1.Complications of Open Tibial Fracture Management: Risk Factors and Treatment
Lua JYC ; Tan VH ; Sivasubramanian H ; Kwek EBK
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2017;11(1):18-22
Open tibial fractures result in high rates of complications.
This study aims to elucidate the risk factors causing these
complications, and suggest antimicrobial regimens based on
the organisms grown in post-operative infections. Over a
period of five years, 173 patients had sustained open tibial
fractures and undergone operative treatment at a single
institution. All surgical data was gathered retrospectively
through online medical records. Thirty-one patients (17.9%)
had sustained post-operative bony complications, while
infective complications were reported in 37 patients (21.4%).
Patients with Gustilo type III fractures were found to be
more than three times as likely to sustain post-operative
infective (p=0.007) or bony (p=0.015) complications,
compared to Gustilo type I or II fractures. The fracture
location and time taken to fixation did not significantly affect
the complication rate, but results were trending towards
significance. The commonest cause of infective
complications were hospital-acquired organisms, such as
Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (40.5%). Closer
monitoring of patients sustaining high grade Gustilo open
fractures, as well as antimicrobial prophylaxis for both
hospital-acquired organisms and environmental
contaminants, will result in the best outcome for patients.
Further studies with larger sample sizes are warranted, to
determine the significance of fracture location and time
taken to fixation on complication rates.
Tibial Fractures
2.Mismatch between Conventional Femoral Arthroplasty Stems and Hip Morphology in the Elderly Chinese Hip Fracture Population
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2021;15(No.2):101-106
Introduction: The morphology of the proximal femur
differs in various populations. Based on our clinical
experience, conventional femoral stems used in hip
arthroplasty do not fit the Chinese population well. Hence,
this study aims to evaluate the suitability of conventional
femoral stems in the elderly Chinese hip fracture population
requiring hip arthroplasty and to establish if gender and age
related differences exist within this population.
Materials and methods: We retrospectively analysed
radiographic data of 300 patients from a tertiary hospital’s
geriatric hip fracture database who underwent either hip
hemi-arthroplasties or total hip arthroplasties. Proximal
femur morphological measurements were recorded, analysed
and compared to that of commonly used femoral stems.
Subgroup analysis was performed to compare age and
gender related differences.
Results: A total of 18.3% of the study population had a
medial femoral offset (MFO) of less than 30mm, which is the
smallest available offset for the implants studied. 22.6% of
female and 3% of male subjects had MFOs that were less
than 30mm. In our subgroup analysis, males had
significantly larger femoral head diameters, MFO and
vertical femoral offsets compared to females. Older subjects
(75-90 years old) had significantly smaller femoral head
diameters, vertical femoral offsets and neck shaft angles
compared to younger subjects (60-75 years old).
Conclusion: Commonly used femoral stem implants have
measurements that do not suit our Chinese population with
small medial femoral offsets. In addition, elderly males have
significantly larger femoral head diameters, medial and
vertical femoral offsets whereas older subjects have
significantly smaller femoral head diameters, vertical
femoral offsets and neck shaft angles.
3.Is Elective Implant Removal after Fracture Healing Beneficial? – A Prospective Cohort Study
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2022;16(No.3):55-60
Introduction: Elective implant removal following healed
extremity fractures remains controversial. This study aimed
to evaluate the reasons and outcomes of implant removal
after uneventful healing of limb fractures.
Materials and methods: This is a prospective single-centre
observational cohort study. Patients who sustained upper or
lower extremity fractures that were fixed and healed
uneventfully were included in the study when they elected to
remove the implants. Patients were followed for six months
post-operatively. Outcomes were assessed with patient
satisfaction, symptoms resolution, and complications.
Results: A total of 43 patients were recruited from October
2016 to March 2019. Thirty-six patients (37 implants) were
symptomatic. Pain and prominence were the most common
complaints, present in 59.5% and 33.3% of patients,
respectively. Cold weather pain was also not uncommon
(19.0%). Pain improved in 91.3% of the patients who
complained of pain. The 94.6% symptomatic patients had at
least partial resolution of pre-operative symptoms. All the
patients who completed follow-up were satisfied with the
procedure. In two patients, there were broken and retained
screws intra-operatively. Post-operative complication rate
was 23.8%, although no major complications occurred.
Conclusions: Implant removal after uneventful healing of
extremity fractures is a safe procedure that conferred a
predictable relief of symptoms and satisfactory outcomes in
4.Musculoskeletal Occupational Injuries in Orthopaedic Surgeons and Residents
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2020;14(No.1):24-27
Introduction: Orthopaedic surgeons are significantly predisposed to musculoskeletal injury, and these injuries can have negative effects on surgeon function and patient outcomes. While this phenomenon has been studied in the non-Asian population of surgeons, no study has been carried out in the local or regional Asian setting. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence, characteristics and associations of occupational injuries in orthopaedic surgeons and residents, and to assess its functional impact. Materials and Methods: The Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire was sent out to all orthopaedic consultants and residents at two institutions in Singapore, via an email link to an online survey. Separately, further questions on symptom description, severity and treatment were surveyed. Additional information like age, gender, height and weight were obtained as well. Results: A total of 87.5% respondents have at least one injury. Neck symptoms (66.1%) were the most prevalent, and back symptoms had the highest median severity score (4.5/10). The 74.1% of these injuries were reported as directly attributable to work. Age was found to be associated with an increase in the total number of anatomical areas affected (p = 0.016). A seated operating position was associated with more severe back pain (p = 0.040). Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of occupational injuries sustained in our population of orthopaedic surgeons. Neck symptoms, followed by back and wrist symptoms, were the predominant symptoms in our population. Targeted ergonomic interventions may be considered to prevent specific musculoskeletal injuries in our population of orthopaedic surgeons.
5.A Rare Case of a Distal Humerus Pathological Fracture from Klebsiella Pneumoniae Osteomyelitis: A Case Report
Chan MF, MBBS ; Kwek EBK, FRCS
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2020;14(No.1):81-83
Klebsiella pneumoniae is one of the leading causative organisms in pyogenic liver disease. It can cause disseminated infections, but rarely to bone, and rarely in healthy hosts. We report an unusual case of a distal humerus fracture from osteomyelitis secondary to dissemination in a non-immuno-compromised patient. The patient was surgically managed with external fixation and insertion of anti-biotic beads, in conjunction with medical therapy via culture direct antibiotics. This report highlights the diagnostic approach and treatment options for these atypical cases.
6.Axillary versus Forearm Crutches: A Prospective Cohort Comparing which is Superior for 3-Point Crutch Gait
Yap WMQ ; Hairodin Z ; Kwek EBK
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2021;15(No.2):36-42
Introduction: Two common crutches utilised for
orthopaedic rehabilitation include the axillary crutch and
forearm crutch, with either crutch providing weight transfer
through different mechanisms. This study aims to determine
which crutch is best for patients, with specific reference to
crutch gait and stability.
Materials and methods: This is a level 2 prospective cohort
study, recruiting 20 volunteers between 40 to 80 years old.
Participants underwent 3 stations in 3 point crutch gait:
straight line ambulation of 20m, timed-up-and-go-test, and
computerised dynamic posturography. Participants also
answered a subjective questionnaire on their crutch
Results: Axillary crutches demonstrated a faster speed of
ambulation compared to forearm crutches (Axillary crutch
v=0.5m/s, Forearm crutch v=0.44m/s, p=0.002). There was a
lower increase in heart rate post activity for axillary crutches.
For the timed-up-and-go test, completing the circuit with
Axillary crutches was faster (t=63.06, p<0.001) versus the
forearm crutch (t=75.36, p<0.001). For computerised
dynamic posturography, participants recorded lower effort
scores for backward tilts when using axillary crutches
(39.13, p=0.0497) versus forearm crutches (42.03,
p=0.0497). Subjectively, majority of participants felt that
axillary crutches had an easier learning curve and were
superior in the areas of ambulation, balance and stability.
Conclusion: Our study demonstrated that axillary crutches
were superior to forearm crutches for 3-point crutch gait;
axillary crutches had a faster ambulation speed, required less
effort during use, provided superior stability and were the
preferred choice subjectively. This study would be helpful
for clinicians and therapists when prescribing mobility aids
to individuals with impaired gait.
7.Use of Fibrin Glue as a Surgical Adjunct in Bone Grafting of Fracture Non-unions
Kunnasegaran R ; Ng JW ; Kwek EBK
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2024;18(No.2):49-54
Introduction: Non-union of long bones is a common
challenge in the treatment of fractures. Bone grafting is
commonly used to treat atrophic non-union, but mechanical
displacement of the graft may occur, resulting in delay or
failure of treatment. Fibrin glue has demonstrated positive
results in management of bone defects in neurosurgery and
oromaxillary facial surgery, however, there has yet to be any
study on its use in long bone fractures.
Materials and methods: We conducted a prospective
randomised controlled trial at a single tertiary centre
involving adult patients with long bone fractures that had
undergone non-union and requiring bone grafting only.
Autologous iliac crest bone graft was applied to the debrided
non-union site, with additional fibrin glue applied for the
intervention arm. Patients were followed-up with serial
radiographs until clinical and radiographical union.
Results: Ten patients (3 male, 7 female), of mean age 41.7
(19 – 63) were recruited over five years, with one drop out.
Eight out of nine fractures united after treatment. One patient
underwent hypertrophic non-union requiring re-fixation and
bone grafting. There was no difference in the time to union
for patients in the fibrin glue group (19.5 weeks) versus the
control group (18.75 weeks) (p=0.86). There were no
complications sustained from usage of fibrin glue.
Conclusions: Fibrin glue appears to be a safe adjunct for
treatment of non-union of long bone fractures across varying
fracture sites by holding the bone graft in place despite not
demonstrating a faster time to union.
8.Lower Limb Malrotation following Minimally Invasive Plating in Distal Tibia Fractures
Yap WMQ ; Ng JW ; Lee MJJR ; Kwek EBK
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2024;18(No.1):140-149
Introduction: Minimally invasive percutaneous
osteosynthesis (MIPO) plating techniques have
demonstrated good outcomes in the treatment of distal tibia
fractures. Early arthritis and functional impairment may
occur if length and rotation are not restored. This study aims
to determine the incidence and severity of tibia malrotation
following MIPO plating of isolated unilateral distal tibia
fractures, defined as torsional difference of greater than 10°
as compared to the contralateral limb and whether the degree
of malrotation affects functional outcomes scores.
Materials and methods: This was a level 2 prospective
cohort study. All patients with fractures of the distal tibia
who underwent surgical fixation with the exclusion of
patients with polytrauma, neurovascular injuries or preexisting disabilities were recruited. Patients underwent
MIPO plating followed by a post-operative Computed
Tomography (CT) scan of bilateral lower limbs. AOFAS
ankle-hindfoot score was recorded at six months and one
year follow-up.
Results: A total of 24 patients (28 to 83 years old) were
recruited. Nineteen patients obtained CT scans. Nine of the
19 patients (47.3%) had tibia malrotation. The mean tibia
malrotation angle was 10.3° (0° - 45°). The average AOFAS
scores was 82.4 and 84.3 at 6 months and 1 year follow-up.
Degree of CT malrotation was not significantly associated
with AOFAS scores at 6 month (spearman rho -0.386) and 1
year (spearman rho -0.343).
Conclusions: Tibia malrotation following MIPO plating of
distal tibia fractures is common, with an incidence of 47.3%
and an average malrotation angle of 10.3°. The degree of
malrotation does not appear to have significant mid-term
functional impact on the patient.