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Author:( Kristina Devora)

1.Physical activity patterns of college students of the University of Santo Tomas.

Reil Vinard Espino ; Consuelo Gonzalez-Suarez ; Karen Leslie Pineda ; Stephanie Ann Balid-Attwell ; Kristina Devora ; Diane Mendoza

Philippine Journal of Allied Health Sciences 2020;3(2):36-46

2.Translation and validation of the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly in Filipino community-dwelling older adult fallers and non-fallers

Donald Lipardo ; Eudinel Joshua Lopez ; Sharmaine Santiago ; Mariel Tubig ; Gerard Joseph Enriquez ; Carmela Grace Canares ; Marc Pagaduan ; Kristina Devora

Philippine Journal of Allied Health Sciences 2019;3(1):1-8

3.Muscle activation pattern of gluteus medius, tibialis anterior and peroneus longus during drop landing on different surfaces: A cross-sectional study.

Ken Erbvin Sosa ; Kristina Devora ; Rino Luis Santiago ; Shyllah Trish Abando ; Samuel John Chua ; Ria Jasmine de Leon ; Raphael Jose Maria Eala ; Iana Joy Famy ; Anselm Raphael Garvida ; Liezelle Soriano

Philippine Journal of Allied Health Sciences 2020;4(1):31-38

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