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Author:( LUO Xiaofu)

1.Surveillance on allergic rash associated with vaccination in Huzhou City

QIAN Xiaoping ; LUO Xiaofu ; LING Jian

Journal of Preventive Medicine 2023;35(4):339-341

2.Inclusion of hepatitis A vaccine in Expanded Program on Immunization on hepatitis A incidence by interrupted time-series analysis

Chao ZHANG ; Xiaofu LUO ; Qiner XU

Journal of Preventive Medicine 2019;31(6):553-557

3.Surveillance of adverse events following immunization with combined attenuated live measles, mumps and rubella vaccines in Huzhou City from 2015 to 2021

Chao ZHANG ; Jianyong SHEN ; Xiaofu LUO ; Qin' ; er XU ; Liping HAN

Journal of Preventive Medicine 2023;35(1):74-77

4.Surveillance of adverse events following immunization with inactivated influenza vaccines among the elderly in Huzhou City

ZHANG Chao ; LUO Xiaofu ; LIU Yan ; SHEN Jianyong ; XU Qin' ; er ; HAN Liping ; MA Li

Journal of Preventive Medicine 2023;35(8):701-704

5.Transurethral frontfiring photoselective vaporization over transurethral bipolar plasmakinetic resection for the treatment of cystitis glandularis

Xiaofu QIU ; Guosheng YANG ; Baichuan LIU ; Ruilun ZHONG ; Bingwei WANG ; Gaoyuan LI ; Bote CHEN ; Tao ZHANG ; Kanjian LIN ; Huaru ZHANG ; Youhua LUO

Chinese Journal of Urology 2018;39(z1):57-60

6.Clinical efficacy of tip-flexible ureterorenoscope with holmium laser for one-stage management of parapelvic cyst

Guosheng YANG ; Decao NIU ; Tao ZHANG ; Bingwei WANG ; Ruilun ZHONG ; Baichuan LIU ; Gaoyuan LI ; Bote CHEN ; Tingsen JIANG ; Xiaofu QIU ; Huanhui LI ; Yuejia LIU ; Youhua LUO

Chinese Journal of Urology 2019;40(8):574-577

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