1.A Study of New Evaluation Method for Lower-back Pain. (Part I).
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 1994;44(2):155-162
I have tried to examine the objectivity of the evaluation method of treatment effects on patients with lower-back pain by testing on 31 healthy adults.
Particularly, I have tried to prepare a much more simple and objective measurement device as an evaluation method for lower-back pain. In doing so. I have made an assumption that was based on the range of motion of chest and lower-back. Through this, I was able to identify a method which easily and objectively measures the position and the angle in range of motion when one bends forward, backward, and side ways without using a goniometer. When this method was tested on patients with lower-back pain, I was able to objectively corroborate a mitigation and relief from pain among those who supplicated lower-back pain.
2.A Study of New Evaluation Method for Lower-Back Pain. (Part II).
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 1994;44(2):163-169
In my former report, I have discussed the new evaluation method which easily and objectively measures the range of motion when one bends forward, backward, and sideways without using a goniometer.
This time, based on this new evaluation method of lower-back pain, I have compared and examined the treatment effects of acupuncture alone and the effects of acupuncture combined with exercises for lower-back pain.
The result of my study indicates that one can expect a quicker effect in a combination treatment of acupuncture and exercises for lower-back pain than on acupuncture treatment alone. One can expect an immediate effect in acupuncture stimulation, but this treatment is poor in durance. The most effective way to accumulate the treatment effect is to perform an acupuncture on a regular basis while doing the exercises for lower-back pain.
3.Acupuncture and the Autonomous Reflex (3)
Kazushi Nishijo ; Kazuhiro Yazawa ; Hidetoshi Mori ; Keishi Yoshikawa ; Tomomi Sakai ; Kozo Nemoto
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 1982;31(4):342-349
Using the peripheral-visceral reflex, one of the peripheral-autonomous reflexes as a clue we grappled with the problem of clarifying or explaining the acupuncture-moxibustion therapeutic effect meridians, acupoints, etc. At this time using principaly the peripheral-cardiac reflex and the circulatory function as an index, a survey examination concerning the differences in peripeheral responses with acupuncture and moxibustion was conducted.
Subjects: 32 healthy female and male adults between the ages of 22-40.
Method of Observing Physiological Phenomena:
Changesd in heartbeat were observed using an electrocardiograph (manufactured by Fukuda Electronics Inc.) and a polygraph (Nihon KODEN, Inc.). The pulse wave, respiration curve, etc., were simultaneously measured and recorded on the polygraph. Based on the above the patient was alowed to recline until the heart beat stabilized then stimulation was administered.
Area and Method of Stimulation: The point of stimulation in all but 2 cases was HC-4. In 2 cases 14 points over the entire body were used. Moxibustion stimulation involved 3 cones of moxa weighing 3.65mg. each. For acupuncture stimulation 1.3 TSUN No. 3 silver needles (manufactured by Aoki) were inserted to a depth of 2cm. and pecking at a rate of once per second administered for 30 seconds.
Results: The results of acupuncture-moxibustion stimulation at left HC-4 were that with acupuncture the heart beat decreases and with moxibustion stimulation quickens. In the individual 32 cases when these opposite responses of decreased pace with acupuncture, increased pace with moxibustion occured there was indicated a significant occurence with a danger rate of 1%.
4.The Clinical Studies of the Protective Effects of Acupuncture on the Habitual Tonsilitis
Keishi Yoshikawa ; Kazushi Nisijo ; Kazuhiro Yazawa ; Hidetoshi Mori ; Tomomi Sakai ; Kozo Nemoto ; Kiyomi Gennai ; Kazuo Sasaki ; Akihiro Ogata ; Kyoko Oda ; Toshikazu Shima ; Kiyokazu Kubota ; Hiroshi Mineta ; Hideko Kamio ; Akemi Yamamoto
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 1982;31(4):372-380
We administered electro-acupuncture with the purpose of preventing repeated attacks of repetitive tonsillities.
The majority of the 77 subjects were kindergarden and elementary shool children, who had high fiver more then 4 times a year.
The treatment method was as follows: 1Hz low frequency stimulation between Co 4 and lu 6 (and this bilateral) for 20 to 30 minutes.
The treatment interval was once a week, with 3 weeks constituting a treatment course.
And depending on the results of 1 course, the treatment was repeated or not. 53 patients followed 1 course, 24 patients followed 2 course.
The evaluaton of the results is based on a 1 year observation period.
-9 patients (11.68%) didn't got any high fever.
-49 patients (63.63%) noticed a decrease of the high fever frequency [39 patients (50.64%) got less then 3 times a year a high fever.]
-19 patients (24.67%) didn't notice any effect [6 patients (7.79%) got tonsillectomy.]
This study showed the usefulness of acupuncture and as it's a general and easy to apply therapy, we can consider acupuncture as a first choice therapy for the prevention off repetitive tosillitis.