired from Physionet.org, a publicly available database. Considering its high signal-to-noise ratio, numerous filters and transformations were applied to extract the ABR. Consequently, the features acquired — dominant frequency and bigrams, were used as data classifiers.
Initial results using only N classifiers, that is features from the Normal dataset, and bandpass Chebyshev filter with a lower cut-off frequency of 60 Hz show that the tests yielded low to middle sensitivity. Further tests were done to improve the sensitivity that incorporated the HI classifiers, used data filtered with a low cut-off frequency of 300 Hz, and data divided per stimulus intensity level.
Conclusions made are 1) data with both N and HI classifiers have higher sensitivity than those using only N classifiers, 2) data with a Chebyshev cut-off frequency of 300 Hz have a higher sensitivity than those with 60 Hz, and 3) data divided per intensity level have a higher sensitivity than data analyzed as a whole, and that features with stimulus intensity in middle ranges have a better distinction between HI and N patients.
Evoked Potentials
Brain Stem
Delayed Diagnosis
7.Implementation of Universal Newborn Hearing Screening in the Philippines: A survey of registered newborn hearing centers
Patrick John P. Labra ; Olivia Agnes D. Mejia ; Rosario R. Ricalde ; Jaymilyn V. Catangay-Ombao ; Anna Pamela C. Dela Cruz ; Giancarla Marie C. Ambrocio ; Myra G. Capistrano ; Nelson O. Eugenio
Acta Medica Philippina 2023;57(9):15-20
Universal newborn hearing screening is mandated in the Philippines through the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Intervention Act of 2009 (RA 9709). Newborn hearing screening (NBHS) centers are required to perform screening tests, compile and submit data on screened newborns, and advise parents on the subsequent steps after NBHS.
The study aimed to conduct a survey of the implementation of the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Intervention Program (UNHSIP) in the different regions of the country; and assess the information technology (IT) capabilities of hearing centers.
Fifty-one NBHS centers across twelve regions were surveyed through on-site inspections in 2016. Data was gathered on the centers’ testing capability, staffing, access to specialists, use of local protocols, connectivity, and IT capabilities.
All surveyed centers followed the recommended protocols of the Manual of Operations of the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Intervention Act of 2009 (RA 9709). Among the 12 regions visited, only five (41.67%) had Category C centers with confirmatory testing and early amplification services as recommended. Majority of facilities (96.1%) were staffed by trained and certified personnel. A small percentage had access to subspecialists such as clinical audiologists (39.2%) and speech-language pathologists (23.5%). All facilities had computer access, but only 58.8% had internet access. Majority (94.1%) of the centers visited were not using the recommended data submission methods, specifically the use of registry cards and the online registry. Only 27.5% of centers had data on newborns who underwent confirmatory testing or early intervention.
Facilities were found to be compliant to NBHS screening protocols and majority complied with certification requirements for staff; but were found to be non-compliant with use of registry cards or the online registry. Majority of centers were able to contact the parents of neonates who did not pass newborn screening, but had no system to track outcomes. Lack of confirmatory and early intervention services in identified areas emphasize the need for development of regional centers. It is recommended that measures to improve the utilization of the online registry are taken.
Neonatal Screening
8.Evaluation of an investigational hearing screening device (HeLe) to demonstrate acoustic brainstem response among normal-hearing adults
Philip B. Fullante ; Patrick John P. Labra ; Juan Miguel A. Mauricio ; Amadona R. Luistro ; Portia Grace F. Marcelo ; Luis G. Sison ; Charlotte M. Chiong
Acta Medica Philippina 2023;57(9):55-59
This pilot human trial demonstrates the ability of the investigational newborn hearing screening device to provide acoustic stimulation to produce evoked potentials, as well as its ability to capture and acquire auditory evoked potentials, especially the auditory brainstem response (ABR) wave V. This pilot study also demonstrates the ease of recognizing and identifying ABR waves in the graphical presentation of the evoked potentials over time.
Fourteen normal-hearing adults or a total of twenty-eight (28) normal-hearing adult ears underwent auditory brainstem response testing using the investigational hearing screening device. A commercially available auditory brainstem response detection device was used to confirm that the acquired ABR waves of the investigational device are normal. The ABR waves displayed by the investigation device were also reviewed by the clinical audiologists to determine their recognizability and identifiability.
The pilot trial demonstrates the ability of the investigational newborn hearing screening device in providing acoustic stimulation to produce evoked potentials, and in acquiring and capturing ABR waves, specifically the wave V, among normal-hearing adult ears. The clinical audiologists recognized and identified the ABR wave V among the evoked potentials at 40dB, 60dB, and 80dB acoustic stimulation. About eighty-nine percent (89.2%) of all ears tested had identifiable and recognizable wave V upon acoustic stimulation at 40dB.
The investigational hearing screening device: (1) can provide acoustic stimulation to produce evoked potentials, (2) can accurately capture and acquire these evoked potentials, (3) can present these evoked potentials in a voltage per time graphical display which an audiologist and trained HCP can easily read and interpret (diagnostic ABR), and (4) can present wave V auditory brainstem potentials that can be easily identified by an audiologist and trained HCP (screening ABR).
Infant, Newborn
Pilot Projects
9.Auditory outcomes of cochlear implantation among pediatric patients under the Philippine National Cochlear Implant Program
Nhor Albert C. Robles ; Charlotte M. Chiong ; Karen Joyce S. Velasco ; Anna Pamela C. Dela Cruz ; Jaymilyn C. Ombao ; Ma. Leah C. Tantoco ; Rosario R. Ricalde ; Patrick John P. Labra ; Chris Robinson D. Laganao
Acta Medica Philippina 2024;58(Early Access 2024):1-8
The National Cochlear Implant Program (NCIP) is a national program to address the increasing prevalence of hearing loss, especially in the pediatric population here in the Philippines. In its pilot implementation, it included three tertiary hospitals to represent Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao and was able to enroll 20 patients who successfully underwent cochlear implantation.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the auditory outcomes of the patients who underwent cochlear implantation under the NCIP using the Parents' Evaluation of Aural/Oral Performance of Children (PEACH) Questionnaire and Categories of Auditory Performance (CAP) score questionnaire.
The study included all recipients of the cochlear implants, under NCIP from December 2019 to December 2021, except 1 with incomplete data during the course of his followup. The outcomes measured included the PEACH Questionnaire score and CAP Questionnaire score and were compared on various factors which included patient's sex and age, parents' socioeconomic status, duration of hearing aid use prior to CI, pre CI imaging findings and CI electrode placement using nonparametric statistical tests.
The mean PEACH score of the 19 patients was 53.59% ± 12.76% (range: 30% - 75%) while the mean CAP score was 3.16 ± 1.04 (range: 1 - 4.3). Parents of the included patients who have a higher educational background and those in which the electrode was located on the ideal location, scala tympani, have a statistically significant higher PEACH score (p-value of 0.017 and 0.012, respectively). In comparing the CAP scores, those who have unremarkable or normal preoperative imaging have a statistically significant higher score (p-value 0.013).
Patients who had normal preoperative imaging, proper placement of electrodes and those patients with parents belonging to a higher educational background had statistically significant better auditory outcomes after cochlear implantation. Patients who had the cochlear implantation before 36 months of age and hearing aid use of 7 to 18 months prior to cochlear implantation had higher PEACH and CAP scores, however these were not statistically significant. Further studies with a larger sample size is recommended.
cochlear implantation