1.Off-pump CABG and Right Axillo-bifemoral Artery Bypass in a Patient with Totally Calcified Ascending Aorta and Leriche's Syndrome.
Koji Ogata ; Koji Tsuchiya ; Hideki Ozawa ; Hideki Sasaki ; Narutoshi Hibino
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2001;30(6):327-330
A 40-year-old man was admitted because of coronary heart disease with a totally calcified ascending aorta and Leriche's syndrome. Establishing a cardiopulmonary bypass seemed to be difficult because neither the ascending aorta nor femoral artery was suitable as a cannulation site. It was not until a prosthetic conduit for revascularization of the lower extremities was anastomosed to the right axillary artery in preparation for the conversion from off-pump to on-pump that off-pump CABG was performed. Subsequently revascularization of the lower extremities was completed. The patient had a satisfactory postoperative course. Off-pump CABG is useful for patients with a severely calcified ascending aorta and occlusive lesions below the descending aorta.
2.A Case of Leaflet Folding Plasty for Mitral Regurgitation due to Bilateral Commissural Prolapse
Hiroshi Amano ; Koji Tsuchiya ; Masato Nakajima ; Kensuke Kobayashi ; Koki Takizawa
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2005;34(3):209-211
We report a 77-year-old woman who underwent mitral valve repair using leaflet folding plasty for mitral regurgitation due to bilatelal commissural prolapse. A Carpentier prosthetic ring was applied to remodel the annulus and to reinforce repair. Postoperative echocardiography revealed no regurgitation and good mitral valve opening. Leaflet folding plasty is considered to be a simple and effective technique to accomplish mitral valve repair for mitral regurgitation due to commissural prolapse.
3.Surgical Treatment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in Octogenarians.
Narutoshi Hibino ; Koji Tsuchiya ; Masato Nakajima ; Hideki Sasaki ; Harunobu Matsumoto ; Yuji Naito
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2002;31(5):321-324
We reviewed 223 cases of surgical treatment for abdominal aortic aneurysm in octogenarians in this hospital between 1981 and 2000, and investigated the characteristic features, complications, and indications of the operation. The cases were divided into two age groups. Group O included 23 cases of octogenarians, and Group Y included 200 cases of patients under 80 years old. The average age was 68.6 years old in group Y (33-79 years old), and 83 years old in group O (80-93 years old). The hospital mortality rate was 0% in elective operation cases. In emergency operation case, Group O had a hospital mortality rate of 57.1%, significantly higher than the 6.1% for group Y. The hospital mortality rate was 17% in group O and 0.5% in group Y. The rate of emergency operation case was significantly higher in group O (30.4%) compared to group Y (16.5%). As for the preoperative complications, group O had more cases of renal dysfunction, COPD and gastrointestinal complication. As for the coronary artery disease and other cardiovascular complications, there were no significant differences between the groups. In the postoperative complication, group O had more cases of ileus, pneumonia, and cardiovascular disease. These complications were fatal in group O. These results suggest that surgical treatment for abdominal aortic aneurysm was performed safely in both groups for elective operations. Because the results of emergency operations are poor, early diagnosis and treatment seem to be important for the improvement of operative results.
4.A Case of Surgical Treatment for Type A Aortic Dissection in a Patient with Tracheostomy.
Harunobu Matsumoto ; Koji Tsuchiya ; Masato Nakajima ; Hideki Sasaki ; Narutoshi Hibino ; Kimio Yamamoto
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2003;32(1):31-33
The approach for the heart and proximal aorta in a patient with a tracheostomy poses difficult problems such as mediastinitis and inadequate operative exposure. We report a case of successful surgical treatment for type A aortic dissection in a patient with tracheostomy using a Y shaped skin incision and median full-sternotomy. A 63-year-old woman with a tracheostomy was referred to our hospital because of type A thrombosed aortic dissection and cardiac tamponade. At first we treated the patient conseservatively, but follow-up CT taken on the 20th day after onset revealed that false lumen of the ascending aorta was patent and the size of ascending aorta had increased to 6cm in diameter. We therefore performed hemiarch replacement (24mm Hemashield gold graft) through a Y shaped skin incision and median full-sternotomy. The postoperative course was uneventful and she was discharged on the 19th postoperative day.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1984;33(3):142-147
The Cobb's and Ferguson's methods are widely used in order to measure scoliotic angle using the X-ray photograph. Since the scoliotic angle is detected on the bases of the positions of only two and three spines, the measured value includes various kinds of errors. Thus, the present study was designed to examine accuracy and reliability of the Cobb's and Ferguson's methods. The scoliotic angle corresponding to the Cobb's and Ferguson's method were computed using the least square approximating curve that was obtained on the basis of the positions of spines from thoracic to lumbar vertebrae.
As a result, it was found that the scoliotic angle by means of the clinical Cobb's method was closely correlated to that by the least square method with positive correlation coefficient of 0.98. On the other hands, the Ferguson's method showed less relation to the least square method. Thus, it was confirmed that the Cobb's method was more reliable for diagonsis of the scoliosis.
6.Issues on Blood Pressure Values in Local Residents and Necessity of Community Pharmacist’s Support for Hypertensive Residents
Masahiro YAMADA ; Koji TOKUMO ; Yasuhiro HIRATA ; Daiju TSUCHIYA ; Masahiro OKADA ; Jun KAMISHIKIRYO ; Hiroshi ONOUE ; Nobuhiro NAGASAKI ; Masakazu HIROSE ; Eijiro KOJIMA ; Itsuko YOKOTA ; Narumi SUGIHARA
Japanese Journal of Social Pharmacy 2024;43(1):12-21
Health support activities for residents were held three times during a period from June, 2016 to November, 2017. The residents registered in order to participate through 11 community pharmacies. Participant’s blood pressure values were measured at the venue of health support activities by pharmacists. The blood pressure values in 66 of the 106 participants were analyzed, excluding 40 participants receiving medical treatment. The rate of participants with hypertension, systolic blood pressure (SBP)≧140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure (DBP)≧90 mmHg, was 32% (21/66). Of those with hypertension, 43% (9/21) had hypertension of a high risk level, SBP≧160 mmHg or DBP≧100 mmHg. Pharmacists provided lifestyle counseling and encouraged them to make changes in order to achieve tighter blood pressure control. The data of their blood pressure values were provided to community pharmacies for continuing support of their blood pressure control. With the pharmacist’s support, the median value of blood pressure of participants who had hypertension decreased in the second event. In addition, 50% (3/6) of participants who attended the second event with hypertension of high risk level, visited the hospital for a consultation with a doctor after getting pharmacist’s advice. These results indicate that greater access to community pharmacists improved blood pressure control of residents with hypertension. However, there were many residents who consider it difficult to use pharmacies without a prescription. Hence, friendly relationship to residents on their utilizing pharmacies is needed for providing them lifestyle counseling such as preventing hypertension by pharmacists.