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Author:( Kuniaki IKEDA)

2.Preoperative flexion contracture is a predisposing factor for cartilage degeneration at the patellofemoral joint after open wedge high tibial osteotomy

Shuhei OTSUKI ; Kuniaki IKEDA ; Hitoshi WAKAMA ; Nobuhiro OKUNO ; Yoshinori OKAMOTO ; Tomohiro OKAYOSHI ; Yuki MIYAMOTO ; Masashi NEO

The Journal of Korean Knee Society 2020;32(4):e55-

3.Preoperative flexion contracture is a predisposing factor for cartilage degeneration at the patellofemoral joint after open wedge high tibial osteotomy

Shuhei OTSUKI ; Kuniaki IKEDA ; Hitoshi WAKAMA ; Nobuhiro OKUNO ; Yoshinori OKAMOTO ; Tomohiro OKAYOSHI ; Yuki MIYAMOTO ; Masashi NEO

The Journal of Korean Knee Society 2020;32(4):e55-

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