1.Cardiac Rupture Caused by Blunt Trauma: Pitfalls in Diagnosis and Treatment.
Teruyuki Koyama ; Shin-ichi Endo ; Yosuke Kitanaka ; Koichi Nishimura ; Shigeki Funaki ; Hiroshi Takei ; Tomizo Hiekata
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1998;27(6):345-350
Diagnosis of cardiac rupture caused by blunt trauma is sometimes difficult when multi-organ injuries are associated with profound shock. Only prompt diagnosis and urgent treatment can save the patients. We have encountered 16 cases of blunt cardiac rupture, including 4 that survived in the past 10 years. All cases of cardiopulmonary arrest on arrival were unable to be resuscitated. Also, all cases of profound hemorrhagic shock caused by multi-organ injury succumbed. Among the cases in which the region of cardiac rupture was identified, only cases of injury to the right heart chambers were saved. No case of rupture in the left heart chambers survived. It is definitely important to suspect cardiac injury and make a prompt diagnosis to save patients with blunt chest trauma. Ultrasonic cardiography is highly effective for urgent diagnosis of cardiac rupture because it can be performed readily, noninvasively and, therefore, repeatedly.
2.Experimental Study on the Evaluation of the Right Ventricular Function Using a Modified Swan-Ganz Catheter.
Yuichi ONO ; Atsushi NARITA ; Koji NAGAO ; Kou TAKEUCHI ; Satoshi IWABUCHI ; Kuniaki SHUTO ; Kozo FUKUI ; Koichi KOYAMA ; Sohei SUZUKI ; HISAAKI KOIE
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1992;21(2):126-132
We tried to evaluate the right ventricular function using a modified Swan-Ganz catheter with a rapid responsive thermistor. Twenty-four dogs comprised this series. Twelve were the model of left heart failure (Group A), and the other twelve were the model of right heart failure (Group B) produced by multiple ligation of coronary arteries. Dogs were studied for some of the circulatory indices before and after ligation with left atrial pressure at 10, 15 and 20mmHg in group A, and right atrial pressure at 10, 15 and 20mmHg in group B by volume loading. In group A, when the left atrial pressure was kept constant, right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) and right ventricular stroke work index (RVSWI) were decreased significantly after the ligation of coronary arteries. But there was no significant change in the peak right ventricular pressure-right ventricular endsystolic volume index ratio (peak RVP/RVESVI) associated with ligation. In group B, significant changes were observed in RVEF, RVSWI and peak RVP/RVESVI. Thus, it was found that right ventricular contractility in selective left heart failure was not reduced. Emax was considered to be a valuable index of ventricular contractility not affected by preload and afterload of ventricle, but this index is not easily measured clinically. The index peak RVP/RVESVI which is nearly equivalent to Emax, has an advantage in that it can be determined by the thermodilution method widely used in general. We conclude that this index is very useful to us for post-operative care in cardiac surgery.
3.Arterial Reconstruction with Prosthetic Grafts in the Bilateral External Iliac Artery of Infant.
Teruyuki Koyama ; Shigeki Funaki ; Yosuke Kitanaka ; Koichi Nishimura ; Tomizou Hiekata ; Masahide Yoshimaru ; Tatsuki Toyokawa ; Tadanori Kawada ; Noboru Yamate
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1999;28(1):65-68
Prosthetic grafts have been employed in a limited number of pediatric patients with peripheral vascular lesions. We treated an iatrogenic obstruction of bilateral external iliac arteries in a child. The patient was a six-year-old girl whose chief complaints were intermittent claudication, and lower limb pain when exposed to cold. She had a history of coarctation complex for which she had undergone repeated catheterizations by puncture of both femoral arteries in her infancy. At the age of four, two-stage operation was performed: resection of the coarctation and end-to-end anastomosis, and direct closure of ventricular septal defect. Angiography performed through the brachial artery demonstrated obstruction of the bilateral external iliac arteries. Both right and left femoral artery were visualized through the collateral artery from the ipsilateral internal iliac artery. Because she became afflicted with lower limb ischemia a revascularization procedure was indicated. A 6mm expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) bypass graft was implanted bilaterally between the internal iliac artery and the common femoral artery with end-to-side anastomosis. Ischemic symptoms disappeared postoperatively and MR-angiogram performed nine days after surgery also showed the patency of the graft. It is a great concern, however, that the length of the graft may become relatively shorter with the growth of the patient. It is also anticipated that the lower limbs may suffer relatively insufficient blood flow in the future.
4.Ultrasonographic mass screening of abdominal organs. The significance and the problems of the new mass screening system.
Shuichi MIHARA ; Masahiro TAMANAGA ; Ryuichi NARIMATSU ; Katsuhiro NAGANO ; Hiroyuki KOBA ; Akito NISHIONO ; Naomi YAMASHITA ; Koichi YAMASHITA ; Atsuko KOYANAGI ; Wasaku KOYAMA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1987;36(1):22-28
The remarkable progress and spread of ultrasonic diagnostic equipment has maid it possible to diagnose various diseases more easily and quickly.
From August, 1983, we began to examine abdominal organs such as the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidney, spleen, and bile duct using ultrasonic diagnostic equipment in the Health Care Center. On the other hand, we began ultrasonographic (US) mass screening for the people in the rural areas and occupational areas from March, 1984.
We examined 9803 subjects in the Health Care Center and 11558 subjects in 23 rural areas and 15 occupational areas of Kumamoto Prefecture through June, 1986. Among these 21361 subjects, 6882 (32.2 percent) cases showed abnormal findings. Main diseases detected by US screening were gallstone, gallbladder polyp, liver cyst, liver tumor, renal cyst, renal tumor, renal stone, and so on.
In the Health Care Center we could find 23 cancer cases such as two gallbladder cancer cases, seven hepatoma cases, twelve renal cell carcinoma cases, one bile duct carcinoma case, and one gastric cancer case. The prevalence rate was 0.23 percent. On the other hand, 14 cancer cases such as two gallbladder cancer cases, three hepatoma cases, two metastatic liver cancer cases, four renal cell carcinoma cases, one transitional cell carcinoma case of the kidney, and one pancreas cancer case were found in the US mass screening. The prevalence rate was 0.12 percent.
By using ultrasonic diagnostic equipment, we can find many latent diseases which show no abdominal findings by the traditional screening systems. Especially the fact that we discovered many cancer cases and the majority of them were operated on in their early stage was highly important. If we had no chance to examine these patients by US examination, these cancer cases could probably not have been discovered.
To conqure various problems such as the training of examiners, the systematization of these thorough examinations as well as post examination therapy, and the education of examinees will difinitely contribute significantly to the effectiveness of the US mass screening method.
6.General anesthesia using remimazolam and remifentanil in combination with local anesthetics without neuromuscular blocking agents in a patient with myotonic dystrophy
Yukihide KOYAMA ; Haruko NISHIKAWA ; Yoriko MURASE ; Kei MORITA ; Koichi TSUZAKI
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2023;76(4):391-393
8.Assessment of Acupuncture Student's Clinical Competence (2)
Miki KAYANUMA ; Naoki TANI ; Yuka OKUNO ; Yoshitaka HORIBE ; Masaki YATA ; Hiroyoshi KIMURA ; Tetsuya KOYAMA ; Koichi MIZUNO ; Hiroshi KANEKO ; Seiichi SUGIYAMA ; Shohachi TANZAWA
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2002;52(1):62-71
9.Relationship between Arterial Keton Body Ratio(AKBR) and Hepatic Blood Flow after Extracorporeal Circulation.
Koh TAKEUCHI ; Kozo FUKUI ; Koichi KOYAMA ; Mitsuhiro SAWADA ; Shouichi TAKAHASHI ; Yoshitsugu YAMADA ; Yuichi ONO ; Satoshi IWABUCHI ; Kuniaki SHUTO ; Sohei SUZUKI ; Hisaaki KOIE
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1992;21(2):141-148
Recently, arterial keton body ratio (AKBR) has attracted attention as a new indicator of liver function which is in equibilium with the ratio between oxidized and reduced forms of free nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotides (free NAD+/NADH ration) in the mitochondria. There are few reports on whether AKBR contributes to the hepatic energy charge in the open heart surgery with extra corporeal circulation (ECC) or not. This study was undertaken to clarify the contribution of AKBR to the hepatic energy charge during ECC and the relationship between AKBR and hepatic blood flow. AKBR was determined before, during and after ECC in the open heart surgery for 14 patients. Furthermore, the blood flow in hepatic artery, portal vein and liver microcirculation was measured before, during and after ECC in canine models. Finally, the pulsatile perfusion was performed in canine models and compared with the conventional non-pulsatile perfusion for the blood flow and AKBR. In clinical cases, AKBR was decreased in all cases during the ECC. AKBR which was measured at 2 or 3hr after weaning from the ECC was negatively correlated to the total perfusion time with -0.57 as the correlation coefficient. Six patients who were on the ECC over 180min did not show a good recovery of the AKBR after weaning from the ECC. Especially, three patients presented a clinical picture of acute hepatic failure with jaundice, elevation of the serum levels of transaminase and direct hyperbililubinemia, but only one showed hypoglycemia. These patients showed no improvement in clinical data and AKBR. The patient with improved AKBR recovered clinically. In our experiment, the blood flow in the hepatic artery, portal vein was measured by electromagnetic blood flow meter and the liver microcirculation was measured by laserdoppler flowmeter. The blood flow was decreased remakably in the non-pulsatile group at all sites of measurement: it recovered after ECC in hepatic artery and portal vein, but liver microcirculation did not improve well. AKBR was decreased during ECC and did not recover after ECC in the non-pulsatile perfusion. When the pulsatile perfusion was performed, liver circulation was maintained well, and AKBR recovered well after ECC. The above results suggest that AKBR reflects the liver microcirculation and pulsatile perfusion is beneficial to the liver microcirculation. Pulsatile circulation, however, involves several problems, hemolysis, the decrease of platelets, and so on, but these problems have been improved gradually. We think that the pulsatile perfusion will be used in clinical operations to maintain the good hepatic circulation.
10.Non-invasive continuous blood pressure monitoring using the ClearSight system for pregnant women at high risks of post-partum hemorrhage: comparison with invasive blood pressure monitoring during cesarean section
Takuya MISUGI ; Takashi JURI ; Koichi SUEHIRO ; Kohei KITADA ; Yasushi KURIHARA ; Mie TAHARA ; Akihiro HAMURO ; Akemi NAKANO ; Masayasu KOYAMA ; Takasi MORI ; Daisuke TACHIBANA
Obstetrics & Gynecology Science 2022;65(4):325-334
This study aimed to investigate the accuracy and precision of continuous, non-invasive blood pressure obtained using the ClearSight system by comparing it with invasive arterial blood pressure, and to assess the hemodynamic changes using invasive methods and the ClearSight system in patients undergoing cesarean section.
Arterial pressure was measured invasively with an intra-arterial catheter and non-invasively using the ClearSight system during cesarean section in patients with placenta previa or placenta accreta. Blood pressure measurements obtained using these two means were then compared.
Total 1,277 blood pressure measurement pairs were collected from 21 patients. Under Bland-Altman analysis, the ClearSight system demonstrated an acceptable accuracy with a bias and standard deviation of 8.8±13.4 mmHg for systolic blood pressure, -6.3±7.1 mmHg for diastolic blood pressure, and -2.7±8.0 mmHg for median blood pressure. Cardiac index levels were significantly elevated during fetal delivery and 5 minutes after placental removal, and systemic vascular resistance index levels were significantly decreased during fetal delivery and 40 minutes after placental removal.
In patients undergoing cesarean section, the ClearSight system showed excellent accuracy and precision compared to that of the currently used invasive monitoring system.