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MeSH:( Labor, Obstetric)

1.Real situation of obstetric complications in the community in some communes of Hoai Duc district, Ha Tay province.

Vinh Quang Dao ; Mai Thi Phuong Tran ; Dien -- Vu

Journal of Medical Research 2007;52(5):57-63

2.Study on the tocolysis effectiveness of nifedipin on uterine contraction in the management of preterm labor

Nguyen Thi Thu Phuong

Journal of Medical Research 2005;36(3):44-52

3.Neuraxial analgesia: a review of its effects on the outcome and duration of labor.

Hoon JUNG ; Kyung Hwa KWAK

Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2013;65(5):379-384

4.The effect of the walking epidural technique on maternal pain relief and the progress of labor in nulliparous patients: A randomized controlled trial comparing the effects of standard epidural analgesia and the combined spinal epidural analgesia techniques for labor

Cruz Ma. Concepcion L. ; Yoro Hipolito Arthur I. ; Zamnudio Rolando ; Garces Dennis

Philippine Journal of Anesthesiology 2002;14(1):1-8

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